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AuthorTitleSubjectDatePublication Type
1 Toydemir, RehaGenetic basis of distal arthrogryposes2006-12dissertation
2 Murphy, Malea M.Molecular and Cellular Regulation of Stem Cells During Muscle Regeneration2012-12dissertation
3 Saffioti, Jami MarieCharacterization of pediatric ocular material properties for implementation in finite element modelingBiomechanics; Eye; Finite element modeling; Material properties; Ocular; Pediatrics2014-08dissertation
4 Shedd, Daniel FrancoisOcular Injury Following Primary Blast ExposureOphthalmology; Mechanical engineering; Biomechanics2017dissertation
5 Law, Mei YeeOptic tract formation: retinal axons' interaction with their pioneers and peers, and a strategy to analyze variants of guidance receptor messengers RNAs2011-12dissertation
6 Rosenberg, KathrynWhat you say if only you couldCreative writing; Poetry2011-11dissertation
7 Hardy, Melissa ElizabethAxon guidance and sorting in the zebrafish retinotectal system2010-08dissertation
8 Kilpatrick, Zachary PeterSpatially structured waves and oscillations in neuronal networks with synaptic depression and adaptationIntegro-differential equations; Neuronal network; Oscillations; Spiral waves; Synaptic depression; Traveling waves2010dissertation
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