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1 The Accommodation ReflexThis three minute video describes and animates the events taking place in the eye during accommodation. Narration describes the events. Three dimensional animation shows convergence of the eyes. The view changes to a cut-away view of the eye interior to show pupillary constriction and changes in the...Near Triad; Pupillary Constriction; Ciliary MuscleHEAL Reviewed Collection
2 ThrombogenesisMegakarocyte morphogenesis and platelet formation.ThrombogenesisHEAL Reviewed Collection
3 Coordination Exam: Normal Exam: Normal Gait (includes Spanish audio & captions)The patient should be observed walking as she normally would. NeuroLogic Exam has been supported by a grant from the Slice of Life Development Fund at the University of Utah, the Department of Pediatrics and the Office of Education at the University of Nebraska Medical Center. Viewing the video requ...Coordination ExaminationNeuroLogic Exam: An Anatomical Approach
4 Coordination Exam: Anatomy: Vestibulocerebellum (x2) (includes Spanish audio & captions)The first subdivision of the cerebellum is the vestibulocerebellum. This consists of the connections between the vestibular system and the flocculonodular lobe. Dysfunction of this system results in nystagmus, truncal instability (titubation), and truncal ataxia. NeuroLogic Exam has been supported b...Coordination Examination; Flocculonodular Lobe; VestibulocerebellumNeuroLogic Exam: An Anatomical Approach
5 Cranial Nerve Exam: Abnormal Examples: Cranial Nerve 1 - Olfaction (x2)This patient has difficulty identifying the smells presented. Loss of smell is anosmia. The most common cause is a cold (as in this patient) or nasal allergies. Other causes include trauma or a meningioma effecting the olfactory tracts. Anosmia is also seen in Kallman syndrome because of agenesis of...Cranial Nerve ExaminationNeuroLogic Exam: An Anatomical Approach
6 Cranial Nerve Exam: Abnormal Examples: Cranial Nerve 8 - Auditory Acuity, Weber & Rinne TestsThis patient has decreased hearing acuity of the right ear. The Weber test lateralizes to the right ear and bone conduction is greater than air conduction on the right. He has a conductive hearing loss. NeuroLogic Exam has been supported by a grant from the Slice of Life Development Fund at the Univ...Cranial Nerve Examination; Weber Test; Rinne TestNeuroLogic Exam: An Anatomical Approach
7 Cranial Nerve Exam: Abnormal Examples: Cranial Nerves 3, 4 & 6 - Inspection & Ocular AlignmentThis patient with ocular myasthenia gravis has bilateral ptosis, left greater then right. There is also ocular misalignment because of weakness of the eye muscles especially of the left eye. Note the reflection of the light source doesn't fall on the same location of each eyeball. NeuroLogic Exam ha...Cranial Nerve ExaminationNeuroLogic Exam: An Anatomical Approach
8 Cranial Nerve Exam: Abnormal Examples: Cranial Nerve 2 - Visual Fields (x2)The patient's visual fields are being tested with gross confrontation. A right sided visual field deficit for both eyes is shown. This is a right hemianopia from a lesion behind the optic chiasm involving the left optic tract, radiation or striate cortex. NeuroLogic Exam has been supported by a gran...Cranial Nerve ExaminationNeuroLogic Exam: An Anatomical Approach
9 Cranial Nerve Exam: Abnormal Examples: Cranial Nerve 5 - Motor (x2)The first patient shown has weakness of the pterygoids and the jaw deviates towards the side of the weakness. The second patient shown has a positive jaw jerk which indicates an upper motor lesion affecting the 5th cranial nerve. Video courtesy of Alejandro Stern, Stern Foundation. NeuroLogic Exam h...Cranial Nerve ExaminationNeuroLogic Exam: An Anatomical Approach
10 Coordination Exam: Normal Exam: Speech - Rapid Alternating Movements (includes Spanish audio & captions)Having the patient say lah-pah-kah can test rapid alternating movements of the tongue, lips, and palate. NeuroLogic Exam has been supported by a grant from the Slice of Life Development Fund at the University of Utah, the Department of Pediatrics and the Office of Education at the University of Nebr...Coordination Examination; Rapid Alternating MovementsNeuroLogic Exam: An Anatomical Approach
11 Cranial Nerve Exam: Anatomy: Cranial Nerve 1Olfaction is the only sensory modality with direct access to cerebral cortex without going through the thalamus. The olfactory tracts project mainly to the uncus of the temporal lobes. NeuroLogic Exam has been supported by a grant from the Slice of Life Development Fund at the University of Utah, th...Cranial Nerve ExaminationNeuroLogic Exam: An Anatomical Approach
12 Cranial Nerve Exam: Abnormal Examples: Cranial Nerve 7 - Sensory, Taste (x2)The patient has difficulty correctly identifying taste on the right side of the tongue indicating a lesion of the sensory limb of the 7th nerve. NeuroLogic Exam has been supported by a grant from the Slice of Life Development Fund at the University of Utah, the Department of Pediatrics and the Offic...Cranial Nerve ExaminationNeuroLogic Exam: An Anatomical Approach
13 Coordination Exam: Normal Exam: Station (x2) (includes Spanish audio & captions)Have the patient stand still. Note the position of the feet and how steady the patient is with eyes open. In the demonstrated exam, the patient is asked to hop and pat at the same time. This is a good way to test upper and lower extremity coordination and balance simultaneously. NeuroLogic Exam has ...Coordination Examination; StationNeuroLogic Exam: An Anatomical Approach
14 Coordination Exam: Normal Exam: Station (includes Spanish audio & captions)Have the patient stand still. Note the position of the feet and how steady the patient is with eyes open. In the demonstrated exam, the patient is asked to hop and pat at the same time. This is a good way to test upper and lower extremity coordination and balance simultaneously. NeuroLogic Exam has ...Coordination Examination; StationNeuroLogic Exam: An Anatomical Approach
15 Coordination Exam: Abnormal Examples: Foot - Rapid Alternating Movements (includes Spanish audio & captions)Movements are slow and irregular with imprecise timing of agonist and antagonist muscle action. NeuroLogic Exam has been supported by a grant from the Slice of Life Development Fund at the University of Utah, the Department of Pediatrics and the Office of Education at the University of Nebraska Medi...Coordination Examination; Rapid Alternating Movements; AdiadochokinesisNeuroLogic Exam: An Anatomical Approach
16 Coordination Exam: Normal Exam: Foot - Rapid Alternating Movements (includes Spanish audio & captions)Patient taps her foot on the examiner's hand or on the floor. NeuroLogic Exam has been supported by a grant from the Slice of Life Development Fund at the University of Utah, the Department of Pediatrics and the Office of Education at the University of Nebraska Medical Center. Viewing the video requ...Coordination Examination; Rapid Alternating MovementsNeuroLogic Exam: An Anatomical Approach
