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AuthorTitleSubjectDatePublication Type
1 Kingston, T. RayA correlation of the bacterial flora of the nasopharynx and the urinary tract to "Bacterial Allergy."Urinary Organs; Microbiology; Nasopharynx1951thesis
2 Clark, David A.An Investigation of the in vitro metabolism of cortisone by surviving liver slices.Metabolism; Phpysiological Effects:1950thesis
3 Gyi, Ko Ko.Aspects of the ingestive and cytopeptic action of phagocytes.Mice; Spleen1957-03thesis
4 Donaldson, David MillerAspects of the relationship between irradiation injury and mammalian host defenses.Focal Infection; Physiological; Immunology1954thesis
5 Martin, Robert PackardBiochemical conversion of progesterone to orchic androgensPhysiology; Biosynthesis1956-06thesis
6 Morris, Allan J.Biosynthesis of pancreatic ribonucleaseBiosynthesis; Orcinol; Analysis1959-08thesis
7 Rosevear, John W.The carbohydrate component of a human gamma globulinBiochemistry1958-03thesis
8 McFadden, Mary LouiseChemical studies of antibodies and other serum gamma globulinsImmunoglobulins; Gamma globulins1954-07thesis
9 Knight, Ralph A.Chemical, serologic and skin test activities of polysaccharides extracted from Histoplasma capsulatum and Blastomyces dermatitidisFungi; Polysaccharides1958-08thesis
10 Proctor, Charles M.The chemistry of egg white lysozymeLysozyme; Chemical Reactions1949thesis
11 Westcott, Wayne L.The chemistry of the nucleic acids.Analysis; Nucleotides1949thesis
12 Brown, ImogeneComparison of the biochemical and oxidative reactions of aureomycin-resistant and aureomycin-sensitive strains of micrococcus pyogenes var. aureusMicroccoccus; Drug resistance in microorganisms; Aureomycin1952thesis
13 Levedahl, Blaine H.Comparison of the metabolism of testosterone and methyltestosterone and their relation to the in vitro metabolism of creatine and guanidoacetic acidMetabolism; Creatine1949thesis
14 Fukushima, TairaConcentration of acid-fast bacilli with water-insoluble liquidsIsolation; Purification1956-08thesis
15 Kimmel, Joe RCrystalline Papain.Biochemistry; Recrystallization1954-08thesis
16 Hill, Trudy R. WilliamsDehydrogenase studies of Chorioallantioic fluids infected with influenza A virus (PRS)Dehydrogenases; Allantoic Fluids1950thesis
17 Brown, Herbert EnsignDiurnal variation of blood leucocytes in normal and adrenalectomized miceHematocrit; Adrenalectomy1955thesis
18 Rudolph, Guilford G.Early effects of testosterone propionate on the seminal vesicles of castrate ratsSiminal Vesicles; Rats1948thesis
19 Vernadakis, AntoniaEffect of cortisol and deoxycorticosterone acetate on brain amino acid and electrolyte metabolismPhysiology1957-06thesis
20 Perkins, Eugene HafenEffect of immunization on defense mechanisms against infectious disease in irradiated animals1958-08thesis
21 Levedahl, Blaine H.Effect of testosterone and methy-testosterone on the creatine, creatinine and guanidoacetic acid levels of plasms and urineMetabolism; Guanidoacetic Acid1948-06thesis
22 Goldthorpe, Fred Coldwell.The Effect on mortality of 11-dehydro-17-hydroxy corticosterone and adrenocorticotropic hormones on secondary shock following thermal burns in mice.Mice; Burns; Cortisone Acetate1952thesis
23 Watson, Eloise JeanEnzymatic hydrolysis of glutamine and glutathione by glutaminaseEnzymatic Hydrolysis1949thesis
24 Plager, John EverettEnzymic reactions of the adrenal gland involved in the hydroxylation of carbons 17 and 21 of the pregnene nucleus.Enzymology;Steroids Synthesis1953thesis
25 Patel, Dali Jehangir.Evaluation of surgery in rheumatic heart disease.Hemodyamic; Electrocardiographic1955-05thesis
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