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AuthorTitleSubjectDatePublication Type
1 Zoleikani, Roghayeh GoliA geographic information system (GIS)-Based analysis for predicting crash hotspots on freewayTransportation2019thesis
2 Sudbury, Daniel ScottA performance evaluation of hot mix asphalt thin lift treatmentsAsphalt; Cracking; Pavement; Performance; Thermal; Transportation2017thesis
3 Gilbert, Jeremy LeeAdvanced training for traffic operators: a focus on identifying and solving advanced transportation management and operation problemsTraffic control operators; Training; Transportation2010thesis
4 Kim, Hyun ChanDynamic traveler response model for seismic risk analysis of transportation systemsRoads; Transportation; Earthquake hazard analysis2009-05thesis
5 Lin, MingdeExploring relationships between horizontal curve roadway departure crashes and geometric design consistency on rural, two-lane highwayCivil engineering; Transportation2017thesis
6 Ritter, Benjamin JosephWhen and where: spatiotemporal analysis of dynamic public transit accessibility along the Wasatch FrontAccessibility; Geography; GIS; Public transportation; Transportation2014-12thesis
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