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1 'WHAT DOES YOUR CHILD SEE?' ASKS U OF U POISON CONTROL CENTERMarch 16-22 is National Poison Prevention Week, and the Utah Poison Control Center (UPCC) at the University of Utah College of Pharmacy is participating with 63 other poison control centers in the U.S. to open the nation's eyes to poison hazards for children at home.Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News2003-03-11
2 'WHO WILL FILL THESE SHOES?' ASK U OF U NURSING ALUMSFriday is Nurses' Day at the Legislature, when nurses will be lobbying for $6.5 million to alleviate Utah's acute nursing shortage. Utah Nursing Association (UNA) government relations lobbyist Becky Richards, R.N., says Utah has 1,500 nursing positions unfilled statewide.Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News2003-02-13
3 102 U of U Medical School Seniors To Receive 'Match' Letters for Residency TrainingMarch 19, 2003--More than 100 U of U graduating medical school students and their families, anticipating where they will live for their next years of specialty training, will gather to open *Match Day' letters March 20. The students will open the letters at 10 a.m. followed by brief remarks by A. Lo...Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News2003-03-19
4 ABILITY TO SMELL FOOD IS REGULATED BY ENZYME'S INTERACTION WITH RNA INTERFERENCE PATHWAY, U OF U BIOCHEMISTS REPORTSALT LAKE CITY-Recent studies at the University of Utah suggest new ways of regulating the behaviors that allow us to smell food, learn, and remember.Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News2003-12-09
5 BITTER TASTE IN YOUR MOUTH? UTAH FAMILIES HELP U GENETICISTS DISCOVER WHYSALT LAKE CITY- The ability to discern bitter tastes-from acrid nicotine smoke to sauerkraut-can be traced to a gene discovered by researchers at the University of Utah, National Institutes of Health (NIH), and Stanford University.Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News2003-02-20
6 Celebrities headline HCI golf tournament and gala dinner(Salt Lake City, UT) - Celebrities and donors will join forces with Jon M. Huntsman to fight cancer at the annual Huntsman Cancer Institute (HCI) Golf Classic, August 7-8, 2003. Play begins on Thursday, August 7, with the Ron Boone Classic at Thanksgiving Point. Sponsors and guests will be paired wi...Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News2003-08-07
7 CHROMOSOME ENDS SHORTEN WITH AGE, PREDICT MORTALITY FROM HEART DISEASE, VARIOUS INFECTIOUS DISEASESSALT LAKE CITY-As if it's not bad enough that people lose their hair, teeth, and eyesight as they age, their chromosomes desert them, too.Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News2003-01-27
8 COLLEGE OF NURSING PASSES LAMP OF LEARNING TO NEW STUDENTSThe starched white nurses' caps of years ago are gone, but not the tradition of learning they stood for. On Thursday, January 23, the University of Utah College of Nursing will welcome 50 new students with its own fledgling tradition, the Lamp of Learning Ceremony.Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News2003-01-17
9 CUMMINGS' GIFT OF MRI SCANNER PUTS U IN FORE OF RADIOLOGYSALT LAKE CITY-If one picture is worth a thousand words, a single image from a new magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanner should reveal an encyclopedia of knowledge to University of Utah physicians.Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News2003-06-07
10 DEATH CLAIMS F. MARIAN BISHOP, FAMILY MEDICINE PIONEER, U MED SCHOOL LEADERF. Marian Bishop, Ph.D., M.S.P.H., a distinguished educator widely acknowledged as "the mother of academic family medicine," and longtime chair of the Department of Family and Preventive Medicine at the University of Utah School of Medicine, died of cancer March 15 at her home in Salt Lake City. She...Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News2003-03-18
11 EDUCATION FOR AMERICA'S *M0ST TRUSTED HEALTH PROFESSIONALS' BEGINS WITH U of U WHITE COAT CEREMONYSalt Lake City-Students entering the Doctor of Pharmacy program at the University of Utah will begin their education officially at the College of Pharmacy's White Coat Ceremony this Friday.Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News2003-10-21
12 EGG HUNT LETS DIABETIC KIDS TAKE PART IN EASTER TRADITIONDiabetic children can't gobble down chocolate bunnies or other high-sugar candies like most kids, but they can take part in another Easter tradition-an egg hunt.Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News2003-04-15
13 EXCHANGE REDUCES MERCURY HAZARD BY 2,116 THERMOMETERSSALT LAKE CITY-Utahns traded in mercury thermometers at a near feverish pace during a statewide drive to reduce the threat of household mercury poisoning, according to the University of Utah Poison Control Center (UPCC).Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News2003-08-20
