251 - 275 of 20,106
Number of results to display per page
TitleCollection Number And NamePhoto Number
251 Edna Harker and Will P. Mifflin, scene from University Dramatics Club's production of "Aminta, or, A Match for a Magistrate: an opera in two acts" (detail), 1907P0005 C. Lowell Lees Photograph CollectionP0005n02_03b_007
252 Cast for University Dramatics Club's production of Bernard Shaw's "You Never Can Tell," 1908P0005 C. Lowell Lees Photograph CollectionP0005n02_03b_009
253 Act III scene from University Dramatics Club's production of "We Are Seven" (farce-comedy), 1919P0005 C. Lowell Lees Photograph CollectionP0005n02_03b_010
254 Scene from the Scribblers Club's production of Prof. Lafayette Lentz Butler's "The Only Way Out of It" (farce), 1910P0005 C. Lowell Lees Photograph CollectionP0005n02_03b_011
255 University Varsity Player's production of "Mary Jane's Pa," 1919P0005 C. Lowell Lees Photograph CollectionP0005n02_03b_013
256 Dancing scene from unidentified playP0005 C. Lowell Lees Photograph CollectionP0005n02_03b_014
257 The Social HallP0005 C. Lowell Lees Photograph CollectionP0005n02_03c_002
258 Program for University Dramatic Club's production of "Trelawny of the 'Wells'" performed May 2, 1902 [01]P0005 C. Lowell Lees Photograph CollectionP0005n02_03c_011
259 Program for University Dramatic Club's production of "Trelawny of the 'Wells'" performed May 2, 1902 [02]P0005 C. Lowell Lees Photograph CollectionP0005n02_03c_012
260 Program for University Dramatic Club's production of "Trelawny of the 'Wells'" performed May 2, 1902 [03]P0005 C. Lowell Lees Photograph CollectionP0005n02_03c_014
261 Program for University Dramatic Club's production of "The School Mistress" performed December 1901P0005 C. Lowell Lees Photograph CollectionP0005n02_03c_018
262 Cast of University Freshman Dramatic Society's production of "The Amazons" performed February 1914P0005 C. Lowell Lees Photograph CollectionP0005n02_03d_002
263 Cast of William Shakespeare's "As You Like It" performed Open Air at Wandamere Resort, June 1 and 3, 1912P0005 C. Lowell Lees Photograph CollectionP0005n02_03d_003
264 Casts of University Dramatic Club's productions of "Arms and the Man" (top) and "'Op 'O Me Thumb" (bottom) performed 1912P0005 C. Lowell Lees Photograph CollectionP0005n02_03d_006; P0005n02_03d_007
265 Cast and author of Order of the Gleam and the Scribblers club's production of Sarah M. Williams' "Barred Windows" performed at Sale Lake Theatre, 1916P0005 C. Lowell Lees Photograph CollectionP0005n02_03d_008
266 Complete cast and directors of University Dramatic Club's production of "Mrs. Bumpstead Leigh" performed at Garrick Theatre, Salt Lake City, December 12-13, 1913P0005 C. Lowell Lees Photograph CollectionP0005n02_03d_009
267 Cast and author of Order of the Gleam and the Scribblers club's production of "Ever After," a one act skit by Claire Stewart performed at the Sale Lake Theatre, April 28, 1916.P0005 C. Lowell Lees Photograph CollectionP0005n02_03d_010
268 Angel Chorus from University Musical Society's production of "Hansel and Gretel" performed at the Salt Lake Theatre, April 1917P0005 C. Lowell Lees Photograph CollectionP0005n02_03d_011
269 Principles and chorus of University Musical Society's production of Guiseppe Verdi's "La Traviata" performed at the Salt Lake Theatre on April 22-24, 1915P0005 C. Lowell Lees Photograph CollectionP0005n02_03d_013
270 Complete cast of University Dramatic Club's production of William Shakespeare's "A Midsummer Night's Dream" performed in the open air on the University of Utah campus, 1913P0005 C. Lowell Lees Photograph CollectionP0005n02_03d_014
271 Cast of University Dramatic Club's production of William Shakespeare's "A Midsummer Night's Dream" performed in the open air on the University of Utah campus, June 2, 3 and 5, 1916P0005 C. Lowell Lees Photograph CollectionP0005n02_03d_015
272 Principles and chorus of University Musical Society's production of R. Leoncavallo's Grand Opera "I Pagliacci" performed at the Salt Lake Theatre, May 13-15, 1914P0005 C. Lowell Lees Photograph CollectionP0005n02_03d_016
273 Cast and directors of University Dramatic Club's production of Henrik Obsen's "Pillars of Society" performed at the Salt Lake Theatre, December 8-9, 1914P0005 C. Lowell Lees Photograph CollectionP0005n02_03d_017
274 University Dramatic Club group photograph, 1907 Utonian yearbookP0005 C. Lowell Lees Photograph CollectionP0005n02_03d_019
275 University Dramatic Club group photograph, 1910 Utonian yearbookP0005 C. Lowell Lees Photograph CollectionP0005n02_03d_020
251 - 275 of 20,106