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AuthorTitleSubjectDatePublication Type
1 Parra Rivas, Leonardo AdolfoUnc-18 Function in Snare-Mediated FusionNeurosciences; Biology; Molecular biology2018dissertation
2 Close, Devin WStructural and biochemical studies of the transcription elongation factors Spt6 and TexTranscription Factors2010-02-19dissertation
3 Miller, Shawn DeeNovel motor behaviors and the evolution of the hominin brain2019dissertation
4 Jensen, MichaelWNT signaling regulates acetylcholine receptor translocation and synaptic plasticity in the adult nervous systemAcetylcholine; Elegans; Wnt2012-12dissertation
5 Richmond, Daniel JosephDeveloping noncognitive factors through outdoor adventure education: experiences that complement classroom learning21st Century Skills; college readiness; noncognitive factors; outdoor adventure education; out-of-school-time2016dissertation
6 Ray, Ollie MayBiographies of selected leaders in tap danceTap dancing1905-05-29dissertation
7 Moffitt, Chad C.On the flexibility of cognitive processing: behavioral and pupillometry indices of individual differences in attentional control2019dissertation
8 Saha, AnjanabhaChromatin remodeling involves ATP-dependent DNA translocationGenetis; Metabolism; Adensoine Triphosphate2005-12dissertation
9 Zhang, XiaSurface chemistry aspects of flourite and bastnaesite flotation systemsFlourite; Bastnaesite flotation systems2014-05dissertation
10 Bend, Eric GordonSnares partner with Sec1/Munc18 proteins to release neurotransmitter at synapsesphysiology2014-05dissertation
11 Warren, Richard LloydGenetic control of exfoliative toxin production by phage II staphylococcus aureusPlasmid DNA; Exfoliative Toxin1974-12dissertation
12 Rowland, Aaron MichaelPresynaptic neurons control postsynaptic GABAa receptor trafficking in Caenorhabditis elegansMetabolism; Physiology2005-12dissertation
13 Watson, Curtis W.What is recovery? Understanding chemical dependency stakeholder expectationsAddiction; Chemical Dependency; Disempowerment; Empowerment; Principles and practices; Recovery; Social work2016dissertation
14 Wnukowski, Christine MarieDegradative organelles and processes in neurons of adult C. elegans2022dissertation
15 Nguyen, Trang ThaoDetection of protein and small molecule interactions with lipid membranes using second harmonic generation and ultraviolet-visible sum-frequency generationLipid membranes; Second harmonic generation; Ultraviolet-visible sum-frequency generation; Ligand-protein recognition; Drug-membrane associations; Ibuprofen; Azithromycin; Tetracaine; Tolnaftate2011-12dissertation
16 Gordon, Matthew SeanGenomewide dynamics of SAPHIRE: a novel histone demethylase complesHistones; Chromatin2006-12dissertation
17 McDonald, Seth M.Structural and biochemical studies of the transcription factors SPT6 and SPN12013-05dissertation
18 Sdano, Matthew A.Biochemical and structural studies of the transcription elongation factor SPT6 and its biding partners2016-08dissertation
19 Truong, Vu Nguyen ThuyStability and molecular features of aqueous filmsChemical engineering; Thin films; Molecular chemistry2018dissertation
20 Merrill, Sean AricTwo active zones of a synapse characterized by three color single molecule localization microscopy2018dissertation
21 Xu, JianqingComputer simulations in liquid condensed phaseAcidic solution; Colloidal suspension; Infrared spectroscopy; Liquid crystal; Physical chemistry; Proton solvation and transport2010dissertation
22 Aguilar, Kimberly NoreenCommunication in contemporary learning environments: instructor and student concepts of civility and conflict in online coursesCommunication; Instructional Communication; Online Pedagogy2015dissertation
23 Fuller, Timothy JAn investigation of the effects of deformation-induced anisotropy on isotropic classical elastic-plastic materialsClassical plasticity; Elastic potential; Induced anisotropy; Thermomechanics2010-08dissertation
24 Schlesinger, Mylynda B.Studies of DNA replication in the yeast S; CerevisiaeGenetics; Yeast2001-08dissertation
25 Gu, MingyuSynaptic vesicle recycling by clathrin-mediated endocytosisAP2; Endocytosis; Synapse; Clathrin-mediated; Synaptic vesicle recycling; Caenorhabditis elegans2010-08dissertation
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