17 Coordination Exam: Normal Exam: Tremor (includes Spanish audio & captions)Patient's arms are held outstretched and fingers extended. Watch for postural or essential tremor. NeuroLogic Exam has been supported by a grant from the Slice of Life Development Fund at the University of Utah, the Department of Pediatrics and the Office of Education at the University of Nebraska M...Coordination ExaminationNeuroLogic Exam: An Anatomical Approach
18 Coordination Exam: Normal Exam: Normal Gait (x2) (includes Spanish audio & captions)The patient should be observed walking as she normally would. NeuroLogic Exam has been supported by a grant from the Slice of Life Development Fund at the University of Utah, the Department of Pediatrics and the Office of Education at the University of Nebraska Medical Center. Viewing the video requ...Coordination ExaminationNeuroLogic Exam: An Anatomical Approach
19 Gait Exam: Normal Exam: Natural GaitThe patient should be able to walk with a smooth, coordinated gait. There should be normal associated movement of the upper extremities. NeuroLogic Exam has been supported by a grant from the Slice of Life Development Fund at the University of Utah, the Department of Pediatrics and the Office of Edu...Gait Examination; Natural GaitNeuroLogic Exam: An Anatomical Approach
20 Gait Exam: Normal Exam: Tandem GaitHave the patient walk heel-to-toe. The patient should be able to balance without falling or stepping to the side. NeuroLogic Exam has been supported by a grant from the Slice of Life Development Fund at the University of Utah, the Department of Pediatrics and the Office of Education at the Universit...Gait Examination; Heel-toe GaitNeuroLogic Exam: An Anatomical Approach
21 Cranial Nerve Exam: Abnormal Examples: Vergence (x2)Light-near dissociation occurs when the pupils don't react to light but constrict with convergence as part of the near reflex. This is what happens in the Argyll-Robertson pupil (usually seen with neurosyphilis) where there is a pretectal lesion affecting the retinomesencephalic afferents controllin...Cranial Nerve ExaminationNeuroLogic Exam: An Anatomical Approach
22 Coordination Exam: Abnormal Examples: Check Reflex (includes Spanish audio & captions)The patient is unable to stop flexion of the arm on sudden release so the arm may strike the chest and doesn't recoil to the initial position. This is most likely due to failure of timely triceps contraction. NeuroLogic Exam has been supported by a grant from the Slice of Life Development Fund at th...Coordination Examination; Check ReflexNeuroLogic Exam: An Anatomical Approach
23 Cranial Nerve Exam: Abnormal Examples: Cranial Nerve 1 - OlfactionThis patient has difficulty identifying the smells presented. Loss of smell is anosmia. The most common cause is a cold (as in this patient) or nasal allergies. Other causes include trauma or a meningioma effecting the olfactory tracts. Anosmia is also seen in Kallman syndrome because of agenesis of...Cranial Nerve ExaminationNeuroLogic Exam: An Anatomical Approach
24 Cranial Nerve Exam: Abnormal Examples: Cranial Nerves 9 & 10 - Motor (x2)When the patient says ah there is excessive nasal air escape. The palate elevates more on the left side and the uvula deviates toward the left side because the right side is weak. This patient has a deficit of the right 9th & 10th cranial nerves. Video courtesy of Alejandro Stern, Stern Foundation. ...Cranial Nerve ExaminationNeuroLogic Exam: An Anatomical Approach
25 Cranial Nerve Exam: Abnormal Examples: Cranial Nerve 2 - Visual Acuity (x2)This patient's visual acuity is being tested with a Rosenbaum chart. First the left eye is tested, then the right eye. He is tested with his glasses on so this represents corrected visual acuity. He has 20/70 vision in the left eye and 20/40 in the right. His decreased visual acuity is from optic ne...Cranial Nerve ExaminationNeuroLogic Exam: An Anatomical Approach
26 Coordination Exam: Abnormal Examples: Hand - Rapid Alternating Movements (includes Spanish audio & captions)Movements are slow and irregular with imprecise timing. Inability to perform repetitive movements in a rapid rhythmic fashion is called dysdiadochokinesia. NeuroLogic Exam has been supported by a grant from the Slice of Life Development Fund at the University of Utah, the Department of Pediatrics an...Coordination Examination; DysdiadochokinesiaNeuroLogic Exam: An Anatomical Approach
27 Coordination Exam: Abnormal Examples: Natural Gait (includes Spanish audio & captions)Wide-based, unsteady, irregular steps with lateral veering| ataxia is most prominent when sudden changes are needed such as turning, standing up or stopping. NeuroLogic Exam has been supported by a grant from the Slice of Life Development Fund at the University of Utah, the Department of Pediatrics ...Coordination Examination; Natural GaitNeuroLogic Exam: An Anatomical Approach
28 Coordination Exam: Normal Exam: Hand - Rapid Alternating Movements (x2) (includes Spanish audio & captions)Finger tapping, wrist rotation and front-to-back hand patting. Watch for the rapidity and rhythmical performance of the movements noting any right-left disparity. NeuroLogic Exam has been supported by a grant from the Slice of Life Development Fund at the University of Utah, the Department of Pediat...Coordination Examination; Rapid Alternating MovementsNeuroLogic Exam: An Anatomical Approach
29 Coordination Exam: Normal Exam: Hand - Rapid Alternating Movements (includes Spanish audio & captions)Finger tapping, wrist rotation and front-to-back hand patting. Watch for the rapidity and rhythmical performance of the movements noting any right-left disparity. NeuroLogic Exam has been supported by a grant from the Slice of Life Development Fund at the University of Utah, the Department of Pediat...Coordination Examination; Rapid Alternating MovementsNeuroLogic Exam: An Anatomical Approach
30 Cranial Nerve Exam: Abnormal Examples: Cranial Nerves 9 & 10 - MotorWhen the patient says ah there is excessive nasal air escape. The palate elevates more on the left side and the uvula deviates toward the left side because the right side is weak. This patient has a deficit of the right 9th & 10th cranial nerves. Video courtesy of Alejandro Stern, Stern Foundation. ...Cranial Nerve ExaminationNeuroLogic Exam: An Anatomical Approach
31 Coordination Exam: Normal Exam: Heel-to-shin (x2) (includes Spanish audio & captions)The patient places her heel on the opposite knee then runs the heel down the shin to the ankle and back to the knee in a smooth coordinated fashion. NeuroLogic Exam has been supported by a grant from the Slice of Life Development Fund at the University of Utah, the Department of Pediatrics and the O...Coordination Examination; Heel-shin TestNeuroLogic Exam: An Anatomical Approach
