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AuthorTitleSubjectDatePublication Type
1 Scalzitti, JasonHigh-resolution dynamical downscaling of past and future climate of the western united states: validation of performance and analysis of changing snowpackClimate change; Meteorology2016thesis
2 Gelderloos, AndrewQuantifying the Interaction between Climate and Landscape on Water ResourcesHydrologic sciences; Water resources management2018thesis
3 Pennell, Christopher JOn the effective number of climate modelsClimatic changes; Climate forecasting2009-12-15thesis
4 Rutz, Jonathan JamesPast shifts in the general circulation: causation, structure, and effects on hydroclimateAtmospheric; Change; Circulation; Climate; General; Hydroclimate2011-05thesis
5 Davis, Michael GregoryGround temperature and climate changeBoreholes; Ground temperature; Land cover change; Temperature change2013-08dissertation
6 Oates, Ryan P.On future changes in stratospheric sudden warmingsClimate; Criterion; SSWs; Stratosphere; Sudden2013-05thesis
7 Jones, Leigh PenderAssessing the sensitivity of Wasatch snowfall to temperature variationsClimate change; SNOTEL; Snow sensitivity; Wasatch Mountains; Northern Utah; Temperature variations2010-05thesis
8 Kim, JunsuA dynamical understanding of stratospheric influences on tropospherica climate and the oceanClimate; ocean circulation; ozone; stratosphere; time scale; troposphere2014-05dissertation
9 Tulley-Cordova, Crystal LynnSpatiotemporal examination of precipitation and meteoric waters across the Navajo Nation2019dissertation
10 Smith, Kimberly L.Assessing the ability of coupled model intercomparison project phase 5 (cmip5) models to capture connections between great basin precipitation and pacific ocean modes of variability and applying the assessment into the futureClimate; Global climate model; Great Basin; Hydrology; Model evaluation; Precipitation2015-05thesis
11 Putman, Annie L.Meta-Analytic approaches to learn about hydroclimatic processes and change from stable isotopes2019dissertation
12 Staten, Paul W.The response of the general circulation to imposed forcingsAtmospheric Dynamics; Climate Change; General Circulation; Hadley Cell2013-05dissertation
13 Liptak, Jessica M.An analysis of arctic sea ice-atmosphere interactionClimate modeling; Eof analysis; sea ice; surface-atmosphere interaction2014-08dissertation
14 Holland, LaceyToward improved constraints on methane emissions from oil and natural gas fieldsMeteorology2018dissertation
15 Houser, Stephanie JEvaluation of the international satellite cloud climatology project simulator using data from the atmospheric radiation measurement Southern Great Plains facility in OklahomaCloud physics2008-08thesis
16 Smith, Kimberly LThe stochastic harmonic autoregressive parametric (sharp) weather generatorair temperature; Markov chain; precipitation; stochastic processes; time series2017dissertation
17 Staten, Paul WEvaluation of radio occultation measurements for long-term tropopause monitoringTropopause; Global Positioning System2008-08thesis
18 Wrenn, ForrestDocumenting hydrometeor layer occurrence within international satellite cloud climatology project-defined cloud classifications using CLOUDSAT and CALIPSOHydrometeorology; Clouds; Atmospheric sciences2012-05thesis
19 Guild, Patrick DanielThe intervention effectiveness of a variant of distributive leadership in underground section miningDistributive Leadership; Mining Leadership; Psychological Empowerment; Safety Leadership; Shared Leaderhsip2017thesis
20 Hong, Ha-JheTowards understanding the interaction between ozone and the circulation in the stratosphere2020dissertation
21 Clow, Gary D.The use of borehole temperature measurements to infer climatic changes in Arctic AlaskaGeophysics; Paleoclimate Science2017dissertation
22 Crocker, Megan LynnThe dirt on paleosols: sedimentology and paleoclimate indicators within the upper triassic Chinle Formation, Paria, UtahChinle formation; Clay mineralogy; Late triassic; Paleosols; QEMSCAN; Paleoclimate indicators2012-08thesis
23 Mace, William DavisEnvironmental differences in tropical soil temperatures in KenyaClimate; Kenya; Lake Turkana; Modeling; Soil Temperature;Turkana; Geology; Climate Change; Soil sciences2012-12thesis
24 Caton, Jasmin ChamneyEnvironmental controls on the formation and isotopic composition of a laminated tufa in Red Butte Canyon, UtahVolcanic ash; Paleoecology2008-05-16thesis
25 Mallia, Derek VincentSimulating high impact wildfire and wind-blown dust events using improved atmospheric modeling methodsAtmospheric sciences; Dust; Forest & brush fires; Atmospheric models2018dissertation
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