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AuthorTitleSubjectDatePublication Type
1 Roa, Maria CarolinaThe influence of caring, curiosity, and knowledge on visitors' conservation intentions: an exploratory investigation at the Tracy Aviarycaring; conservation; curiosity; intentions; visitors; Zoo2016-05thesis
2 Roa, Maria CarolinaThe influence of caring, curiosity, and knowledge on visitors’ conservation intentions: an exploratory investigation at the tracy aviarycaring; conservation; curiosity; intentions; visitors; Zoo2016thesis
3 Roa, Maria CarolinaThe influence of caring, curiosity, and knowledge on visitors‚ conservation intentions: an exploratory investigation at the tracy aviarycaring; conservation; curiosity; intentions; visitors; Zoo2016thesis
4 Gibb, John DouglasAn experimental comparison of the humorous lecture and the non humorous lecture in informative speakingIron industry and trade -- Utah1964thesis
5 Reed, Melanie SummerUnderstanding subsistence use and identity construction in communities surrounding Denali National Park and Preserve2014-12thesis
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