1 - 25 of 112
Number of results to display per page
1 2023State and County population estimates FAQ10.7278/S5d-na2g-as6k
2 2023Visitors and spending travel and tourism-related employment tax revenue10.7278/S5d-gpbk-r24n
3 2023Utah population committee postcensal estimates accuracy analysis, 2010-202010.7278/S5d-pf9p-5s7n
4 2020Moving toward 2020: Utah commuting patterns, 2000 to 2010DOI 10.7278/S5d-af9s-2q12
5 2023The State of Utah's travel and tourism industry10.7278/S5d-6dt2-hnk5
6 2022The State of Utah's travel and tourism industry10.7278/S5d-qz5z-pgm7
7 2023Visitors and spending employment tax revenue10.7278/S5d-xyh8-b3ha
8 2022Utah's engineering and computer science workforce: higher education and economic trends10.7278/S5d-pxzh-pwt3
9 2020Moving toward evidence-based programs: medication-assisted treatment for opioid use disorder in Utah10.7278/S5d-h8rn-m804
10 2022Salt Lake City 2022 data book10.7278/S5d-mwt0-7fs0
11 2023Utah Consumer Sentiment10.7278/S5d-rphe-er31
12 2022Utah's consumer sentiment falls in July10.7278/S5d-pg5f-4ncx
13 2023Utah's life sciences workforce and industry growth: 2012 to 202110.7278/S5d-3rbm-sphf
14 2023Characteristics of Utah's migrants: a 2021 update10.7278/S5d-33rm-24x3
15 2023Utah's consumer sentiment drops in February10.7278/S5d-k26f-bdw7
16 2023Utah's consumer sentiment fell in August10.7278/S5d-af66-gxpb
17 2023Utah's consumer sentiment fell in October10.7278/S5d-9dg5-2xmn
18 2024Utah's consumer sentiment rose in January10.7278/S5d-t0hp-0gk7
19 2023Utah's consumer sentiment rose in June10.7278/S5d-n75c-ftc7
20 2023Utah's consumer sentiment rose in November10.7278/S5d-x47t-jfv1
21 2023Utah's consumer sentiment rose in September10.7278/S5d-jpxp-ap75
22 2023Utah's consumer sentiment steady in March10.7278/S5d-ktbt-2qtr
23 2022Utah's multiracial population, 202010.7278/S5d-cd63-7vgq
24 2023Utah's pandemic learning loss10.7278/S5d-8c6r-snkh
25 2023An economic summary of Salt Lake County's cultural industry10.7278/S5d-0hwb-whf6
1 - 25 of 112