1 - 25 of 7
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AuthorTitleSubjectDatePublication Type
1 Shirley, Robert EdwinAn analysis of the motor carrier and railroad freight system of UtahFreight and freightage -- Utah Railroads -- Utah -- Freight Trucking -- Utah1965thesis
2 McGahan, J. PatrickThe development and effect of banking in Utah, 1933-1945Banks and banking - History - Utah1963-05thesis
3 McGahan, J. PatrickThe development and effect of banking in Utah, 1933-1945Banks and banking -- History -- Utah1963-05thesis
4 Jackson, Curtis ELand o' the bravesIndians of North America; Indians in Idaho1947thesis
5 Williams, Frank E.Practice and reinforcement as training factors in creative performance1965thesis
6 Rose, James MarshallSome important impacts of geneva steel on the Utah Economy1953thesis
7 Burentt, Danny WalterTitle 1 F.H.A loans as an investment medium for Salt Lake lending institutions1961thesis
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