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1 Arthritis of Both KneesArthritis of large joints occurs with polyarticular or pauciarticular disease, while small joint involvement is typically seen in polyarticular disease only.Polyarticular Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis; Pauciarticular Juvenile Rheumatoid ArthritisHEAL Reviewed Collection
2 Cervical Spine Involvement in Juvenile Rheumatoid ArthritisInvolvement of the cervical spine with obliteration of apophyseal articulations and eventual fusion of the posterior articulations of C2 and C3 is commonly seen in polyarticular or systemic onset disease.HEAL Reviewed Collection
3 Hand X-rayThis radiograph of a child's hand with advanced polyarticular JRA shows subarticular osteopenia and fusion of the metacarpal bones.Polyarticular Juvenile Rheumatoid ArthritisHEAL Reviewed Collection
4 Interphalangeal PolyarthritisIn rheumatoid arthritis the proximal interphalangeal joints are more affected than the distal ones.Polyarticular Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis; Interphalangeal JointHEAL Reviewed Collection
5 MicrognathiaThis is a photograph of an 11 year old girl with pronounced micrognathia as a result of bilateral temporo - mandibular arthritis in longstanding juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. The inflammation has led to growth arrest in the mandible.juvenile rheumatoid arthritis; micrognathia; temporo-mandibular jointHEAL Open Review Collection
6 MicrognathiaThis is a photograph of an 11 year old girl with pronounced micrognathia as a result of bilateral temporo-mandibular arthritis in longstanding juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. The inflammation has led to growth arrest in the mandible.HEAL Reviewed Collection
7 Rash of Systemic Onset Juvenile Rheumatoid ArthritisMaculo-papular rash in a child with systemic onset rheumatoid arthritis (Still's Disease). The rash occurred during a flare-up.Still's Disease; Systemic Onset; Maculo-papular RashHEAL Reviewed Collection
8 Subcutaneous NodulesRheumatoid nodules occur more commonly in rheumatoid factor positive children with advanced disease.HEAL Reviewed Collection
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