301 - 325 of 675
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AuthorTitleSubjectDatePublication Type
301 Taylor, Joseph CharlesRelationship of fibrinolytic activity to the growth of baby hamster kidney cells in vitroInsulin; Proteins1973-08dissertation
302 Kim, Eun aInteraction of DNA-binding protein H-NS with the flagellar motor of E. coliHistones; Mutation; Up-Regulation; Plasmids; Protein Multimerization; Transcription Factors; Flagella; Methylation; Carrier Proteins; Helicobacter pylori; Molecular Motor Proteins; Mutation; Transcription Factors2013-12thesis
303 Gahring, Lorise CatherineEffects of ultraviolet radiation on the production of epidermal-derived thymocyte activating factor/interleukin-1Interleukin-11986-06dissertation
304 Nguyen, Long ThanhTransferability of medical knowledge-base: a case study between INTERNIST-1 and HELP1986-03dissertation
305 Moulton, Matthew JasonRoles of glycosyltransferases in drosophila development2017-08dissertation
306 Duncan, Robert NelsonAn investigation of WNT function in radial glial neural progenitor cells in the zebrafish hypothalamusBiological sciences; health and environmental sciences; neural development; radial glia; stem cells; Wnt signaling; zebrafish2015-08dissertation
307 Panichello, Janice Ann DavinArsenic in community drinking water systems and small for gestational age birth, pregnancy-related hypertension, and stillbirth in Utah, 1989-2006Health and environmental sciences; arsenic; drinking water; hypertension; preeclampsia; small for gestational age; stillbirth2011-05dissertation
308 Na, UnAssembly of succinate dehydrogenase in mitochondria: interplay between iron-sulfur cofactor insertion and subunit maturationPure sciences; biological sciences; assembly factor; iron-sulfur clusters; oxidative stress; succinate dehydrogenase2015-12dissertation
309 Li, Yu-Chuan.Automated probabilistic transformation of a large medical diagnostic support system.Medical Diagnostic; Iliad1995-03dissertation
310 He, ShanDevelopment of a Domain analysis model for electronic institutional review board systems: a feasibility study2013-08dissertation
311 Bunting, MichaelineDiacylglycerol signaling and metabolismLipids; Proteins1996-12dissertation
312 Bradshaw, Richard L.Feasibility of a computerized community-acquired pneumonia care process model in an outpatient settingTreatment; Utah; Computerizab;e Protocol; Arden Syntax Medical Logic2000-05thesis
313 Howell, William DwightFunction of the Wnt3 gene is required for mouse gastrulationEmbryology; Gastrulation; Wnt3; Embryonic Lethality; Molecular Biology2002-05dissertation
314 Angus-Hill, Melinda L.Functional and structural studies of chromatin remodelingChromatin; DNA - Metabolism2001-12dissertation
315 Diegel, Michael LeeIn vivo and in vitro growth of murine B cell lymphoma (BCL1): I; regulation of interleuk-in4 and interleuk-in5 production by murine T cells and II growth of an IL5 responsive lymphoma is not T cell dependentT Cells; Growth and Developoment1991-03thesis
316 Heale, Bret Scot EdwardPharmacogenomics information-seeking behavior and the openinfobutton solution2016-12thesis
317 Bates, Katherine L.Raw deal: antagonism of Drosophila Jun N-terminal kinase signalingPathogenic; Antagonists2005-05dissertation
318 Keahey, David J.The Salt Lake medical outreach clinic: recommendations for improving health care deliveryHealth Services Needs and Demand; Insurance, Health; Medical Indigency; Medically Underserved Area1989-06thesis
319 Jiang, ChanganSteroid regulation of programmed cell death during Drosophila metamorphosisPhysiology; Steroids1999-12dissertation
320 Carey, Clayton M.Patterns of genetic conflict in immune defenses and physiological processes targeted by pathogens2019dissertation
321 Smith, James CarrIliad: a computer program for managing personal bibliographic knowledge bases.Bibliography of Medicine; Databases, Bibliographic1986-06thesis
322 Taylor, Glenn NorthRadium retention and toxicity in melanocytes of the eyeBeagles; Melancoytes1970-08dissertation
323 Han, Hsiao-FenDissecting the role of ALP-1 and EAT-1 proteins in regulation of muscle structure and functionMuscle Contraction; Muscle Proteins; Caenorhabditis elegans2010-04-21dissertation
324 Osborne, Amber ValeriaThe Modulatory Role of Neuronal Nicotinic Receptors on Peripheral InflammationNicotine Receptors; Inflammation2010-02-08dissertation
325 Riches, Naomi OiwaMultipollutant profile of the air of Salt Lake City and the dried Lakebed Soil of the Great Salt Lake2019dissertation
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