14 EXERCISE PHYSIOLOGIST AUTHOR TO DISCUSS NUTRITION CONCERNS FOR WOMEN ATHLETESAre women athletes different from men when it comes to nutrition? This question and others will be answered by Emily M. Haymes, Ph.D., C. Etta Walters Professor of Exercise Science, Florida State University, in the University of Utah College of Health's 13th Annual Distinguished Sport Science Schola...Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News2003-02-28
15 First Lady Jacalyn S. Leavitt Launches First Spanish BookFamilies at University Hospital today were among the first to receive First Lady Jacalyn S. Leavitt's newest book, Read to Me in Spanish. Like the English edition, this new book will be given to new parents throughout the state.Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News2003-07-01
16 FIVE BEST OF STATE WINNERS NAMED FROM UNIVERSITY OF UTAHJune 20, 2003- Five winners from the University of Utah will receive Utah Best of State 2003 awards at a gala to be held tomorrow evening, Saturday, June 21, at the South Towne Expo Center. Utah Best of State Awards, which organizers hope to present annually, acknowledge excellence in 11 industry se...Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News2003-06-20
17 FLU EPIDEMIC HINDERS BLOOD DONATIONS; ARUP BLOOD SERVICES ASKS UTAHNS TO HELPSALT LAKE CITY-Blood donations usually decrease during the holidays, but an abnormally early and virulent flu season has compounded the problem this year, so ARUP Blood Services is asking people to help.Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News2003-12-17
18 Gene Targeting Improved by Utah BiochemistsMay 1,2003 - By exploiting cells' natural ability to repair genetic damage, University of Utah scientists developed a new method that dramatically improves the efficiency of the "gene-targeting" technology that has revolutionized biology and medicine. The method employs enzyme "SCISSOTS" to replacc ...Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News2003-04-28
19 Health Agencies Awarded Grant to Help Prevent Accutane (isotretinoin)-Related Birth Defects(Salt Lake City, UT) - The University of Utah Health Sciences Center in collaboration with the Utah Department of Health (UDOH), and the Organization of Teratology Information Services (OTIS), has received a grant to find out why women who take Accutane (isotretinoin), a drug to treat severe acne, c...Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News2003-06-05
20 HEALTH SCIENCES CENTER RESEARCH TO TAKE SPOTLIGHT IN APRIL 29 GROUNDBREAKING, RIBBON-CUTTINGResearch at the University of Utah Health Sciences Center will be center stage April 29 when ground will be broken for one research facility and the doors open on another.Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News2003-04-23
21 How AIDS Destroys ImmunityAug. 21, 2003 - A human gene named ATR normally protects people by preventing the replication of cells damaged by radiation or toxic chcmicals. Now, Utah and New York researchers have discovered how a gene in the AIDS virus hijacks the human gene and turns it into a weapon that prevents reproduction...Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News2003-08-20
22 IN CASE OF HEART ATTACK, SHOULD YOU CALL 911 OR DRIVE TO HOSPITAL?People experiencing chest pain are better off calling 911 and using emergency medical services (EMS) than driving to a hospital, according to a recent study by researchers from the University of Utah medical school and five other institutions.Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News2003-12-23
23 IS EIGHT ENOUGH? U RESEARCHER SAYS DRINK UP AND TELLS WHYDrinking eight 8-oz. glasses of water a day is the right prescription not only for healthy kidneys but for efficient metabolism as well, according to a University of Utah health expert.Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News2003-01-13
24 ISRAELI OFFICIAL SETS SALT LAKE VISIT TO FORMALLY INVITE U GENETICIST CAPECCHI TO ACCEPT WOLF PRIZE IN JERUSALEMSALT LAKE CITY-Israeli Deputy Consul General Zvi Vapni will visit Salt Lake City on Monday to officially invite University of Utah geneticist Mario R. Capecchi, Ph.D., to accept that country's most prestigious award in medicine-the Wolf Prize.Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News2003-04-23
25 IVOR J. BENJAMIN, M.D., NAMED U OF U CARDIOLOGY CHIEFSALT LAKE CITY-Ivor J. Benjamin, M.D., has been named professor and chief of the Division of Cardiology at the University of Utah School of Medicine.Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News2003-07-07
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