101 - 125 of 512
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101 The development of iron-catalyzed [2+2+2] cycloadditions to produce 6-membered nitrogen heterocycles2015-12Text
102 Development of N-ACYL-2-Aminoimadazole Zinc ionophores2019Text
103 The development of nickel catalyzed [2+2+2] cycloadditions and cycloisomerizations2011-05Text
104 Development of Pd-catalyzed functionalization reactions of alkenyl substrates via stabilized Pd alkyl intermediates2012-08Text
105 Development of selective ribosome P-Site inhibitors and their applications as new antitubercular agents and efforts toward development of first-in-class antibiofilm antibacterial agents2017Text
106 Diazo phosphonates as useful synthetic intermediates for total synthesis2016Text
107 The difference potentials method for problems with evolving geometry and modeling fluid flow in Sea Ice2018Text
108 Differential-Graded aspects of local cohomology and cossuport for group-graded triangulated categories2019Text
109 Dimension results for two random fractals2012-08Text
110 Dimethylallyltyrosine synthase and dimethylallyltryptophan synthase: promiscuous aromatic prenyltransferases2013-05Text
111 Direct detection of surface biomomlecular interactions using second harmonic generation spectroscopy2019Text
112 Discrepancies of normal varieties2012-05Text
113 DNA packaging and ejection by P22-like bacteriophage2016Text
114 Dynamic behavior of biological membranes2014-12Text
115 Dynamic tunneling force microscopy and single electron tunneling force spectroscopy2010-08Text
116 Dynamics and structure: from microtubule networks to population networks2018Text
117 Dynamics, self-assembly, and function of multicomponent coordination supramolecular systems2011-08Text
118 Ecological and social influences on orangutan long call behavior and acoustic variation2017Text
119 The ecological basis of genetic variation in parasite populations2017Text
120 Ecological factors influencing community structure of parasites and their hosts2017Text
121 Ecological physiology of desert woodrats (neotoma lepida) with respect to ambient temperature and dietary toxins2016Text
122 Ecology and behavior of american pikas (ochotona princeps) in atypical habitats2015Text
123 Ecology and conservation of large carnivores in a human-dominated landscape in Eastern Anatolia2017Text
124 The ecology of host tolerance: responses of galápagos mockingbirds to philornis downsi2018Text
125 Ecology, ecosystem services, and conservation of endangered scavengers2017Text
101 - 125 of 512