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9 IntersectionDolberg, Daniel GlenThe unifying theme that runs throughout the paintings in my MFA show is that of space versus form. Light versus darkness and the interaction and relativity of color are secondary themes that I explore in my paintings. The subject matter I have chosen to explore in-depth is the architectural form o...Art/Art History2005-12
10 TimepiecesDow, ValarieThis work involves my exploration of the beauty of places and objects which contain a human history and illustrates my interest in the passing of time. I illustrate this with the use of reflective surface. I hope to say that our past brings a richness to our present and deserves honor. The compil...Art/Art History1999-12
11 Survival skills: art and video installations at the Fort Douglas theatreHarding, Elaine S.This thesis reflects the six pieces developed as resident artist at a Salt Lake City inner-city elementary school. They cover a broad spectrum which include empathy, awareness, devotion, wonderment and transformation. Evidently the creative process is imperative to producing higher-order thinking ...Art/Art History1998-08
12 Motion picturesMoore, Amanda JaneArt cannot be created in a bubble. Motion Pictures is no exception. This body of work is a culmination of my education, location, and personal interaction with pop culture. Without my move from Atlanta to Salt Lake City, I would not have become so obsessed with my subject matter. Without my subje...Art/Art History2006-05
13 The architectural development of block eighty-eight, plat A, Salt Lake City survey during the era of Brigham Young 1847 to 1877Rogers, Janie L.The object of this thesis is to document the architectural development of Block Eighty-eight, Plat A, Salt Lake City Survey during the time of Brigham Young's presidency of the LDS church in Utah, 1847-1877. The history of the block is introduced by discussing the architectural trends of the per...Art/Art History1996-08
14 Thesis_Final
15 Zan artYamanashi, KeikoThis world in which we live changes blindingly fast, never stopping. Photography is the only method for me to grab a moment in time and to leave it to posterity as a record of truth. There are nowadays many photographers who do not take photographs of objects as they are but who add special effec...Art/Art History2004-12
16 Design of NatureBunker, Carol AnnThis paper embodies three main topics that repeatedly surfaced throughout my graduate experience. What is a design process? An intense study of the thing that you are designing. The design process is different for each individual depending on his or her attitude, character, and personal experience...Art/Art History1998-06
17 MFA thesis show by: James McGeeMcGee, JamesThe body o f work represented it this packet reflects on remembered and imagined experiences from childhood. Mostly symbols from a suburban world, the subject matter includes above ground pool and BMX bikes; the people portrayed are my family. These paintings illustrate what is specific about memor...Art/Art History2005-06
18 Paper & tapeTachinni, Eugene RonaldThis final project paper has two components; text and imageiy. The first component, the text, has two parts. The first part is a collection of four personal narratives written by the artist, contained in the first four chapters. The second part is a response to an assignment given in a course ca...Art/Art History2008-05
19 You are here: visualizing Provo agriculture an MFA community-based art education final projectLofgreen, CarlynAs an undergraduate student, I was consistently taught that art was anything that was in a museum or gallery. Art was a commodity to be bought and sold, and while the artist could derive pleasure from the making of it, art was in the end purely aesthetic and unattached to the mundane task of daily ...Art/Art History
20 American landscape painting: Dutch influences in the works of Thomas Doughty, Thomas Cole, Asher B. Durand, George Inness, Frederick E. Church, and Albert BierstadtNapper, Angela SierraMany connections exist between the American artists of the Hudson River School, specifically Thomas Doughty, Thomas Cole, Asher B. Durand, George Inness, Frederick Church, and Albert Bierstadt, and the Dutch landscape painters of the seventeenth century. Among these connections are similarities in ...Art/Art History2007-12
21 Emanuel de Witte's market scenes reexamined: an analysis in economic studies and material cultureStout, Jeffrey DaleEmanuel de Witte (1617-1691/92) is generally considered the finest Dutch architectural painter of the seventeenth century. Scholars have focused almost exclusively on De Witte's paintings of church interiors; however, De Witte produced a number of exceptional market scenes that have gone relatively ...Art/Art History2006-12
22 Saint John the Baptist: the model Florentine the transformaiton of John the Baptist's image in fifteenth-century Florentine paintingMuren, Gladys ElizabethSince the earliest years of Italian painting, artists have depicted John the Baptist as an emaciated, weathered, hermit-prophet, a portrayal that reflects his reclusive biblical experience in the wilderness. In the mid-fifteenth century, some Florentine patrons commissioned images of John the Bapti...Art/Art History2005-12
23 Dormiens vigils (while sleeping, watch)Webster, Maryann S.Dreams about a disappearing ecosystem and an increasing awareness of the fragile nature of our existence inspired the eighteen works in this exhibition. These works express a deepened concern through understanding of life and nature as fragile, precious and sacred. I have interpreted the gallery s...Art/Art History2001-05
24 Swimming in the gene poolGillett, Eric A.Swimming in the Gene Pool is a creative project that applies specific concepts observed in genet­ics towards developing a working graphic design methodology. The methods, based on four types of genetic mutation that occur in nature, include duplication, deletion, translocation and inver­sio...Art/Art History2003-08
25 Final project paperCarpenter, TaraMy work explores the way people form connections, both inside their brains, and with other people. Neurologist Joseph LeDoux says, "The particular patterns of synaptic connections in an individual's brain, and the information encoded by these connections are the keys to who that person is" (3). In o...
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