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AuthorTitleSubjectDatePublication Type
1 Ralph, SallyThe prediction of success in the college of pharmacy at the University of UtahUniversity of Utah, College of Pharmacy1948thesis
2 Burns, Thomas WadeAdrenocorticotrophic hormone in the body fluids.Analysis; ACTH1948thesis
3 Sanfilippo, Sylvester J.Reaction of some ketosteroids with thioglycolic acid1951thesis
4 Daniel, Edwin E.Role of autonomous activity of the uterus in determining drug responses and the interrelations of drugs in producing uterine responses1952thesis
5 Tedeschi, David HenryEffects of physiological alterations and pharmacological agents on maximal electroshock seizure pattern and recovery timeElectrophysiology - Experiments; Anticonvulsants1955-06thesis
6 Esplin, Don W.Effects of diphenylhydantoin on synaptic transmissionPhenytoin - Physiological effect; Anticonvulsants; Neural transmission1955-06dissertation
7 Smith, Douglas LeeA comparison of the effects of colchicine and some purified vera, trum alkaloids on nuclear division in roots of allium cepa: L; with preliminary observations on germination root length and environmental factorsPharmacology; Colchicine1956-08dissertation
8 Laffan, Robert JosephMechanism of the emetic action of nicotine and lobelineEmetics; Vomiting; Nicotine; Lobeline1957-02thesis
9 Price, James ClarenceAn evaluation of methods for compounding fused ointment basesOnitments; Pharmacology1957-08thesis
10 Schiffman, Donald OwenValidity of carbon tetrachloride-induced liver damage and nephrectomy as biological procedures for determining fate and excretion of anticonvulsant drugs.Pharmacokinetics; Renal Phamacology1958thesis
11 Ogzewalla, Charles DwayneEffects of gibberellic acid on mentha peperitaPhysiological Effect; Diseases and Pests; Peppermint; Rice1959-08thesis
12 Chin, LincolnEffects of acute and chronic administration of psychopharmacologic drugs on experimental seizure thresholdElectroshock; Chemoshock; Mice1959-08thesis
13 Withrow, Clarence DeanThe direct effects of desoxycorticosterone on skeletal muscle electrolyte metabolism.Tissue; Metabolism; Drugs; Pharmacology1959-08thesis
14 Duke, Victor HPharmaceutical applications of a Pinyon OleoresinTherapeutic Use1961-05dissertation
15 Wolf, Harold H.Effects of chlorpromazine upon some innate behaviors of micePhenothiazine1961-08thesis
16 Constantine, George Harmon, Jr.Analysis of retail pharmacy location patterns for neighborhood sites in Salt Lake CountyUtah1962-06thesis
17 Clark, Wesley GleasonPyrogenic and emetic effects of staphylococcal enterotoxinEnterotoxins; Staphylococcal infections1962-08thesis
18 Castellion, Alan WilliamSome neurophysiological and neurochemical characteristics of audiogenic-seizure-susceptible miceConvulsions; Electroschock-Seizure Threshold1964-08thesis
19 McMahon, James DouglasStudy of wholesale drug costs and prescription fees1964-08thesis
20 Friesen, Abram Jacob DavidIdentification of the acetylcholine-like substance obtained from the sympathetic ganglia by physical and chemical methodsIsolation & Purification; Chromatography1964-08thesis
21 Elsmore, Trudy AnnIntracellular acid-base metabolism of rat smooth and skeletal muscleMuscles - Metabolism; Muscles - Cytology1965-08thesis
22 Hamill, Richard DavidStudy of some factors affecting stability in a nonaqueous emulsion1965-08thesis
23 Tanner, Noall StevanEnvironmental study of Veratrum californicum E; DurandUtah1966-06thesis
24 Franz, Donald NorbertNeuropharmacological studies of the sympathetic reflex arc1966-08thesis
25 Bailey, Leslie EdgarEffect of ouabain on Ca45 kinetics in the myocardium determined by the technique of diffusible indicator-dilutionCardiovascular Agents; Pharmacokinetics1967-06thesis
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