151 - 175 of 254
Number of results to display per page
151 Parental perceptions of play and the influence of flow experience2016Text
152 Parental self-control as a modertator of the association between family conflict and Type 1 Diabetes Management2019Text
153 Perceived supports effect on cardiovascular reactivity and health behavior as determined by relationship type2018Text
154 Perceiving action-Scaled affordances for others: the role of actors' kinematics and observers' action capabilities2019Text
155 Perceptions among key-stakeholders regarding the phenomenon of reproductive coercion2019Text
156 Perceptions of Autism Spectrum disorder: youth's needs in Health Care Settings2018Text
157 Perceptions of children's lives: child welfare and policy in the wake of methamphetamine2014-12Text
158 Performances of stutterers on the wechsler-bellevue intelligence scale1951Text
159 Personality and interpersonal influences on ambulatory blood pressure in couples2014-08Text
160 Planning in Utah local government1950Text
161 Plant cover types of the upper Bear River drainage, Utah.1973Text
162 Pleasure Centers in the Brain?1960Text
163 Policy analysis of kinship foster care in eleven Western States2010-02-24Text
164 Political Assassination: The History of an Idea1966-08Text
165 The Political ideas of Brigham Young1959Text
166 The political in hegel and dewey1959Text
167 Posttraumatic overmodulation, callous traits, and offending among justice-involved youth2017Text
168 Potential pathways through which social relationships mediate cardiovascular reactivity during stress2009-04Text
169 Poverty Cycles in Utah: how teen mothers hurt themselves, their children, and society2013-08Text
170 Prehistoric copper mining in Isle Royale National Park, Michigan1963Text
171 Primary versus secondary callousness among juvenile justice-involved youth: investigating differences in emotion regulation2013-05Text
172 Quantifying drought-induced changes in green vegetation fraction and classification accuracy using hyperspectral data for the Central Sierra Nevada, California2017Text
173 Racial and ethnic disparities in leisure-time physical activity in California: patterns and mechanisms2011-05Text
174 Ratio analysis of the performance of stutterers on the wechsler-bellevue scale1959Text
175 Recent trends in the changing geographic extent of Cienegas of the United States/Mexico border region2011-05Text
151 - 175 of 254