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AuthorTitleSubjectDatePublication Type
1 Matheson, Daniel ScottEvaluating the effects of spatial resolution on hyperspectral fire detection and temperature retrievalPhysical geography; Geographic information science; Remote sensing2011-08thesis
2 Burgess, Evan WindamIce flow dynamics of Alaska glaciersAlaska; Glaciers; Glaciology; Ice dynamics; Offset tracking; Remote sensing2013-05dissertation
3 Olson, Matthew HowardImpacts of topographic shading on surface energy balance of High Mountain Asia glaciersClimate Change; Atmospheric sciences; Remote sensing2017thesis
4 Jin, ZhenyuMapping and spatial-temporal modeling of Bromus tectorum invasion in Central UtahCheatgrass; NDVI time-series; Remote sensing; Spatial-temporal modeling; Utah; Bromus tectorum2011-11dissertation
5 Eichorn, MichaelMaster of Geographic Information Science PortfolioGeography--Research--United States; Remote sensing2017online portfolio
6 Wenrich, Erika AnnQuantifying drought-induced changes in green vegetation fraction and classification accuracy using hyperspectral data for the Central Sierra Nevada, CaliforniaGeography; Forestry; Remote sensing2017thesis
7 Housman, Ian WilsonRecent trends in the changing geographic extent of Cienegas of the United States/Mexico border regionCiénega; Desiccation; GIS; Landsat; Remote sensing; Wetlands2011-05thesis
8 Campbell, Michael JamesRemote sensing and geospatial modeling of wildland firefighter safetyRemote sensing2018dissertation
9 Remote sensing: green coverage area in Salt Lake CityGeography--Research--United States; Remote sensingonline portfolio
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