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1 "A guide to vision care"For underserved populations, breaking down barriers in order to seek quality healthcare may be a difficult task. Studies have concluded that minorities and multiethnic populations are among the highest risk of populations in the United States. Among the populations most at risk include Latinos, Afri...2013-03-26
2 The "Anti-hunger voter" advertising campaign with the Crossroads Urban CenterThe Crossroads Urban Center is an emergency food pantry and community center dedicated to fighting the root causes of poverty and supporting members of the community with basic survival needs. One of the groups within Crossroads is the Anti-hunger Action Committee, which is focused on increasing foo...2013-04-01
3 A Chemistry- and English-based curriculum on nutrition and organic gardening to ages 4-18The purpose of this Integrative Service Project was to design and implement a Chemistry- and English-based curriculum that would discusses the benefits of organic gardening on nutrition for children between the ages of four and eighteen. First-hand experience with gardening has proved to be an effec...2013-02-14
4 Affirming equity: Creating access to college careers among first generation students and students of color in elementary schoolStudents of color and first-generation students across the country encounter substantial barriers to higher education with regard to access and preparation. This project focused on increasing awareness of college professions and interest in pursuing a college degree among elementary school students ...2008-02
5 Aiding scientific learning in grades K-12 by utilizing teaching tools consistent with research-based learning stylesThis Integrative Service Project addressed the community need for alternative instruction methods to reach non-traditional learners in the subject of chemistry. The project consisted of constructing the University of Utah Chemistry Department's Community Outreach website to provide organization to t...2012
6 Alternative Spring Break - Las VegasAlternative Spring Break has been a tradition for many years at the University of Utah, helping college students gain meaningful experiences through service-learning during their spring break. This paper looks at an Integrated Service Project of creating a new trip to Las Vegas, Nevada addressing th...2011-04
7 An engineering curriculum for 4th through 6th gradersThe project that was completed was an engineering curriculum for 4th - 6th graders at Monroe Elementary School. The purpose of this program is to introduce the students to the science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) fields. In addition to encouraging participation in these fields, the prog...2013-11-25
8 Backpack 2 SchoolHaving identified the inequities of the achievement gap that exist in Title 1 schools, the Backpack 2 School program's mission is to make a positive impact in the lives of youth, families and educators in uniting community support to (1) excite kids about starting the school year and their education...2009-09
9 Breaking down the barriers between minority youth and higher educatinGuadalupe to the U Day is designed to increase awareness of higher education and attainment for minority youth currently enrolled at Guadalupe Schools in Salt Lake City, UT. This project is a one-day field trip to the' University of Utah organized by students working with The Lowell Bennion Communit...2011-04
10 Bullying stops hereBullying Stops Here is a curriculum that has been created for the Big Brothers Big Sisters of Utah organization to educate and train adults to handle bullying situations with their little brothers and sisters in the program. The research began with a survey that was given to over 200 members of the ...
