101 - 125 of 1,095
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101 On Dilation of the Pupil from Stimulation of the Cortex Cerebri (Annotations)Imageehsl_novel_iel
102 On the Imbibition of the Human Iris Stroma with the Aqueous Humour (Annotations)Imageehsl_novel_iel
103 On the Pathogenetic Role of Histamine and the Vascular Apparatus in Certain Forms of Headache (Annotations)Imageehsl_novel_iel
104 Paratrigeminal Paralysis of the Oculo-Pupillary Sympathetic (Annotations)Imageehsl_novel_iel
105 Pupillary Phenomena and Mechanical Changes in the Iris of the Living Rabbit (Annotations)Imageehsl_novel_iel
106 Raeder's Paratrigeminal Syndrome (Annotations)Imageehsl_novel_iel
107 Raeder's Paratrigeminal Syndrome. A Benign Disorder, Possibly a Complication of Migraine (Annotations)Imageehsl_novel_iel
108 Relation of Experimental Histamine Headache to Migraine and Non-migraine Headache (Annotations)Imageehsl_novel_iel
109 The Relations of Pupil Size to Accommodation and Convergence (Illustrations and Annotations)Imageehsl_novel_iel
110 Richerche Sperimentali Sulle del Cervello (Annotations)Imageehsl_novel_iel
111 The Role of the Sphenopalatine (or Meckel's) Ganglion in Nasal Headaches (Annotations)Imageehsl_novel_iel
112 Segmental Distribution of Certain Visceral Afferent Neurones on the Pupillo-dilator Reflex in the Cat (Annotations)Imageehsl_novel_iel
113 Stimulation and Destruction of the Prelemniscal Radiation or its Adjacent Area in Various Extrapyrimidal Disorders (Annotations)Imageehsl_novel_iel
114 Stimulation of the Hypothalamus with the Horsley-Clarke Stereotaxic Instrument (Annotations)Imageehsl_novel_iel
115 Studies on the Conditions of Activity in Endocrine Glands. XV. Pseudoaffective Medulladrenal Secretion (Annotations)Imageehsl_novel_iel
116 The Syndromes of the Third Neurone of the Cervical Sympathetic System (Annotations)Imageehsl_novel_iel
117 The Tubular Tissue Spaces Surrounding the Endothelial Channels of the Human Iridic Vessels (Annotations)Imageehsl_novel_iel
118 Uber Drei Falle von Geschlitzter Pupille (Illustrations and Annotations)Imageehsl_novel_iel
119 Ueber Augenbewegungen auf Sehsparenreizung (Annotations)Imageehsl_novel_iel
120 Ueber das Verhalten der Pupille nach Resection des Halssympathicus, Resp. Entfernung Seines Obersten Ganglions (Annotations)Imageehsl_novel_iel
121 Ueber den Einfluss des Halssympathicus Auf das Auge (Annotations)Imageehsl_novel_iel
122 Ueber die Elektrische Behandlung des Tic Douloureux und der Hemicranie (Annotations)Imageehsl_novel_iel
123 Ueber die Functionen der Grosshirnrinde: Gesammelte Mittheilungen Aus den Jahren (Annotations)Imageehsl_novel_iel
124 Ueber die Functionen der Grosshirnrinde: Gesammelte Mittheilungen Aus den Jahren (Annotations)Imageehsl_novel_iel
125 Ueber die Ultratruktur der Mastezellen in der Menschlichen Iris (Annotations)Imageehsl_novel_iel
101 - 125 of 1,095