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1 Bilateral PtosisThis case, previously reported in 2007, is published courtesy of John Newsom-Davis, M.D., FRCP, FRS, CBE. Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine, John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford. This patient was unusual in presenting in early childhood and the development of persistent facial muscle and tongue...Image/MovingImage
2 Paraneoplastic Upbeat NystagmusThis case was presented to the Clinical Eye Movement Society at the American Neurological Association Meeting in October 2009. The patient is a 65 year old woman who was in good health until seven weeks prior to admission. On June 22/09 on the return flight from her daughter's wedding in Oregon she ...Image/MovingImage
3 Eyebrow SpasmThis case is published courtesy of Daniel J. Costello, M.D., Department of Neurology, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston. The patient is a 32-year-old right-handed man with an established diagnosis of Tuberous Sclerosis Complex characterized by: - medically intractable epilepsy - developmental...Image/MovingImage
4 The Prize: An Interview with David H. Hubel Nobel Laureate Physiology or Medicine 1981David H. Hubel is the John Enders University Professor of Neurobiology at Harvard Medical School. Born in Canada of American parents, he grew up in Montreal, graduated from McGill Medical School, and received training in neurology at the Montreal Neurological Institute and Johns Hopkins Hospital. ...Image/MovingImage
5 LateropulsionThis 60 year old patient has Wallenberg's syndrome due to infarction of the left dorsolateral medulla. Wallenberg's syndrome is the best recognized syndrome involving the vestibular nuclei and adjacent structures. Unilateral infarcts affecting the vestibular nuclei may produce an oculomotor imbalanc...Image/MovingImage
6 Selective Saccadic PalsyThis case is published courtesy of Scott D.Z. Eggers, M.D., Department of Neurology, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine (1). The patient is a healthy 50 year old woman who underwent otherwise uncomplicated aortic valve replacement for an incidentally discovered ascending aortic aneurysm. Upon awakeni...Image/MovingImage
7 Information Processing in the Visual System: David H. Hubel, Nobel Laureate Physiology or Medicine 1981David H. Hubel is the John Enders University Professor of Neurobiology at Harvard Medical School. Born in Canada of American parents, he grew up in Montreal, graduated from McGill Medical School, and received training in neurology at the Montreal Neurological Institute and Johns Hopkins Hospital. ...Image/MovingImage
8 Migraine Visual Aura: A Discussion with Nobel Laureate David H. HubelI am greatly indebted to the Nobel Laureate, David Hubel for his permission to publish his description of his migraine aura. The recording was made fortuitously at the time that I invited David to the Unit for Neuro-Visual Disorders to record an audio clip describing the experiments in the cat that...Image/MovingImage
9 Fisher's One and a Half SyndromeThe patient is a 62 year old right handed man, status post myocardial infarction in 1989 and on Coumadin. In 1993 he presented with a history of three separate TIAs 1. Instantaneous perioral tingling and/or numbness lasting less than 1 minute. 2. Episodic numbness of the right hand and foot lasti...Image/MovingImage
10 Fisher's One and a Half SyndromeThis 44 year old woman presented in 1973 with an acute attack of optic neuritis in the right eye that fully recovered after a course of ACTH therapy. In 1991, 18 years later, she developed unsteadiness of gait, "walking like a chicken", stiff legs that jerked spontaneously in bed at night, and num...Image/MovingImage
11 Supranuclear Paralysis of DowngazeThe patient is a 62 year old man who, on getting out of bed one morning, found his eyes did not open fully. The right eye hardly opened at all and the left just a little. He staggered to the bathroom and started to floss his teeth and dropped a piece of floss on the floor. He felt unsteady bend...Image/MovingImage
12 Paralysis of ConvergenceThe patient is a 25 year old man with a long history of headaches due to hydrocephalus. He carries the following diagnoses: 1. Hydrocephalus 2. Aqueduct stenosis 3. Low grade glioma involving the quadrageminal plate 4. Seizures The patient first came to neurological attention at the age of 12 whe...Image/MovingImage
