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AuthorTitleSubjectDatePublication Type
1 Yancey, Jeffrey PaulThe feasibility of a body image and implementation intentions intervention to prevent skin cancer among adolescent and young adult lifeguardsAppearance; Prevention; Skin cancer2014-08dissertation
2 Stewart, Kelly Louiseassociation of sugar intake and inflammation in newly diagnosed colorectal cancer patientsNutrition2017thesis
3 Chen, Ying-ShengEffects of bison meat consumption on blood lipids and selective biomarkers related to cancer riskBuffalo meat; Beef; Cancer2009-05thesis
4 Blair, Bradden JosephSocial support and rare disease: innovations in health promotion and education technology2015-08dissertation
5 Jeppsen, Juliann Marie cookA qualitative study of military veterans' resilience and body esteem following combat-related limb amputationamputation; body esteem; combat; military; resilience; veteran2016dissertation
6 Artz, Tamara LeeDetermination of total oxidant status by dietary assessment and association with blood and urine biomarkersbiomarkers, diet, dietary assessment, oxidant status, Oxidative stress2012-12thesis
7 Chen, XiaoruiThe association between plant protein intake and all-cause mortality in chronic kidney diseaseHealth and environmental sciences; chronic kidney disease; mortality; nhanes; plant protein2014thesis
8 Galli, Nicholas AdamStress-related growth in division I athletes: A mixed methods investigationStress (Psychology); College athletes -- Psychology2009-08dissertation
9 Nelson, Gary D.The effects of a smoking education risk reduction program on selected student impact measures1982-08dissertation
10 Kimber, KamilleExploring risk factors associated with spasmodic dysphonia: an epidemiological approachLaryngeal dystonia; Voice disorders2009-06-20thesis
11 Huang, ChaoqunEffects of motivational and volitional interventions on adolescents' physical activity behaviorHealth; Intention; Motivation; Overweight; Behavioral psychology; Physical education; Health education; Motivation; Physical fitness2012-12dissertation
12 Prijatel, BrittanyCan music help athletes manage pain during an icing task? an experimental testAthlete; Athletes; Music; Pain; pain management; pain management intervention2016thesis
13 Wright, MirandaLong-Term treatment outcomes of cough hypersensitivity syndrome2019thesis
14 Abbott, Sydney RoseEvaluation of diet quality in children and adolescents with Prader-Willi syndrome using the Healthy Eating Index-2010Genetics; Nutrition2015-08thesis
15 Cox, Alyssa MichelleMaternal tobacco smoke exposure causes sex-divergent changes in PPARγ and wnt signaling in the lung of newborn rat pupsHealth and environmental sciences2017thesis
16 Hammer, ChristopherPosttraumatic growth among para sport athletes with acquired disabilitiesKinesiology; Social psychology2018dissertation
17 Moore, Rebecca SueIntrauterine growth restriction sex-specifically alters sex-steroid signaling in rat lungdevelopment; estradiol; lung; testosterone2016thesis
18 Leggett, Diane K.Effectiveness of a brief stress reduction intervention for nursing students in reducing physiological stress indicators and improving well-being and mental healthDepression; Mindfulness; Nursing; Self-efficacy; Stress; Students; Stress reduction intervention; Alternative Medicine; Nursing; Health education2010-08dissertation
19 Qasheesh, Mohammed AhmadEffect of fear avoidance treatment for acute/sub-acute low back pain patients in physical therapy clinics: a randomized clinical trialPhysical therapy2016dissertation
20 Kirkness, Carmen StephanieIs cardiometabolic risk associated with physical function in the total knee and hip arthroplasty populations?2011-12dissertation
21 Lee, JuyeonDoes long-term protein phosphatase 2A inhibition in mice dysregulate peripheral glucose homeostasis, lower hepatic glycogen content, and impair insulin-mediated signal transduction in the liver?Endocrinology; Endocrinology; Biological Sciences; Glucose Homeostasis; Pp2a2016-12thesis
22 Jepson-Sullivan, Rose MaryReliability and validity of a breastfeeding knowledge survey in allied health studentsAllied health students; Nutrition; Survey reliability; Survey validity2010thesis
23 Ball, Trever JosephValidity of a self-reported "vital sign" for physical activity in adults of primary healthcarePhysical activity; Primary healthcare; Questionnaire; Self-Report2014-12dissertation
24 Bahabadi, Shahrzad JaliliA double blind study on the efficacy of a colostrum and egg yolk supplement vs. placebo to reduce frequency and duration of upper respiratory tract infections in healthy adults4Life; Colostrum; Egg yolk supplement; IgA; Transfer factor; Tri-Factor; Upper respiratory tract infections2012-05thesis
25 Wall, Jack MDevelopment of a health-belief-model-based instrument to assess worker beliefs about using personal protective equipmentIndustrial safety; Blue-collar workers; Work environment2009-06-04thesis
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