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AuthorTitleSubjectDatePublication Type
1 Orton, Janette AndersonAutomation of performance measuresHealth Care Quality, Access, and Evaluation2003-05thesis
2 Clark, David A.An Investigation of the in vitro metabolism of cortisone by surviving liver slices.Metabolism; Phpysiological Effects:1950thesis
3 Hilden, KristenThe development of a feedback program for the LDS Hospital Radiology DepartmentUtah; Radiology, Medical; Salt Lake City2002-12thesis
4 Fukushima, TairaConcentration of acid-fast bacilli with water-insoluble liquidsIsolation; Purification1956-08thesis
5 Woodie, James DavidMechanism of virulence and inhibition of influenza type (A) virus during mouse and egg adaptation.Mice; Microbiology1951thesis
6 Kilberg, Laura J.Prospective study: an evaluation of the implementation and efficiency of a trauma triage systemEmergency Treatment; Traumatology; Triage; Emergency Medical Services; Trauma Centers1987-06thesis
7 Roosevelt, Theodore StevenThe effects of adrenal corticosteroids on oxygen utilization in ratsPhysiology; Anatomy1972-06thesis
8 Guedelhoefer IV, Otto CharlesCharacterization of adult stem cell migration in the planarian schmidtea mediterranea2011-08dissertation
9 Russell, Joel EdwardComputerized emergency department logHELP; Hospital Information System; Admitting Records1989-03thesis
10 Hicken, Val NormanDetecting data variation in disparate perinatal clinical systems using a triangulated approach of data concept analysis, clinician perception study, and patient record review2004-05thesis
11 Petros, Lorin MariePolyamine stimulation of antizyme frameshiftingCell Physiology2006-05dissertation
12 Palma, Lombardo F.Salt Lake survey of health care and health beliefs: a comparison of Hispanics and Anglo-AmericansAnthropology; Health Care1986-03thesis
13 Patton, Gregory AlanValuing health information systemsIntermountain Health Care (Utah)1999-12thesis
14 Sasani, Thomas ArianThe long and short of it: investigating genome evolution using next-generation sequencing technologies2019dissertation
15 Ang, DeborahThe role of the Escherichia coli heat shock protein, grpE, in Escherichia coli growth and [1ambda] DNA replication.Genetics; DNA Replication1988-12dissertation
16 Taylor, Roger NorrisDerivation of evaluation survey data from proficiency testing for infectious mononucleosisMonuncleosis1974-12dissertation
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