376 - 400 of 764
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376 Influence of Nano-Scale interactions on fifld-scale transport of virus- to protozoa-sized colloids: experiments in environment ally equilibrated weltand mediair_etdText
377 Influences of orography and coastal geometry on lake- and sea-effect snowstormsir_etdText
378 Infrasound signal characteristics of small earthquakesir_etdText
379 Integrated depositional model and hydrocarbon potential of distal Ramp deposits, agrio formation, neuquén Basin, Argentinair_etdText
380 Integrated modeling of mixed surfactants distribution and corrosion inhibition performance in oil pipelinesir_etdText
381 Interactions between axial and transverse drainage systems in the late cretaceous Cordilleran Foreland Basin: evidence from detrital zircons in the Straight Cliffs Formation, Southern Utahir_etdText
382 Interactions between low-level jets and precipitation extremes with climatology, mesoscale numerical simulations, and ensemble-based non-gaussian data assimilationir_etdText
383 Interannual variability of Rossby wave breaking in the pacific sectorir_etdText
384 Interpretation of complex resistivity of rocks using gemtip analysisir_etdText
385 Interpretation of earthscope magnetotelluric data for Northwestern United Statesir_etdText
386 Interpretation of induced polarization and resistivity datair_etdText
387 The intervention effectiveness of a variant of distributive leadership in underground section miningir_etdText
388 Intervention Effectiveness of safety health management systems: Initial assessmentir_etdText
389 Inversion of gravity data for depth-to-basement estimate using the volume and surface integral methods: model and case studyir_etdText
390 Investigating albedo and precipitation susceptibility of marine boundary layer clouds using A-train datair_etdText
391 Investigating Cirrus cloud behavior using A-train and geostationary satellite datair_etdText
392 Investigating the extent of damage from a single blastholeir_etdText
393 Investigation and analysis of flows in flotation cells using experimentation, computational fluid dynamics simulations, and mathematical modelsir_etdText
394 Investigation of wintertime cold-air pools and aerosol layers in the Salt Lake Valley using a lidar ceilometerir_etdText
395 Ionization waves from Detonationsir_etdText
396 Isolation and characterization of lost copper and molybdenum particles in the flotation tailings of kennecott copper porphyry oresir_etdText
397 Isothermal hydrogenation kinetics of magnesium based hydrideir_etdText
398 Joint 3D inversion of magnetotelluric and magnetovariational datair_etdText
399 Joint inversion of potential field and electromagnetic data using gramian constraintsir_etdText
400 Jurassic Navajo Sandstone of Coyote Buttes, Utah/Arizona: coloration and diagenetic history, preservation of a dinosaur trample surface, and terrestrial analogs to Marsir_etdText
376 - 400 of 764