1 - 200 of 10
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1 Alton F. Richards [02]1921; 1922; 1923; 1924Image/StillImageuum_map
2 Charles Richards in high school1915; 1916; 1917; 1918Image/StillImageuum_map
3 Genealogy of Elijah Norman Freeman1931-01-03Textdha_wpabs
4 Grandmother Emma Hinton and Catherine1890; 1891; 1892; 1893; 1894; 1895Image/StillImageuum_map
5 Ivy Baker Priest, second from right, with three unidentified men, opening First Sec. Bank, Ogden, Utah, March 18, 19601962; 1963; 1964; 1965; 1966; 1967; 1968; 1969; 1970; 1971Image/StillImageuum_map
6 Priest, second from right, with three unidentified men outside a building1952; 1953; 1954; 1955; 1956; 1957; 1958; 1959Image/StillImageuum_map
7 Students of Mound Fort School, Ogden, Utah, Room 205, teacher Alton Richards, Grade 10, 19471947Image/StillImageuum_map
8 Third place math exhibit, April 8, 1961, Mr. Richards, Jere Bagley and Allen Hill [01]1961Image/StillImageuum_map
9 Third place math exhibit, April 8, 1961, Mr. Richards, Jere Bagley and Allen Hill [02]1961Image/StillImageuum_map
10 Third place math exhibit, April 8, 1961, Mr. Richards, Jere Bagley and Allen Hill [03]1961Image/StillImageuum_map
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