32 Cranial Nerve Exam: Abnormal Examples: Cranial Nerves 3, 4 & 6 - Versions (x2)The first patient shown has incomplete abduction of her left eye from a 6th nerve palsy. The second patient has a left 3rd nerve palsy resulting in ptosis, dilated pupil, limited adduction, elevation, and depression of the left eye. NeuroLogic Exam has been supported by a grant from the Slice of Lif...Cranial Nerve ExaminationNeuroLogic Exam: An Anatomical Approach
33 Coordination Exam: Normal Exam: Toe-to-finger (x2) (includes Spanish audio & captions)The patient touches her toe to the examiner's finger repetitively as the examiner moves his finger to new positions. NeuroLogic Exam has been supported by a grant from the Slice of Life Development Fund at the University of Utah, the Department of Pediatrics and the Office of Education at the Univer...Coordination Examination; Toe-to-finger TestNeuroLogic Exam: An Anatomical Approach
34 Coordination Exam: Normal Exam: Toe-to-finger (includes Spanish audio & captions)The patient touches her toe to the examiner's finger repetitively as the examiner moves his finger to new positions. NeuroLogic Exam has been supported by a grant from the Slice of Life Development Fund at the University of Utah, the Department of Pediatrics and the Office of Education at the Univer...Coordination Examination; Toe-to-finger TestNeuroLogic Exam: An Anatomical Approach
35 Coordination Exam: Normal Exam: Foot - Rapid Alternating Movements (x2) (includes Spanish audio & captions)Patient taps her foot on the examiner's hand or on the floor. NeuroLogic Exam has been supported by a grant from the Slice of Life Development Fund at the University of Utah, the Department of Pediatrics and the Office of Education at the University of Nebraska Medical Center. Viewing the video requ...Coordination Examination; Rapid Alternating MovementsNeuroLogic Exam: An Anatomical Approach
36 Gait Exam: Normal Exam: Heel and Toe WalkingA good way to test balance as well as strength of the distal lower extremities is to have the patient heel and toe walk. NeuroLogic Exam has been supported by a grant from the Slice of Life Development Fund at the University of Utah, the Department of Pediatrics and the Office of Education at the Un...Gait Examination; Heel-toe GaitNeuroLogic Exam: An Anatomical Approach
37 Cranial Nerve Exam: Abnormal Examples: Cranial Nerves 3, 4 & 6 - DuctionsEach eye is examined with the other covered (this is called ductions). The patient is unable to adduct either the left or the right eye. If you watch closely you can see nystagmus upon abduction of each eye. When both eyes are tested together (testing versions) you can see the bilateral adduction de...Cranial Nerve Examination; DuctionsNeuroLogic Exam: An Anatomical Approach
38 Coordination Exam: Anatomy: Introduction (includes Spanish audio & captions)The principle area of the brain that is examined by the coordination exam is the cerebellum. The cerebellum is important for motor learning and timing of motor activity. It fine-tunes the force of agonist and antagonist muscle activity simultaneously and sequentially across multiple joints to produc...Coordination ExaminationNeuroLogic Exam: An Anatomical Approach
39 Coordination Exam: Normal Exam: Tandem Gait (x2) (includes Spanish audio & captions)The patient is asked to walk heel-to-toe. Note steadiness. Tandem gait requires the patient to narrow the station and maintain balance over a 4-5 inch width. Patients with midline ataxias have difficulty with tandem gait. NeuroLogic Exam has been supported by a grant from the Slice of Life Developme...Coordination Examination; Tandem Gait; Heel-toe GaitNeuroLogic Exam: An Anatomical Approach
40 Coordination Exam: Abnormal Examples: Toe-to-finger (includes Spanish audio & captions)Same as finger-to-nose except for the lower extremities. For both the upper and lower extremities, it is important to always compare right versus left. NeuroLogic Exam has been supported by a grant from the Slice of Life Development Fund at the University of Utah, the Department of Pediatrics and th...Coordination Examination; Toe-to-finger TestNeuroLogic Exam: An Anatomical Approach
41 Cranial Nerve Exam: Abnormal Examples: Cranial Nerve 5 - MotorThe first patient shown has weakness of the pterygoids and the jaw deviates towards the side of the weakness. The second patient shown has a positive jaw jerk which indicates an upper motor lesion affecting the 5th cranial nerve. Video courtesy of Alejandro Stern, Stern Foundation. NeuroLogic Exam h...Cranial Nerve ExaminationNeuroLogic Exam: An Anatomical Approach
42 Cranial Nerve Exam: Abnormal Examples: Cranial Nerve 8 - Auditory Acuity, Weber & Rinne Tests (x2)This patient has decreased hearing acuity of the right ear. The Weber test lateralizes to the right ear and bone conduction is greater than air conduction on the right. He has a conductive hearing loss. NeuroLogic Exam has been supported by a grant from the Slice of Life Development Fund at the Univ...Cranial Nerve Examination; Weber Test; Rinne TestNeuroLogic Exam: An Anatomical Approach
43 Cranial Nerve Exam: Abnormal Examples: Cranial Nerves 3, 4 & 6 - VersionsThe first patient shown has incomplete abduction of her left eye from a 6th nerve palsy. The second patient has a left 3rd nerve palsy resulting in ptosis, dilated pupil, limited adduction, elevation, and depression of the left eye. NeuroLogic Exam has been supported by a grant from the Slice of Lif...Cranial Nerve ExaminationNeuroLogic Exam: An Anatomical Approach
44 Coordination Exam: Anatomy: Subdivisions of the Cerebellum (x2) (includes Spanish audio & captions)The cerebellum has 3 functional subdivisions, which function as feedback and feed forward systems. NeuroLogic Exam has been supported by a grant from the Slice of Life Development Fund at the University of Utah, the Department of Pediatrics and the Office of Education at the University of Nebraska M...Coordination ExaminationNeuroLogic Exam: An Anatomical Approach
45 Coordination Exam: Normal Exam: Tandem Gait (includes Spanish audio & captions)The patient is asked to walk heel-to-toe. Note steadiness. Tandem gait requires the patient to narrow the station and maintain balance over a 4-5 inch width. Patients with midline ataxias have difficulty with tandem gait. NeuroLogic Exam has been supported by a grant from the Slice of Life Developme...Coordination Examination; Tandem Gait; Heel-toe GaitNeuroLogic Exam: An Anatomical Approach
46 Cranial Nerve Exam: Abnormal Examples: Cranial Nerve 2 - Visual FieldsThe patient's visual fields are being tested with gross confrontation. A right sided visual field deficit for both eyes is shown. This is a right hemianopia from a lesion behind the optic chiasm involving the left optic tract, radiation or striate cortex. NeuroLogic Exam has been supported by a gran...Cranial Nerve ExaminationNeuroLogic Exam: An Anatomical Approach