13 Migraine Visual Aura: A Personal AccountI am greatly indebted to the Nobel Laureate, David Hubel for his permission to publish his description of his migraine aura. The recording was made fortuitously at the time that I invited David to the Unit for Neuro-Visual Disorders to record an audio clip describing the experiments in the cat that...Image/MovingImage
14 Congenital Nystagmus: Oscillations of the Eyes-2This child was noted to have oscillations of the eyes in infancy and was given a diagnosis of congenital nystagmus.Image/MovingImage
15 Lid LagThe classical eye signs of thyroid associated ophthalmopathy (TAO) of Graves' Disease is illustrated by case ID925-4. This 50 year old woman with TAO is included in the collection because she illustrates very well lid lag (persistent elevation of the upper eyelid in downgaze) - von Graefe sign E...Image/MovingImage
16 Supranuclear Vertical Gaze PalsyThe patient is a 60 year old woman who was given a diagnosis of Progressive supranuclear palsy six months before she was referred by the Movement Disorders Clinic for evaluation of difficulty reading. Family History: Negative for neurodegenerative disease. Neuro-ophthalmological examination: Sup...Image/MovingImage
17 Pseudo-Internculear OphthalmoplegiaThis 32 year old man had the acute onset of double vision followed very quickly by a drooping of the left eyelid. Past History: Negative for any previous episode of double vision No history of strabismus as a child No fatigue, neck weakness, difficulty in chewing or swallowing Family History: Neg...Image/MovingImage
18 Bilateral PtosisPatient is a 65 year old woman who presented with acute onset of bilateral ptosis. She awoke one day and found her eyelids half shut and she was unable to see. The lids completely shut and she came to the Massachusetts General Hospital Emergency Room and was admitted. Past History: Negative for pt...Image/MovingImage
19 Supranuclear Paralysis of UpgazeThe patient is a 32 year old man who was admitted as an emergency with severe headache and papilledema. On examination he had signs of the Pretectal Syndrome. • Bilateral lid retraction in primary gaze - Collier's sign • Supranuclear paralysis of upgaze (saccades and pursuit) • Full horizon...Image/MovingImage
20 Third Nerve Palsy; Aberrant ReinnervationThe patient is a 48 year old man from Saudi Arabia who came to the Massachusetts General Hospital for a second opinion and hopefully for surgical correction of ptosis of the left eye (OS). He had a long standing left third nerve palsy due to compression of the nerve trunk by a cavernous sinus mening...Image/MovingImage
21 Fisher's One and a Half SyndromeThis young patient presented with double vision and was found to have on examination the classical findings of Fisher's one-and-a-half syndrome which are: • Right internuclear ophthalmoplegia on gaze left with adduction weakness OD • Right horizontal gaze paresis with gaze evoked nystagmus • F...Image/MovingImage
22 Bilateral Sixth Nerve PalsyThe patient is a 60 year old woman who consulted her ophthalmologist with a chief complaint of double vision looking to the left. He diagnosed of a left sixth nerve palsy. No investigations were done. Two years later she complained of diplopia looking to the right. A diagnosis of bilateral six...Image/MovingImage
23 Fascicular Third Nerve PalsyThe patient is a 76 year old woman who woke one morning unable to see out of her right eye because of ptosis. She came to the Massachusetts General Hospital emergency room and was admitted. Neurological Examination: Right third nerve palsy involving the pupil Ataxia of the left hand on finger-nose t...Image/MovingImage
24 Familial Myasthenia GravisIn 1999 Dr. A. G. Engel published a monograph on Myasthenia Gravis and Myasthenic Disorders with a chapter devoted to Congenital Myasthenic Syndromes. Dr. Engel systematically defined and classified hereditary and congenital myasthenic syndromes, delineated on the basis of their electrophysiologi...Image/MovingImage
25 Normal Eye MovementsThe video of the normal eye movement examination was made with the assistance of Dr. Terrence Millette, a neurologist and former Fellow with me in 1985-1986. Introduction to the Saccadic System Saccades are fast eye movements that bring the image of an object of interest onto the fovea. They c...Image/MovingImage
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