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AuthorTitleSubjectDatePublication Type
1 Allen-Brady, Kristina LisaStudy of familial breast cancer: identifying additional breast cancer susceptibility lociGenetics; Etiology; Utah Cancer Registry2006-05dissertation
2 Blackburn, Brenna E.The Long-term health effects and healthcare costs of thyroid cancer survivors in population-based cohort studyMedicine; Public health; Epidemiology2017dissertation
3 Simmons, Rebecca GraceExamining associations between specific physical activity variables and cancer incidencePublic health; Oncology2016-12dissertation
4 Jim, JillHealthcare cost and utilization differences among American Indian and Alaska Native Compared with non-hispanic white patients with lung cancerPublic health; Ethnic studies; Health care management; Oncology2017dissertation
5 Soisson, Sean PatrickLong-term, adverse cardiovascular, genitourinary, and gastrointestinal outcomes among endometrial cancer survivors in a population-based cohort studyPublic health2017dissertation
6 Nkoy, Flory L.Improving surgical performance for early stage breast cancer across multiple institutionsIntermountain Health Care (Utah); Breast - Cancer - Surgery - Utah; Breast - Cancer - Surgery - Idaho; Medical informatics - Utah; Medical informatics - Idaho2005-12thesis
7 Austin, SharonRisk factors impacting colon and/or colorectal cancer mortality among American Indians/Native Americans and Non-Hispanic Whites2014-05dissertation
8 Sadler, Terry Duane.The Use of asbestos-cement pipe for public water supply and the incidence of cancer in selected communities in Utah, 1967-1976.Utah; Cancer; Pipe, Asbestos-Cement1979-08thesis
9 Eyob, HenokBreast cancer metastasis and the immune response MSP/RON signaling suppresses CD8 T cell activity and enables metastasisbiological sciences; health and environmental sciences; breast cancer; CD8 T cells; immunosuppresion; macrophage stimulating protein; metastasis2013-08dissertation
10 Hunt, Steven Charles.The Epidemiology of reproductive factors associated with breast cancer and their genetic interactions.Biostatistics; Genetic-Epidemiology1980-06dissertation
11 Hadley, Robert ThurstonPhysiological markers of human breast cancerBreast - Cancer1980-06thesis
12 Young, Erin LynnExpanding preventive breast cancer genetics: From high to moderate risk and from breast to pancreatic cancerBiological sciences; Breast cancer; Genetics; Pancreatic cancer; Genetics2016-12dissertation
13 Gudgeon, James MichaelOptimizing lynch syndrome index case finding in endometrial cancerCost effectiveness; decision analysis; genetic services; health services research; lynch syndrome screening; simulation modeling2018dissertation
14 Greaves, William WalterRelationship between lung cancer and distance of residence from a nonferrous smelter.Etiology; Lungs; Cancer1980-08thesis
15 McQuerry, Jasmine ArielLeveraging phenotypic profiling using omics analyses to combat refractory breast cancers2020dissertation
16 Stijleman, Inge JohannaExosomal non-coding RNAs for monitoring breast cancer patientsBiochemistry; Pathology; Immunology; Oncology2016-08thesis
17 AAlAbdulsalam, Abdulrahman KhalifaNovel applications of natural language processing and machine learning to extract information from clinical text and automate cancer stage collection in a central cancer registryInformation technology; Computer science; Medicine2018dissertation
18 Kim, Mun kyoungThe roles of Cyclooxygenase-2 and protein Kinase C delta in mutant epidemal growth factor receptor non-small cell lung cancer2015-12dissertation
19 Burningham, Zachary RobertInvestigating pediatric cancer risk utilizing the Utah population database2014-08dissertation
20 El-Chaar, Nader N.Genomics-guided personalized medicine in the treatment of complex cancer phenotypes2014-12dissertation
21 Chacko, Elizabeth AnneDissecting the role of Ron and SFRON co-expression in breast cancer tumor progression and metastasis2018thesis
22 Taylor, David P.Use of family history to improve risk prediction in clinical care: colorectal cancer as an example2011-05dissertation
23 Macneil, Shelley MDissecting cancer using computational pathway-analysisBioinformatics; Breast Cancer; Cancer; Computational Biology; Genomics; Pathway Analysis; Genetics; Pharmacology; Bioinformatics; Oncology2017dissertation
24 Hill, Jon RiceKinship survey of cancer in the Utah Mormon populationUtah; Mormon; Genetic Distances1980-09dissertation
25 Francy, Tiana ChristiineModest risk single nucleotide polymorphism polygene in breast cancer susceptibility2013-08thesis
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