47 Coordination Exam: Anatomy: Cerebrocerebellum (x2) (includes Spanish audio & captions)The 3rd subdivision of the cerebellum is the cerebrocerebellum. This system consists of connections from the cerebral cortex (predominantly motor) to the cerebellar hemispheres then back to the cerebral cortex. This system is important in motor planning. Dysfunction of the cerebellar hemispheres res...Coordination ExaminationNeuroLogic Exam: An Anatomical Approach
48 Cranial Nerve Exam: Abnormal Examples: Optokinetic Nystagmus (x2)This patient has poor optokinetic nystagmus when the tape is moved to the right or left. The patient lacks the input from the parietal-occipital gaze centers to initiate smooth pursuit movements therefore her visual tracking of the objects on the tape is inconsistent and erratic. Patients who have a...Cranial Nerve ExaminationNeuroLogic Exam: An Anatomical Approach
49 Coordination Exam: Abnormal Examples: Speech - Rapid Alternating Movements - Dysarthria (includes Spanish audio & captions)Impaired speech articulation of cerebellar origin is characterized by being slow, indistinct, and scanning (scanning refers to decomposition of words into monosyllabic parts and loss of normal phrasing and intonation). NeuroLogic Exam has been supported by a grant from the Slice of Life Development ...Coordination ExaminationNeuroLogic Exam: An Anatomical Approach
50 Cranial Nerve Exam: Abnormal Examples: Cranial Nerves 3, 4 & 6 - Inspection & Ocular Alignment (x2)This patient with ocular myasthenia gravis has bilateral ptosis, left greater then right. There is also ocular misalignment because of weakness of the eye muscles especially of the left eye. Note the reflection of the light source doesn't fall on the same location of each eyeball. NeuroLogic Exam ha...Cranial Nerve ExaminationNeuroLogic Exam: An Anatomical Approach
51 Coordination Exam: Normal Exam: Finger-to-nose (x2) (includes Spanish audio & captions)The patient moves her pointer finger from her nose to the examiner's finger as the examiner moves his finger to new positions and tests accuracy at the furthest outreach of the arm. NeuroLogic Exam has been supported by a grant from the Slice of Life Development Fund at the University of Utah, th...Coordination Examination; Finger-to-nose TestNeuroLogic Exam: An Anatomical Approach
52 Coordination Exam: Normal Exam: Check Reflex (includes Spanish audio & captions)Examiner pulls on actively flexed arm then suddenly releases. The patient should be able to check or stop the arm's movement when released. NeuroLogic Exam has been supported by a grant from the Slice of Life Development Fund at the University of Utah, the Department of Pediatrics and the Office of ...Coordination Examination; Check ReflexNeuroLogic Exam: An Anatomical Approach
53 Coordination Exam: Anatomy: Vestibulocerebellum (includes Spanish audio & captions)The first subdivision of the cerebellum is the vestibulocerebellum. This consists of the connections between the vestibular system and the flocculonodular lobe. Dysfunction of this system results in nystagmus, truncal instability (titubation), and truncal ataxia. NeuroLogic Exam has been supported b...Coordination Examination; Flocculonodular Lobe; VestibulocerebellumNeuroLogic Exam: An Anatomical Approach
54 Cranial Nerve Exam: Abnormal Examples: Cranial Nerve 5 - Sensory (x2)There is a sensory deficit for both light touch and pain on the left side of the face for all divisions of the 5th nerve. Note that the deficit is first recognized just to the left of the midline and not exactly at the midline. Patients with psychogenic sensory loss often identify the sensory change...Cranial Nerve ExaminationNeuroLogic Exam: An Anatomical Approach
55 Cranial Nerve Exam: Abnormal Examples: Cranial Nerve 5 - SensoryThere is a sensory deficit for both light touch and pain on the left side of the face for all divisions of the 5th nerve. Note that the deficit is first recognized just to the left of the midline and not exactly at the midline. Patients with psychogenic sensory loss often identify the sensory change...Cranial Nerve ExaminationNeuroLogic Exam: An Anatomical Approach
56 Gait Exam: Abnormal Examples: Hemiplegic Gait DemonstrationThe patient has unilateral weakness and spasticity with the upper extremity held in flexion and the lower extremity in extension. The foot is in extension so the leg is too long therefore, the patient will have to circumduct or swing the leg around to step forward. This type of gait is seen with a U...Gait Examination; Hemiplegic GaitNeuroLogic Exam: An Anatomical Approach
57 Coordination Exam: Abnormal Examples: Tandem Gait (x2) (includes Spanish audio & captions)Patients with ataxia have difficulty narrowing the station in order to walk heel to toe. Tandem gait is helpful in identifying subtle or mild gait ataxia. NeuroLogic Exam has been supported by a grant from the Slice of Life Development Fund at the University of Utah, the Department of Pediatrics and...Coordination Examination; Tandem Gait; Heel-toe GaitNeuroLogic Exam: An Anatomical Approach
58 Cranial Nerve Exam: Abnormal Examples: Cranial Nerve 2 - Visual AcuityThis patient's visual acuity is being tested with a Rosenbaum chart. First the left eye is tested, then the right eye. He is tested with his glasses on so this represents corrected visual acuity. He has 20/70 vision in the left eye and 20/40 in the right. His decreased visual acuity is from optic ne...Cranial Nerve ExaminationNeuroLogic Exam: An Anatomical Approach
59 Coordination Exam: Abnormal Examples: Toe-to-finger (x2) (includes Spanish audio & captions)Same as finger-to-nose except for the lower extremities. For both the upper and lower extremities, it is important to always compare right versus left. NeuroLogic Exam has been supported by a grant from the Slice of Life Development Fund at the University of Utah, the Department of Pediatrics and th...Coordination Examination; Toe-to-finger TestNeuroLogic Exam: An Anatomical Approach
60 Cranial Nerve Exam: Abnormal Examples: Cranial Nerves 9 & 10 - Sensory & Motor: Gag ReflexUsing a tongue blade, the left side of the patient's palate is touched which results in a gag reflex with the left side of the palate elevating more then the right and the uvula deviating to the left consistent with a right CN 9 & 10 deficit. Video courtesy of Alejandro Stern, Stern Foundation. Neur...Cranial Nerve ExaminationNeuroLogic Exam: An Anatomical Approach
61 Cranial Nerve Exam: Abnormal Examples: Smooth PursuitThe patient shown has progressive supranuclear palsy. As part of this disease there is disruption of fixation by square wave jerks and impairment of smooth pursuit movements. Saccadic eye movements are also impaired. Although not shown in this video, vertical saccadic eye movements are usually the i...Cranial Nerve ExaminationNeuroLogic Exam: An Anatomical Approach
62 Coordination Exam: Anatomy: Subdivisions of the Cerebellum (includes Spanish audio & captions)The cerebellum has 3 functional subdivisions, which function as feedback and feed forward systems. NeuroLogic Exam has been supported by a grant from the Slice of Life Development Fund at the University of Utah, the Department of Pediatrics and the Office of Education at the University of Nebraska M...Coordination ExaminationNeuroLogic Exam: An Anatomical Approach
