226 - 250 of 576
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226 From Reaganomics to Ebonics: the urban cultural dissonance of Hip-hopir_etdText
227 From red hoods to blue beards: fairy-tale intertexts in alejandra pizarnik and sylvia plathir_etdText
228 Function of nostalgia: Ernest Hemingwayir_etdText
229 Functional morphology in nahuatl language revitalizationir_etdText
230 Gaitō kamishibai in postwar Japan: picture-storytelling performance in the democratic public sphereir_etdText
231 Genealogy of disaster: the relation of disaster to fiction to politics in Postwar Japanir_etdText
232 The general trends and characteristics of Utah pioneer dress from 1847 to 1875ir_etdText
233 Geopoetry: Geology, Materiality, Ecopoeticsir_etdText
234 Global Justice: An defense of institutional cosmopolitanismir_etdText
235 Good people make good friends: critical friendship and ethos in college compositionir_etdText
236 Goodbye to all that: Haunted subjects and environmental afffect in Joan Didion and Wallace Stegnerir_etdText
237 Government and labor: the coal industry, 1946-1947ir_etdText
238 The governorship of Henry H. Blood the critical years, 1933-34ir_etdText
239 Graphic environments: performing ecocriticism at the confluence of image and textir_etdText
240 Grassroots power: the Utah Eagle Forum, 1972-2009ir_etdText
241 Gravityir_etdText
242 The great white umpire in Palestine: British economic polices and Arab grievances, 1920-1936ir_etdText
243 Growingsir_etdText
244 Growth and distribution, technological progress, and economic policyir_etdText
245 Guardians of empire: hygiene, modernization, and female education in the landscape of colonial manchuriair_etdText
246 The guerrilla narrative of kim il sung's works and regime stability in the democratic people's republic of koreair_etdText
247 Harmonic serialism with lexical selection: evidence from Jerriais allomorphyir_etdText
248 The healing machineir_etdText
249 Health, medicine, and power in the Salt Lake Valley, Utah, 1869-1945ir_etdText
250 Healthy media literacy: bridging critical media literacy and health literacy to promote positive body image and healthir_etdText
226 - 250 of 576