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AuthorTitleSubjectDatePublication Type
1 Butler, J. MilesSurvey of dogs in Salt Lake City for intestinal helminths1950-03thesis
2 Wenger, Arthur W.Study of the sulphur in coal and its distribution between the gases and the residue in cokingCoke; Coal-tar products; Sulphur; Coal, Utah1923-06thesis
3 Sorensen, David PerryAcidic and basic compounds in GilsoniteGilsonite1905-05-08dissertation
4 Liu, XinQuantitative in vivo drug delivery research using magnetic resonanceDrug delivery; In vivo; Magnetic resonance imaging; Quantitative; Gadolinium based contrast agent; GBCA2011-12dissertation
5 Sapkota, NabrajQuantitative imaging of spinal cord using diffusion magnetic resonance imagingDiffusion weighted MRI; Monte-Carlo simulation; Receive-only array; RF coil; Spinal cord; Ultrahigh-b imaging2017dissertation
6 Sorte, Eric G.Investigation of a new model of dipolar-coupled nuclear spin relaxation and applications of dynamic nuclear polarizationCalcium fluoride; Chaos; Dipolar; NMR; Spin; Xenon; Hyperpolarization2011-08dissertation
7 Mendes, Jason KraigMotion compensation in turbo spin echo angiographyAngiography; Magnetic resonance imaging; Motion correction; Turbo spin echo; Image stabilization2010-08dissertation
8 Khabibullin, AmirSilica nanoporous membranes and their applicationsFuel cell membranes; Materials chemistry; Nanoporous membranes; Polymer brushes; Self-assembly; Silica nanoparticles2014-12dissertation
9 Connolly, Edward J. Jr.The food habits and life history of the Mountain LionMountain lion habitat; Livestock1949-05thesis
10 Thenell, iii, Edward F.Rabi oscillations in strongly-driven magnetic resonance systemsdressed states; magnetic resonance; NMR; rabi oscillations; spin-exchange optical pumping; spintronics2017dissertation
11 Stevens, WalterFactors influencing conjugation of steroids by mouse liver and kidney1962-06thesis
12 Neff, Diane LouiseInvestigation of disulfide bond cleavage, water-cluster cations and PO bonds in phosphates using AB initio electronic structure calculationsBond; Cation; Disulfide; Mass spectrometry; Rydberg; Water-cluster2012-08dissertation
13 Mccammant, Matthew ScottPalladium-catalyzed difunctionalization reactions of 1,3-dienes and terminal alkenes via ?-allyl stabilized intermediatesPalladium-Catalyzed; Pi-Allyl; Stablized; Difunctionalization2016dissertation
14 Lee, Sang-YunPulsed electrically and optically detected magnetic resonance spectroscopy of disordered semiconductorsElectrically detected magnetic resonance; Electron spin resonance; Magnetic resonance; MEH-PPV; Optically detected magnetic resonance; Silicon rich silicon nitride2011-08dissertation
15 Jiao, FangxiangUncertainty analysis and visualization of diffusion tensor imagesDiffusion magnetic resonance imaging; High angular resolution diffusion imaging; Rank-k decomposition; SIP functions; Spherical deconvolution; Uncertainty2012-12dissertation
16 Limes, Mark Earl129Xe relaxation and Rabi oscillationsAtomic physics; electrically and optically detected magnetic resonance; hyperpolarized gases; magnetic resonance; Rabi oscillations2014dissertation
17 Svedin, Bryant TroyImproving magnetic resonance thermometry using respiration correction, ultrasound focus prediction and golden angle stack of stars samplingMedical; Health and Environmental Sciences; Focused Ultrasound2017dissertation
18 Lindley, Marc DanielAdvanced noncontrast magnetic resonance angiography of the thoracic and peripheral arteries2017dissertation
19 Zhang, YulumSingle nanoparticle electrochemistry2019dissertation
20 Casselman, Brock LewisIncreasing general chemistry student pass rate: improving course requirements and implementing metacognitive trainingChemistry; Education2018dissertation
21 Miller iii, Richards GMorphological effects on spin-dependent electronic processes in poly[9,9-dioctylfluorenyl-2,7-diyl] thin film organic light emitting diodesEDMR; Morphology; Polyfluorene2017dissertation
22 Mulaik, Stanley B.The Origin, Phylogeny, and Systematics of Mexican Terrestrial Isopda (Crustacea Oniscoidea)Isopoda -- Mexico Crustacea -- Mexico1954dissertation
23 Talbot, Justin JohnMolecules dancing with two left feet: multidimentsional spectorscopic studies of floppy complexes using quantum simulations2019dissertation
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