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AuthorTitleSubjectDatePublication Type
1 Neemann, Erik M.Analysis and simulation of a cold-air pool and high wintertime ozone episode in Utah's Uintah BasinCold-air pool; Ozone; simulation; Uintah Basin2014-08thesis
2 Batchu, SatishAutomatic extraction of behavioral models from simulations of analog/mixed-signal (AMS) circuitsAMS; analog/mixed-signal; modeling; petri-net; simulation; verification2011-05thesis
3 Glauser, Walter JosephSimulating evolution of poroelasticity and deformation in Green River oil shale under in situ pyrolysisGreen River; oil shale; poroelasticity; pyrolysis; simulation; subsidence2016thesis
4 Gillette, Karli KTemporal dilation of animal cardiac recordings registered to human torso geometriesarrhythmia; ECG; electrogram; registration; signal processing; simulation2016thesis
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