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AuthorTitleSubjectDatePublication Type
1 Kurnath, Patrice MargaretEcological physiology of desert woodrats (neotoma lepida) with respect to ambient temperature and dietary toxinsambient temperature; liver function; mammalian herbivore; plant-herbivore interactions; plant secondary compounds; Ecology; Zoology; Physiology2016dissertation
2 Hui, Chiumun MichelleVery high energy gamma-ray observation of the radio galaxy M 87M87 (Galaxy); Gamma rays: Radio galaxies; Instrumentation: detectors; Methods: data analysis; Very high energy gamma-rays2011-12dissertation
3 Purcell, Michael PatrickTechniques in manifold learning: intrinsic dimension and principal surface estimationIntrinsic dimension; Principal surface; Manifold learning2010-05dissertation
4 Dahlby, Michael RaymondMultilayer thin films: sol-gel routes to one-dimensional photonic and magnonic crystalsBragg stacks; Iron oxide; Photonic crystals; Silica; Sol-gel; Titania2015dissertation
5 McNew, Sabrina Ming-Ha-LouieThe ecology of host tolerance: responses of galápagos mockingbirds to philornis downsiBiology; Ecology; Parasitology2018dissertation
6 Teng, FeiGauge and gravity scattering amplitudes from chy formalismCHY formalism; scattering amplitudes2017dissertation
7 Staudaher, Nicholas DanielReactivity of nickel(0)-bisphosphine complexes and nickel-π complexes: efforts toward a witting reaction on carbon dioxideInorganic chemistry; Organic chemistry2017dissertation
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