63 Cranial Nerve Exam: Abnormal Examples: VergenceLight-near dissociation occurs when the pupils don't react to light but constrict with convergence as part of the near reflex. This is what happens in the Argyll-Robertson pupil (usually seen with neurosyphilis) where there is a pretectal lesion affecting the retinomesencephalic afferents controllin...Cranial Nerve ExaminationNeuroLogic Exam: An Anatomical Approach
64 Cranial Nerve Exam: Abnormal Examples: Cranial Nerves 9 & 10 - Sensory & Motor: Gag Reflex (x2)Using a tongue blade, the left side of the patient's palate is touched which results in a gag reflex with the left side of the palate elevating more then the right and the uvula deviating to the left consistent with a right CN 9 & 10 deficit. Video courtesy of Alejandro Stern, Stern Foundation. Neur...Cranial Nerve ExaminationNeuroLogic Exam: An Anatomical Approach
65 Cranial Nerve Exam: Abnormal Examples: Smooth Pursuit (x2)The patient shown has progressive supranuclear palsy. As part of this disease there is disruption of fixation by square wave jerks and impairment of smooth pursuit movements. Saccadic eye movements are also impaired. Although not shown in this video, vertical saccadic eye movements are usually the i...Cranial Nerve ExaminationNeuroLogic Exam: An Anatomical Approach
66 Cranial Nerve Exam: Abnormal Examples: Cranial Nerves 9 & 10 - Motor (x2)When the patient says ah there is excessive nasal air escape. The palate elevates more on the left side and the uvula deviates toward the left side because the right side is weak. This patient has a deficit of the right 9th & 10th cranial nerves. Video courtesy of Alejandro Stern, Stern Foundation. ...Cranial Nerve ExaminationNeuroLogic Exam: An Anatomical Approach
67 Cranial Nerve Exam: Abnormal Examples: Cranial Nerves 9 & 10 - MotorWhen the patient says ah there is excessive nasal air escape. The palate elevates more on the left side and the uvula deviates toward the left side because the right side is weak. This patient has a deficit of the right 9th & 10th cranial nerves. Video courtesy of Alejandro Stern, Stern Foundation. ...Cranial Nerve ExaminationNeuroLogic Exam: An Anatomical Approach
68 Cranial Nerve Exam: Abnormal Examples: Cranial Nerve 12 - Motor (x2)Notice the atrophy and fasciculation of the right side of this patient's tongue. The tongue deviates to the right as well because of weakness of the right intrinsic tongue muscles. These findings are present because of a lesion of the right 12th cranial nerve. NeuroLogic Exam has been supported by a...Cranial Nerve ExaminationNeuroLogic Exam: An Anatomical Approach
69 Cranial Nerve Exam: Abnormal Examples: Cranial Nerve 12 - MotorNotice the atrophy and fasciculation of the right side of this patient's tongue. The tongue deviates to the right as well because of weakness of the right intrinsic tongue muscles. These findings are present because of a lesion of the right 12th cranial nerve. NeuroLogic Exam has been supported by a...Cranial Nerve ExaminationNeuroLogic Exam: An Anatomical Approach
70 Cranial Nerve Exam: Abnormal Examples: Cranial Nerve 7 - Sensory, TasteThe patient has difficulty correctly identifying taste on the right side of the tongue indicating a lesion of the sensory limb of the 7th nerve. NeuroLogic Exam has been supported by a grant from the Slice of Life Development Fund at the University of Utah, the Department of Pediatrics and the Offic...Cranial Nerve ExaminationNeuroLogic Exam: An Anatomical Approach
71 Coordination Exam: Anatomy: Midline Ataxia (includes Spanish audio & captions)Clinically, the ataxic syndromes caused by vestibulocerebellar and spinocerebellar disease are lumped together and are called midline or equilibratory (gait) ataxias. The hallmarks of these midline ataxic syndromes are truncal instability manifested by titubation (tremor of the trunk in an anterior-...Coordination Examination; Anterior Lobe of Cerebellum; Flocculonodular LobeNeuroLogic Exam: An Anatomical Approach
72 Coordination Exam: Abnormal Examples: Speech - Rapid Alternating Movements - Dysarthria (x2) (includes Spanish audio & captions)Impaired speech articulation of cerebellar origin is characterized by being slow, indistinct, and scanning (scanning refers to decomposition of words into monosyllabic parts and loss of normal phrasing and intonation). NeuroLogic Exam has been supported by a grant from the Slice of Life Development ...Coordination ExaminationNeuroLogic Exam: An Anatomical Approach
73 Cranial Nerve Exam: Abnormal Examples: Cranial Nerve 11 - MotorWhen the patient contracts the muscles of the neck the left sternocleidomastoid muscle is easily seen but the right is absent. Looking at the back of the patient, the left trapezius muscle is outlined and present but the right is atrophic and hard to identify. These findings indicate a lesion of the...Cranial Nerve ExaminationNeuroLogic Exam: An Anatomical Approach
74 Coordination Exam: Abnormal Examples: Station (x2) (includes Spanish audio & captions)Patient's feet will be placed wider apart then usual in order to maintain balance (broad or wide-based station). Midline ataxias cause instability of station with eyes opened or closed. NeuroLogic Exam has been supported by a grant from the Slice of Life Development Fund at the University of Utah, t...Coordination Examination; StationNeuroLogic Exam: An Anatomical Approach
75 Coordination Exam: Abnormal Examples: Hand - Rapid Alternating Movements (x2) (includes Spanish audio & captions)Movements are slow and irregular with imprecise timing. Inability to perform repetitive movements in a rapid rhythmic fashion is called dysdiadochokinesia. NeuroLogic Exam has been supported by a grant from the Slice of Life Development Fund at the University of Utah, the Department of Pediatrics an...Coordination Examination; DysdiadochokinesiaNeuroLogic Exam: An Anatomical Approach
76 Gait Exam: Abnormal Examples: Hemiplegic Gait DemonstrationThe patient has unilateral weakness and spasticity with the upper extremity held in flexion and the lower extremity in extension. The foot is in extension so the leg is too long therefore, the patient will have to circumduct or swing the leg around to step forward. This type of gait is seen with a U...Gait Examination; Hemiplegic GaitNeuroLogic Exam: An Anatomical Approach
77 Coordination Exam: Abnormal Examples: Natural Gait (x2) (includes Spanish audio & captions)Wide-based, unsteady, irregular steps with lateral veering| ataxia is most prominent when sudden changes are needed such as turning, standing up or stopping. NeuroLogic Exam has been supported by a grant from the Slice of Life Development Fund at the University of Utah, the Department of Pediatrics ...Coordination Examination; Natural GaitNeuroLogic Exam: An Anatomical Approach
