26 - 50 of 326
Number of results to display per page
26 Achieving backend robustness for timed asynchronous circuits2016Text
27 Quantifying component degradation and level of aging in power converters using spread spectrum time domain reflectometry2013-08Text
28 Debugging with Domain-specific Events via Macros2017Text
29 A small low-power wireless integrated microsystem2015Text
30 Development of a biomolecule sensor based on ultraviolet plasmanics-enhanced fluorsecence and insulator-based dielectrophretic exosome trapping2022Text
31 Piezoelectric microresonators on si for inductor free embedded (on-chip) power converters in pv powered autonomous microsystems2014Text
32 Entangling power, cartan decomposition, and braiding operators2010-08Text
33 Fundamental investigation of high temperature operation of field effect transistor devices2011-12Text
34 Geometry of Out(Fn) through completely split train tracks2018Text
35 Information, international capital mobility, and the relationship between domestic savings and investment2018Text
36 Applications of computational tools and biochemical approaches in elucidating biogenesis of antithrombin III bibduing heparan sulfate structures, defining xyloside-mediated glycosaminoglycan priming activity, and discovering drugs to treat human n-glycanase 1 (NGLYI) deficiency2019Text
37 Probing the topoisomerase II mechanism using mutants and inhibitors2000-12Text
38 Ice flow dynamics of Alaska glaciers2013-05Text
39 Low cost solution-based materials processing methods for large area OLEDs and OFETs2012-05Text
40 Superconductor-insulator transition and Bose-Einstein condensate - Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer crossover in the Rashba Moat Band2019Text
41 Word-level abstractions for sequential design verification using algebraic geometry2017Text
42 The string-net surface code: quantum circuits for doubled topological phases2018Text
43 Materials and devices for spintronics applications2011-12Text
44 Dynamic aortic diameter measurements in Vivo using roentgen videometry1968-06Text
45 Oxide materials for spintronic device applications2015-12Text
46 An efficient pipeline for high-performance information extraction of support clinical natural language processing2019Text
47 Vapor phase epitaxial growth of gallium oxide thin films and heterostructures for high performance electronics2021Text
48 Atomistic simulation of charge effects: from tunable thin film growth to isolation of surface states with spin-orbit coupling2015Text
49 Timing and placement driven approaches to improve power and performance in relative timed designs2019Text
50 Advanced materials and concepts for spintronics, 2D electronics, and biosensors2018Text
26 - 50 of 326