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AuthorTitleSubjectDatePublication Type
1 Bouck, Larry SidneyA high-heating=rate thermal analysis of solid-propellant reactionsSolid propellants; Combustion; Thermal analysis1971dissertation
2 Abboud, Alexander WilliamApplications of statistical methods in computational fluid dynamics for precipitation and combustionCFD; Combustion; CQMOM; LES; Precipitation; QMOM2015dissertation
3 Goshayeshi, BabakCoal combustion simulation using one-dimensional turbulenceCoal; Combustion; Devolatlization; One-dimensional turbulence model2014-12dissertation
4 Eldredge, Weston M.Development, verification, and validation of the responsive boundary model for pool fire simulationsBoundary conditions; Combustion; Data consistency; Pool fires; Validation; Verification2011-08dissertation
5 Levinthal, Joseph DouglasInvestigation of soot oxidation kinetics, nanostructure, and surface elemental analysisCombustion; High resolution transmission electron spectroscopy (HRTEM); Kinetics; Nanostructure; Soot; X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy2013-12dissertation
6 Isaac, BenjaminPrincipal component analysis-based combustion modelsCombustion; Principal component analysis; Reaction modeling2014-05dissertation
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