78 Cranial Nerve Exam: Anatomy: Cranial Nerve 1 (x2)Olfaction is the only sensory modality with direct access to cerebral cortex without going through the thalamus. The olfactory tracts project mainly to the uncus of the temporal lobes. NeuroLogic Exam has been supported by a grant from the Slice of Life Development Fund at the University of Utah, th...Cranial Nerve ExaminationNeuroLogic Exam: An Anatomical Approach
79 Coordination Exam: Anatomy: Introduction (x2) (includes Spanish audio & captions)The principle area of the brain that is examined by the coordination exam is the cerebellum. The cerebellum is important for motor learning and timing of motor activity. It fine-tunes the force of agonist and antagonist muscle activity simultaneously and sequentially across multiple joints to produc...Coordination ExaminationNeuroLogic Exam: An Anatomical Approach
80 Cranial Nerve Exam: Abnormal Examples: Cranial Nerves 2 & 3 - Pupillary Light Reflex (x2)The swinging flashlight test is used to show a relative afferent pupillary defect or a Marcus Gunn pupil of the left eye. The left eye has perceived less light stimulus (a defect in the sensory or afferent pathway) then the opposite eye so the pupil dilates with the same light stimulus that caused c...Cranial Nerve Examination; Marcus Gunn PupilNeuroLogic Exam: An Anatomical Approach
81 Coordination Exam: Abnormal Examples: Finger-to-nose (includes Spanish audio & captions)Under (hypometria) and over (hypermetria) shooting of a target (dysmetria) and the decomposition of movement (the breakdown of the movement into its parts with impaired timing and integration of muscle activity) are seen with appendicular ataxia. NeuroLogic Exam has been supported by a grant from th...Coordination Examination; Finger-to-nose TestNeuroLogic Exam: An Anatomical Approach
82 Coordination Exam: Abnormal Examples: Station (includes Spanish audio & captions)Patient's feet will be placed wider apart then usual in order to maintain balance (broad or wide-based station). Midline ataxias cause instability of station with eyes opened or closed. NeuroLogic Exam has been supported by a grant from the Slice of Life Development Fund at the University of Utah, t...Coordination Examination; StationNeuroLogic Exam: An Anatomical Approach
83 Coordination Exam: Abnormal Examples: Tandem Gait (includes Spanish audio & captions)Patients with ataxia have difficulty narrowing the station in order to walk heel to toe. Tandem gait is helpful in identifying subtle or mild gait ataxia. NeuroLogic Exam has been supported by a grant from the Slice of Life Development Fund at the University of Utah, the Department of Pediatrics and...Coordination Examination; Tandem Gait; Heel-toe GaitNeuroLogic Exam: An Anatomical Approach
84 Coordination Exam: Abnormal Examples: Foot - Rapid Alternating Movements (x2) (includes Spanish audio & captions)Movements are slow and irregular with imprecise timing of agonist and antagonist muscle action. NeuroLogic Exam has been supported by a grant from the Slice of Life Development Fund at the University of Utah, the Department of Pediatrics and the Office of Education at the University of Nebraska Medi...Coordination Examination; Rapid Alternating Movements; AdiadochokinesisNeuroLogic Exam: An Anatomical Approach
85 Coordination Exam: Abnormal Examples: Rebound (x2) (includes Spanish audio & captions)Increased range of movement with lack of normal recoil to original position is seen in cerebellar disease. NeuroLogic Exam has been supported by a grant from the Slice of Life Development Fund at the University of Utah, the Department of Pediatrics and the Office of Education at the University of Ne...Coordination Examination; ReboundNeuroLogic Exam: An Anatomical Approach
86 Gait Exam: Anatomy: IntroductionAll levels of the neuroaxis contribute to gait although most gait abnormalities are motor in nature. In assessing gait it is important to not only watch the lower extremities but also the upper extremities for normal associated movements. NeuroLogic Exam has been supported by a grant from the Slice ...Gait ExaminationNeuroLogic Exam: An Anatomical Approach
87 Coordination Exam: Abnormal Examples: Rebound (includes Spanish audio & captions)Increased range of movement with lack of normal recoil to original position is seen in cerebellar disease. NeuroLogic Exam has been supported by a grant from the Slice of Life Development Fund at the University of Utah, the Department of Pediatrics and the Office of Education at the University of Ne...Coordination Examination; ReboundNeuroLogic Exam: An Anatomical Approach
88 Cranial Nerve Exam: Anatomy: Major Oculomotor Gaze Systems (x2)Eye movements are controlled by 4 major oculomotor gaze systems, which are tested for on the neurological exam. They are briefly outlined here: Saccadic (frontal gaze center to PPRF (paramedian pontine reticular formation) for rapid eye movements to bring new objects being viewed on to the fovea. Sm...Cranial Nerve ExaminationNeuroLogic Exam: An Anatomical Approach
89 Cranial Nerve Exam: Abnormal Examples: Cranial Nerves 3, 4 & 6 - Ductions (x2)Each eye is examined with the other covered (this is called ductions). The patient is unable to adduct either the left or the right eye. If you watch closely you can see nystagmus upon abduction of each eye. When both eyes are tested together (testing versions) you can see the bilateral adduction de...Cranial Nerve Examination; DuctionsNeuroLogic Exam: An Anatomical Approach
90 Cranial Nerve Exam: Anatomy: Major Oculomotor Gaze SystemsEye movements are controlled by 4 major oculomotor gaze systems, which are tested for on the neurological exam. They are briefly outlined here: Saccadic (frontal gaze center to PPRF (paramedian pontine reticular formation) for rapid eye movements to bring new objects being viewed on to the fovea. Sm...Cranial Nerve ExaminationNeuroLogic Exam: An Anatomical Approach
91 Gait Exam: Anatomy: Localizing ValueThere are 7 basic pathological gaits that should be recognized by their characteristic pattern. These pathological gaits are: - Hemiplegic - Spastic diplegic - Neuropathic - Myopathic - Parkinsonian - Chorea - Ataxic These gaits have localizing value because they can indicate levels (an y axis a...Gait Examination; Hemiplegic Gait; Spastic Diplegia; Neuropathic Gait; Myopathic Gait; Diplegic GaitNeuroLogic Exam: An Anatomical Approach
92 Coordination Exam: Anatomy: Midline Ataxia (x2) (includes Spanish audio & captions)Clinically, the ataxic syndromes caused by vestibulocerebellar and spinocerebellar disease are lumped together and are called midline or equilibratory (gait) ataxias. The hallmarks of these midline ataxic syndromes are truncal instability manifested by titubation (tremor of the trunk in an anterior-...Coordination Examination; Anterior Lobe of Cerebellum; Flocculonodular LobeNeuroLogic Exam: An Anatomical Approach
