51 - 75 of 64
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51 Sustainable Campus Initiative Fund Annual report Fall 2011-Spring 2012The Sustainable Campus Initiative Fund, also known as SCIF, oversees competitive grants for student projects focused on sustainability education and energy efficiency at the University of Utah. SCIF's mission is to provide funding for real-world projects that improve the University of Utah's environ...2011
52 Sustainable Campus Initiative Fund Annual report Fall 2013-Spring 2014The Sustainable Campus Initiative Fund, also known as SCIF, oversees competitive grants for student projects focused on sustainability education and energy efficiency at the University of Utah. SCIF's mission is to provide funding for real-world projects that improve the University of Utah's environ...2013
53 Sustainable Campus Initiative Fund Annual Report Fall 2015 - Spring 2016University of Utah Sustainability OfficeThe Sustainable Campus Initiative Fund (SCIF); oversees competitive grants for student projects; focused on sustainability education, environmental; issues, energy efficiency, and more at the University; of Utah. SCIF's mission is to provide funding for realworld projects that improve the U's enviro...2016
54 Title V Operating PermitState of Utah, Department of Environmental QualityEmissions from the University of Utah are primarily due to the operation of: boilers, comfort heating equipment, and emergency generators. Boilers located throughout the campus are covered by "Standards of Performance for Small Industrial-Commercial-Institutional Steam Generating Units" found in 40 ...2020
55 U of U Tree Identification TourKuhns, MichaelTrees on the University of Utah (UofU) campus are very diverse. As a designated State Arboretum the UofU values its urban forest resources and readily shares them with the public. Here we highlight some of the most interesting trees in the western part of campus, including key identifying characteri...
56 University of Utah Climate Resilience AssessmentClimate Commitment Task Force Subcommittee on Climate Resilience2021
57 University of Utah Climate Resilience Assessment MatrixBrunvand, Amy2021
58 University of Utah Commuter Survey Report 2022
59 University of Utah J. Willard Marriott Library: sustainability collection development policy reportBrunvand, AmyIn May 2012, the Marriott Library received grant funding from the Chevron Corporation to conduct an audit of the Library's collection development policies as they relate to sustainability. Out of these monies the Marriott Library Sustainability Working Group (MLSWG) was formed to compile this report...2012-10-31
60 University of Utah Sustainability Research Center Community-Based Interdisciplinary Education and Research ProposalUdell, Kent S., Daily, Cheri2009
61 Utah- "Coolest Schools" QuestionnaireColby, Jennifer2011
62 The Wasatch Experience Faculty AgendaUniversity of Utah Sustainability Office2016
63 Wasatch Experience Impact SummaryUniversity of Utah Sustainability Office
64 Working for a Greener U: Sustainable Campus Initiative Fund Annual Report Fall 2010 - Spring 2011The Sustainable Campus Initiative Fund, also known as SCIF, oversees competitive grants for student projects focused on sustainability education and energy efficiency at the University of Utah. SCIF's mission is to provide funding for real-world projects that improve the University of Utah's enviro...2010
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