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AuthorTitleSubjectDatePublication Type
1 Robson, Shannen LorraineHuman life histories in an evolutionary and comparative contextDentition; Encephalization; Heterogeneity; Life history; Marital fertility; Twinning2011-08dissertation
2 Beck, Raymond KellyThe molecular genetics of prehistoric hunting: inferring prey population histories with ancient dnaAncient DNA; Foraging ecology; Zooarchaeology2015-05dissertation
3 Balzotti, Christopher StephenExploring the use of fine resolution nested ecological niche models to identify greater sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) habitat and connectivity potential across a diverse landscapeClimate change; Habitat model; Landscape ecology; Niche model; Sagebrush; Sage-grouse2014-12dissertation
4 Kaufman, Erin A.Biosocial correlates of identity disturbance among suicidal youthBorderline personality disorder; Identity disturbance; Parent-child relations; Psychopathology; Psychophysiological responding; Suicide2014-08thesis
5 Conrad, Edward C.Using species distribution models to quantify climate change impacts on the rosy-finch superspecies: an alpine obligateboosted regression trees; calibrated AUC; climate change impacts; Leucosticte; niche modeling; random forest regression trees2015-08thesis
6 Hanson, Heidi AnneUnderstanding the determinants of aging and longevity: the influence of the social environment, biology, and heritability throughout the life courseAging; Cancer; Comorbidity; Health; Heritability2013-12dissertation
7 Magargal, KateSubsistence fires mediate human ecological relationships2019dissertation
8 Meldrum, GilbertComparative concepts and methodology used in the study of the family in France and in the United StatesSociology; France; United States1939-05-27thesis
9 Mohebali, DonyaExamination of serum cholesterol level and sociodemographic variablesBlood cholesterol; Blood Cholesterol - Social aspects; Blood cholesterol - Economic aspects2009honors thesis
10 Stone, Emily AnnSex ratio and women's aggressive competition in the outer islands of yapAggression; Mate Competition; Sex Ratio; Women2015-08dissertation
11 Parker, Christopher HughOn the evolution of human fire useAustralian Aborigines; Behavioral ecology; Fire ecology; Foraging theory; Homo erectus; Human evolution2015-05dissertation
12 Baskin, Robert LeRoyOccurrence and spatial distribution of microbial bioherms in Great Salt Lake, UtahDistribution; Great Salt Lake; Microbial bioherm; Microbialite; Stromatolite; Thrombolite2014-12dissertation
13 Martin, Erik Paul JohnsonAn examination of the role of costly signaling and projectile optimization in prehistoric large game hunting in the Great BasinBehavioral ecology; costly signaling; foraging theory; great basin; zooarchaeology2019dissertation
14 Schaaf, Abigail NUsing hyperspectral data to classify vegetation at the plant functional type-level in mountain terrain at three spatial resolutionsHyperspectral; Mountain terrain; Plant functional type; Spatial resolution; Spectral mixture analysis; Vegetation classification2010thesis
15 Eckhardt, Jessica LeeEnvironmental inequality and obesogenics: understanding the relationship between unequal exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals and obesity prevalenceHealth sciences; Environmental Justice; Sociology; Physiology2017dissertation
16 Ward, Mercedes MarieCommon property and cosmology: conservation incentives among the miskitu of nicaraguaCommon pool resource; Common property; Miskitu; Natural resource management; Sustainability; Wildlife conservation2015dissertation
17 Braun, Shelly BethNeo-shamanism as a healing system: enchanted healing in a modern worldAlternative spirituality; Complementary and alternative medicine; Modern shamanism; Neo-shaman(ism); Shamansim; Spiritual healing2010-07dissertation
18 Hollingshaus, Michael StevenSeeds of sorrow: a life-course approach to early-life parental death and later-life suicide and behavioral health riskDifferential vulnerability; Early-life conditions; Family; Life-course; Mental health; Suicide2015-05dissertation
19 Winitzky-Stephens, Jessica R.Foreign direct investment and well-being, 1985-2010: a structural approachForeign Direct Investment; Infant Mortality; Life Expectancy; Longitudinal; Political Economy2016dissertation
20 Oldroyd, KristinaThe body represented2019dissertation
21 Montour, Ty Lee HerbertEvent-related potential and oscillatory correlates of chronometric task performance: individual differences in anticipatory processes predict higher cognitive ability2018thesis
22 Gibson, Kyle RichardThe roles of operational sex ratio and young-old ratio in producing suicide attackersConflict; Operational sex ratio; Suicide terrorism; Terrorism; Warfare; Young old ratio2011-12dissertation
23 Campbell, Michael JamesRemote sensing and geospatial modeling of wildland firefighter safetyRemote sensing2018dissertation
24 Qi, YiNew physical foundations for remote sensing estimation of live fuel moisture content and fire dangerlive fuel moisture content; remote sensing2014dissertation
25 Li, YingxieA Web-based application for home loss notification in wildfiresSocial sciences; communication and the arts; earth sciences; home loss; house loss; information needs; post-wildfire; Web-based; wildfires2017thesis
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