93 Coordination Exam: Abnormal Examples: Tremor (includes Spanish audio & captions)A cerebellar intention tremor (1st scene in this movie) arises mainly from limb girdle muscles and is maximal at the most demanding phase of the active movement. This must be distinguished from a postural tremor (fine distal 8-13 Hz)(2nd scene) or resting tremor (coarse distal 5-6 Hz pill-rolling ty...Coordination Examination; Intention Tremor; Static Tremor; Resting TremorNeuroLogic Exam: An Anatomical Approach
94 Cranial Nerve Exam: Normal Exam: Vergence (x2)Vergence eye movements occur when the eyes move simultaneously inward (convergence) or outward (divergence) in order to maintain the image on the fovea that is close up or far away. Most often convergence is tested as part of the near triad. When a patient is asked to follow an object that is brough...Cranial Nerve Examination; VergenceNeuroLogic Exam: An Anatomical Approach
95 Cranial Nerve Exam: Abnormal Examples: Optokinetic NystagmusThis patient has poor optokinetic nystagmus when the tape is moved to the right or left. The patient lacks the input from the parietal-occipital gaze centers to initiate smooth pursuit movements therefore her visual tracking of the objects on the tape is inconsistent and erratic. Patients who have a...Cranial Nerve ExaminationNeuroLogic Exam: An Anatomical Approach
96 Cranial Nerve Exam: Abnormal Examples: Cranial Nerve 11 - Motor (x2)When the patient contracts the muscles of the neck the left sternocleidomastoid muscle is easily seen but the right is absent. Looking at the back of the patient, the left trapezius muscle is outlined and present but the right is atrophic and hard to identify. These findings indicate a lesion of the...Cranial Nerve ExaminationNeuroLogic Exam: An Anatomical Approach
97 Coordination Exam: Anatomy: Cerebrocerebellum (includes Spanish audio & captions)The 3rd subdivision of the cerebellum is the cerebrocerebellum. This system consists of connections from the cerebral cortex (predominantly motor) to the cerebellar hemispheres then back to the cerebral cortex. This system is important in motor planning. Dysfunction of the cerebellar hemispheres res...Coordination ExaminationNeuroLogic Exam: An Anatomical Approach
98 Gait Exam: Anatomy: Localizing ValueThere are 7 basic pathological gaits that should be recognized by their characteristic pattern. These pathological gaits are: - Hemiplegic - Spastic diplegic - Neuropathic - Myopathic - Parkinsonian - Chorea - Ataxic These gaits have localizing value because they can indicate levels (an y axis a...Gait Examination; Hemiplegic Gait; Spastic Diplegia; Neuropathic Gait; Myopathic Gait; Diplegic GaitNeuroLogic Exam: An Anatomical Approach
99 Coordination Exam: Abnormal Examples: Tremor (x2) (includes Spanish audio & captions)A cerebellar intention tremor (1st scene in this movie) arises mainly from limb girdle muscles and is maximal at the most demanding phase of the active movement. This must be distinguished from a postural tremor (fine distal 8-13 Hz)(2nd scene) or resting tremor (coarse distal 5-6 Hz pill-rolling ty...Coordination Examination; Intention Tremor; Static Tremor; Resting TremorNeuroLogic Exam: An Anatomical Approach
100 Cranial Nerve Exam: Abnormal Examples: Cranial Nerve 2 - FundoscopyThe first photograph is of a fundus showing papilledema. The findings of papilledema include 1. Loss of venous pulsations 2. Swelling of the optic nerve head so there is loss of the disc margin 3. Venous engorgement 4. Disc hyperemia 5. Loss of the physiologic cup and 6. Flame shaped hemorrhages. Th...Cranial Nerve ExaminationNeuroLogic Exam: An Anatomical Approach
101 Cranial Nerve Exam: Abnormal Examples: Cranial Nerves 2 & 3 - Pupillary Light ReflexThe swinging flashlight test is used to show a relative afferent pupillary defect or a Marcus Gunn pupil of the left eye. The left eye has perceived less light stimulus (a defect in the sensory or afferent pathway) then the opposite eye so the pupil dilates with the same light stimulus that caused c...Cranial Nerve Examination; Marcus Gunn PupilNeuroLogic Exam: An Anatomical Approach
102 Coordination Exam: Abnormal Examples: Heel-to-shin (includes Spanish audio & captions)The patient with ataxia of the lower extremity will have difficulty placing the heel on the knee with a side-to-side irregular over- and undershooting as the heel is advanced down the shin. Dysmetria on heel-to-shin can be seen in midline ataxia syndromes as well as cerebellar hemisphere disease so ...Coordination Examination; Heel-shin TestNeuroLogic Exam: An Anatomical Approach
103 Coordination Exam: Anatomy: Spinocerebellum (x2) (includes Spanish audio & captions)The 2nd subdivision of the cerebellum is the spinocerebellum. This system consists of the connections between the cutaneous and proprioceptive information coming from the spinal cord to the vermis and paravermis regions with corrective feedback predominantly to the muscles of truncal stability and g...Coordination Examination; Anterior Lobe of Cerebellum; SpinocerebellumNeuroLogic Exam: An Anatomical Approach
104 Coordination Exam: Anatomy: Spinocerebellum (includes Spanish audio & captions)The 2nd subdivision of the cerebellum is the spinocerebellum. This system consists of the connections between the cutaneous and proprioceptive information coming from the spinal cord to the vermis and paravermis regions with corrective feedback predominantly to the muscles of truncal stability and g...Coordination Examination; Anterior Lobe of Cerebellum; SpinocerebellumNeuroLogic Exam: An Anatomical Approach
105 Cranial Nerve Exam: Abnormal Examples: Cranial Nerve 7 - Motor (x2)The first patient has weakness of all the muscles of facial expression on the right side of the face indicating a lesion of the facial nucleus or the peripheral 7th nerve. The second patient has weakness of the lower half of his left face including the orbicularis oculi muscle but sparing the forehe...NeuroLogic Exam: An Anatomical Approach
106 Cranial Nerve Exam: Abnormal Examples: Cranial Nerve 2 - Fundoscopy (x2)The first photograph is of a fundus showing papilledema. The findings of papilledema include 1. Loss of venous pulsations 2. Swelling of the optic nerve head so there is loss of the disc margin 3. Venous engorgement 4. Disc hyperemia 5. Loss of the physiologic cup and 6. Flame shaped hemorrhages. Th...Cranial Nerve ExaminationNeuroLogic Exam: An Anatomical Approach
107 Cranial Nerve Exam: Normal Exam: VergenceVergence eye movements occur when the eyes move simultaneously inward (convergence) or outward (divergence) in order to maintain the image on the fovea that is close up or far away. Most often convergence is tested as part of the near triad. When a patient is asked to follow an object that is brough...Cranial Nerve Examination; VergenceNeuroLogic Exam: An Anatomical Approach
108 Cranial Nerve Exam: Abnormal Examples: Cranial Nerve 7 - MotorThe first patient has weakness of all the muscles of facial expression on the right side of the face indicating a lesion of the facial nucleus or the peripheral 7th nerve. The second patient has weakness of the lower half of his left face including the orbicularis oculi muscle but sparing the forehe...NeuroLogic Exam: An Anatomical Approach
