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AuthorTitleSubjectDatePublication Type
1 Cate, Nolan RandolphA fully convolutional deep learning approach for using C-Band satellite radar imagery for forest biomass estimationGeography; Computer science; Biomass; Deep learning; Forestry; Machine learning; Neural networks; SAR2019thesis
2 Machanavajhala, SwethaAccent classification: learning a distrance metric over phonetic stringsAccent classification; Distance metric learning; Kernels; Machine learning; Speech recognition; Swetha Machanavajhala2013-12thesis
3 Pokkunuri, Rama Krishna SandeepExploiting example structure in multiple instance learningCutting plane optimization; Machine learning; Multiple instance learning; Structured prediction2011-05thesis
4 Mager, BradMaintaining accuracy of device-free localization systems in changing environmentsDevice-free localization; Machine learning; Wireless sensor network2014-08thesis
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