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AuthorTitleSubjectDatePublication Type
1 Zamir, ChelseyA pigeon with two nests: a case of first- and second-generation iraniansCulture; First-Generation Iranians; Identity; Immigration; Second-Generation Iranians2016thesis
2 Mower, KateCreating Greek identity: how Philip II of Macedon used the third sacred war to infiltrate Greek politics and establish Macedonia as a Greek StateAncient Macedonia; Delphic Amphictyony; Identity; Philip II; Politcs; Thebes2016thesis
3 Maksym, RebeccaCreolite and cultural cannibalism: reconstructing Cuban identity in the work of Marta Maria Perez Bravo and Maria Magdalena Campos-PonsAfrican diaspora; Créolité; Cuban contemporary art; Cultural cannibalism; Gender; Identity2012-12thesis
4 Stich, Elizabeth AnneEmbodying identity: movement as an experience of selfCreativity; Identity; Laban movement analysis; Modern dance; Movement; Self; Dance; Personality psychology2011-05thesis
5 Guiley, Patricia KathleenGraffiti, art, and identity: exploring Gajin Fujita's Hood RatsGajin fujita; Global contemporary; Graffiti; Identity; Street art; Urban art2015-05thesis
6 Ashton, CatherineHome landscapes: tradition, identity, and environmentsEnvironment; Home; Identity; Landscape; Place; Tradition2011-08thesis
7 Freed, Jeremy J.Jet Li and the new face of Chinese cinema: nationalism, masculinity, and zhiji in contemporary wuxia pianChineseness; Identity; Imagined communities; Tianxia; Wuxia pian; Zhiji2011-05thesis
8 Matthes, Ruedigar PaulStand ye in holy places: place and identity in contemporary Mormon meetinghousesCulture; Identity; Mormon; Non-place; Place; Space2016thesis
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