109 Coordination Exam: Abnormal Examples: Heel-to-shin (x2) (includes Spanish audio & captions)The patient with ataxia of the lower extremity will have difficulty placing the heel on the knee with a side-to-side irregular over- and undershooting as the heel is advanced down the shin. Dysmetria on heel-to-shin can be seen in midline ataxia syndromes as well as cerebellar hemisphere disease so ...Coordination Examination; Heel-shin TestNeuroLogic Exam: An Anatomical Approach
110 Coordination Exam: Abnormal Examples: Finger-to-nose (x2) (includes Spanish audio & captions)Under (hypometria) and over (hypermetria) shooting of a target (dysmetria) and the decomposition of movement (the breakdown of the movement into its parts with impaired timing and integration of muscle activity) are seen with appendicular ataxia. NeuroLogic Exam has been supported by a grant from th...Coordination Examination; Finger-to-nose TestNeuroLogic Exam: An Anatomical Approach
111 Coordination Exam: Normal Exam: Finger-to-nose (includes Spanish audio & captions)The patient moves her pointer finger from her nose to the examiner's finger as the examiner moves his finger to new positions and tests accuracy at the furthest outreach of the arm. NeuroLogic Exam has been supported by a grant from the Slice of Life Development Fund at the University of Utah, th...Coordination Examination; Finger-to-nose TestNeuroLogic Exam: An Anatomical Approach
112 Coordination Exam: Normal Exam: Heel-to-shin (includes Spanish audio & captions)The patient places her heel on the opposite knee then runs the heel down the shin to the ankle and back to the knee in a smooth coordinated fashion. NeuroLogic Exam has been supported by a grant from the Slice of Life Development Fund at the University of Utah, the Department of Pediatrics and the O...Coordination Examination; Heel-shin TestNeuroLogic Exam: An Anatomical Approach
113 Coordination Exam: Anatomy: Exam Tests (x2) (includes Spanish audio & captions)The following tests of the neuro exam can be divided according to which system of the cerebellum is being examined: Vestibulocerebellum and spinocerebellum (midline): - Station - Walking - Tandem gait Cerebrocerebellum (appendicular): - Rapid alternating movements - Finger-to-nose - To...Coordination ExaminationNeuroLogic Exam: An Anatomical Approach
114 Coordination Exam: Normal Exam: Check Reflex (x2) (includes Spanish audio & captions)Examiner pulls on actively flexed arm then suddenly releases. The patient should be able to check or stop the arm's movement when released. NeuroLogic Exam has been supported by a grant from the Slice of Life Development Fund at the University of Utah, the Department of Pediatrics and the Office of ...Coordination Examination; Check ReflexNeuroLogic Exam: An Anatomical Approach
115 Coordination Exam: Normal Exam: Speech - Rapid Alternating Movements (x2) (includes Spanish audio & captions)Having the patient say lah-pah-kah can test rapid alternating movements of the tongue, lips, and palate. NeuroLogic Exam has been supported by a grant from the Slice of Life Development Fund at the University of Utah, the Department of Pediatrics and the Office of Education at the University of Nebr...Coordination Examination; Rapid Alternating MovementsNeuroLogic Exam: An Anatomical Approach
116 Coordination Exam: Normal Exam: Rebound (x2) (includes Spanish audio & captions)Tap outstretched arms. Patient's arms should recoil to original position. NeuroLogic Exam has been supported by a grant from the Slice of Life Development Fund at the University of Utah, the Department of Pediatrics and the Office of Education at the University of Nebraska Medical Center. Viewing...Coordination Examination; ReboundNeuroLogic Exam: An Anatomical Approach
117 Coordination Exam: Normal Exam: Rebound (includes Spanish audio & captions)Tap outstretched arms. Patient's arms should recoil to original position. NeuroLogic Exam has been supported by a grant from the Slice of Life Development Fund at the University of Utah, the Department of Pediatrics and the Office of Education at the University of Nebraska Medical Center. Viewing...Coordination Examination; ReboundNeuroLogic Exam: An Anatomical Approach
118 Gait Exam: Normal Exam: StationThe patient should be able to stand still with her feet less then shoulder width apart. NeuroLogic Exam has been supported by a grant from the Slice of Life Development Fund at the University of Utah, the Department of Pediatrics and the Office of Education at the University of Nebraska Medical Cent...Gait Examination; StationNeuroLogic Exam: An Anatomical Approach
119 Coordination Exam: Anatomy: Exam Tests (includes Spanish audio & captions)The following tests of the neuro exam can be divided according to which system of the cerebellum is being examined: Vestibulocerebellum and spinocerebellum (midline): - Station - Walking - Tandem gait Cerebrocerebellum (appendicular): - Rapid alternating movements - Finger-to-nose - To...Coordination ExaminationNeuroLogic Exam: An Anatomical Approach
120 Coordination Exam: Normal Exam: Tremor (x2) (includes Spanish audio & captions)Patient's arms are held outstretched and fingers extended. Watch for postural or essential tremor. NeuroLogic Exam has been supported by a grant from the Slice of Life Development Fund at the University of Utah, the Department of Pediatrics and the Office of Education at the University of Nebraska M...Coordination ExaminationNeuroLogic Exam: An Anatomical Approach
121 Coordination Exam: Abnormal Examples: Check Reflex (x2) (includes Spanish audio & captions)The patient is unable to stop flexion of the arm on sudden release so the arm may strike the chest and doesn't recoil to the initial position. This is most likely due to failure of timely triceps contraction. NeuroLogic Exam has been supported by a grant from the Slice of Life Development Fund at th...Coordination Examination; Check ReflexNeuroLogic Exam: An Anatomical Approach
122 PediNeuroLogic Exam: Newborn: Normal: Tone - Arm Recoil (x2)Arm recoil tests tone and action of the biceps. The arms are held in flexion against the chest for a few seconds, then are quickly extended and released. The arms should spring back to the flexed position. The hypotonic infant will have slow incomplete recoil. Asymmetry to this response with lack of...PediNeuroLogic Exam
123 PediNeuroLogic Exam: Newborn: Normal: Primitive Reflexes - GalantThe Galant reflex (trunk incurvation) is obtained by placing the baby in ventral suspension, then stroking the skin on one side of the back. The baby's trunk and hips should swing towards the side of the stimulus. PediNeuroLogic Exam has been supported by a grant from the Slice of Life Developmen...PediNeuroLogic Exam
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