51 - 75 of 511
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51 The bond energies of diatomic transition metal carbides and silicidesir_etdText
52 Bounded cohomology of finitely generated kleinian groupsir_etdText
53 Bounds on the volume of an inclusion in a body and cloaking due to anomalous localized resonanceir_etdText
54 Carotenoid pigments and pesticide resistance: genomic perspecitves fro a small but prolific mite herbivoreir_etdText
55 Cellular bioavailability of small-molecule inhibitors and optimization of small-molecule inhibitors for b-catenin mediation protein=protein interactionsir_etdText
56 Central limit theorem for random polymers in weak disorderir_etdText
57 Change point detection in heteroscedastic functional time seriesir_etdText
58 Change point inference with renyi-type statisticsir_etdText
59 Characterization of auxiliary subunits for GLR-1 ampa receptors in Caenorhabditis Elegansir_etdText
60 Characterization of novel C. Elegans Kainate receptors and their contribution to gradient navigationir_etdText
61 Characterizing the interactions of molecules with phospholipid vesicles and bilayers by confocal raman and single-molecule fluorescence microscopyir_etdText
62 Chemical and thermal modulation of molecular motor activitiesir_etdText
63 Chemical reactions of some non-aromatic radical anions.ir_etdText
64 Chlamydomonas reinhardtii: a model organism for studying G-Quadruplexesir_etdText
65 Coherently controlled spin-dependent charge carrier transitions in organic semiconductors: properties and applicationsir_etdText
66 Combining long-term field research and community science to measure the impacts of global change on bird populationsir_etdText
67 Comparison Principles for parabolic stochastic partial differential equationsir_etdText
68 Compatibility conditions and application to damage in discrete structuresir_etdText
69 The composition of ultra high energy cosmic rays through hybrid analysis at telescope arrayir_etdText
70 Comprehensive copper ion hydration: experimental and theoretical investigation of cu2+(h2o)n, cu+(h2o)n, cuoh+(h2o)nir_etdText
71 Computation of the quark-line disconnected part of the hadronic vacuum polarization of the muonir_etdText
72 Computational modeling of the explosion and detonation of high explosivesir_etdText
73 Computer simulations in liquid condensed phaseir_etdText
74 Conantokin peptides: structure, function and use to define NMDA receptor subtypes in live neuronsir_etdText
75 Concept for room temperature single-spin tunneling force microscopy with atomic spatial resolutionir_etdText
51 - 75 of 511