1 - 25 of 21
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1 Bataille de Marengo le 14 juin 1800 (Battle of Marengo June 14 1800)Image
2 Battaille de Maringo [sic], le 25 prairial an 8 (14 mai 1800) (Battle of Maringo [sic Marengo]Image
3 Battle of Austerlitz, 2 December 1805Image
4 Battle of Leizpig, 16-19 October, 1813Image
5 Battle of MarengoImage
6 The Battle of NazarethImage
7 Battle of the Pyramids, July 21, 1798Image
8 General Junot in the battle of Nazareth, April 8, 1799Image
9 Map of the Battlefield of Nazareth sent by General JunotImage
10 Napoleon at the Battlefield of EylauImage
11 Napoleon Bonaparte's coup d'état of November 10, 1799 in Saint-CloudImage
12 Napoleon Crossing the Alps or Bonaparte at the St Bernard PassImage
13 Napoleon in Burning MoscowImage
14 Napoleon on his Imperial ThroneImage
15 Napoleon on the Battlefield of Eylau, 9 February 1807Image
16 Napoleon on the Battlefield of Eylau, by Antoine-Jean Gros, in situ in LouvreImage
17 Napoleon Visiting the Battlefield of Eylau the Morning after the BattleImage
18 The Reading of the Bulletin of the Grand ArmyImage
19 Schematic Drawing of the Battle of Nazareth based on the Map sent by General JunotImage
20 Sketch for Napoleon on the Battlefield of EylauImage
21 Vue de la Bataille de Marengo, au moment de la Victoire (View of the Battle of Marengo, at the Moment of VictoryImage
1 - 25 of 21