11 College exploration at Mountain View ElementaryBackground. Children should be given early opportunities to learn about what higher education can do for them in their future. Coming from a low income background, children may not see education as a priority in their life. Having opportunities where students, professors and professionals from unive...2011-04-20
12 Community engagement co-requisiteIn the summer of 2008, we began discussing pathways to further engage students in the community through their academic disciplines. Our central aim was to provide more opportunities for students to apply what they are learning in the classroom to promote the public good. Experiential learning, espec...2009-04
13 Community garden passive solar systemAs a culmination of activity in the Service Learning Scholars Program, the Integrated Service Project described herein blended my academic coursework at the University of Utah with service dedicated toward meeting a community need. Working with Wasatch Community Gardens, a local non-profit organizat...2011-04
14 Cookbook and Community BuildingCommunity gardens are becoming more common every year. Many communities come together over shared land to grow food for their families, especially low-income communities. However, how do these people build community if they do not know each other? How does a group of people work together to sustain ...2014-04-01
15 Creating a "Peer-to-Peer" data bank for the University of Utah's honors collegeWhile attending the University of Utah, I had the tremendous fortune of being heavily involved with the Honors College. This included involvement in 13 different activities within the college, enrollment of 15 honors classes (of which only 7 where required), and completion of an Honors Thesis. With ...2011-03
16 Creation of the G.E.A.R U.P. orientation manualThere is a great need for programs which assist students from low income and minority background in having the support and resources to attend and complete college. Gear Up is a program which seeks to meet this need by providing low-income students with scholarships as well as in school and after sc...2009-05
17 Cultivation and implementation of community-engaged pharmacy services in a free clinic to enhance care for the medically underservedA community-academic partnership between the Maliheh Free Clinic and the University of Utah College of Pharmacy was formed to fulfill a community need for pharmacy services. Three pharmacy services were developed and implemented with the support of students, faculty, and the clinic. Pharmacy service...2014-04-01
18 Decreasing absenteeism in Elementary schoolsChronic absenteeism is an issue that greatly affects Utah schools (AttendanceWorks, 2010; Research Brief: Chronic Absenteeism, 2012). Students being in school each day is becoming increasingly important in education. There is a growing relationship between attendance and academic performance (Balfan...2014-04-01
19 Dental resources in the Salt Lake AreaBACKGROUND: There are populations in our communities that have limited access on dental care. The populations most likely to find themselves in the position of not being able to find access and connections to dental services are those of low socio-economic status. In the west part of Salt Lake City ...
20 Designing the scientific research program for post-release survival rates of the avian patients of the wildlife rehabilitation center of Northern UtahWhile the Wildlife Rehabilitation Center ofNorthern Utah (WRCNU) utilizes effective methods to enable birds admitted into their care to be released back into the wild, there has been no way to determine the survival rates of these birds post-release to determine the true success rate of the rehabili...2013-08-12
21 Discovering the self within, self expression workshopsThe media plagues society and its citizens with negative stereotypes and views of individuals especially of lower-income, minority groups. The media plays a major role in creating and reinforcing images that are generalized to a broader group that affects the public's perception of crime and negativ...2011
22 Discovering the self within: One piece at a timeGrowing up in the community of Rose Park as a child, the one thing that I always wished for was to learn different ways to positively express myself. I picked up on some from mentors that I had, but was never sat down and taught specific ways to positively express what was going on in my life. Knowi...2011-03-14
23 Diversity InitiativeHigh school tends to be a homogeneous environment where everyone is trying to be the same and fit in. Diversity is not highly valued by most students and I was on a mission to change that. I wanted students to see how diversity makes you stronger not weaker. I worked with Alta High School to develop...
24 Economics and volunteeringOften when the term economics is discussed, the common definition that is presented is the Neo-Classical version. Neo-Classical economics is "an approach to economics that relates supply and demand to an individual's rationality and his or her ability to maximize utility or profit (Neoclassical Econ...2011-04
25 Establishing a development event for a free medical clinicBACKGROUND - Leadership and service and difficult to learn for some students seeking professional careers. At the University of Utah College of Pharmacy, the pharmacy gala has become a student-initiated and student-led opportunity for student pharmacists to practice both leadership and service-learn...2011-02
26 Fabulous 5's ISP Final PaperThis paper describes the Integrated Service Project completed at the Sorenson Center. One purpose of the project was to create the curriculum for the Fabulous 5's group in the Summer Program at the Sorenson. This program provided students with an opportunity to have enriched learning experiences. A ...2013
27 Fitness hour with seniorsBACKGROUND: The senior population is often forgotten in today's society. This results in the creation of stereotypes and ultimately discrimination against senior citizens defined as ageism. As a result of ageism, seniors tend to be isolated from the rest of society and may only have a few interactio...2011
28 Fitness hour with seniorsThe goal of this Fitness Hour with Seniors Integrated Service Project was to connect University of Utah students with the local senior population. This served many purposes, one being to act as a stepping-stone towards breaking the barriers that these students have towards the elderly population and...2012
29 French curriculum for teaching middle school studentsThis paper will explore the journey that was taken to create a French Teaching Curriculum which was to be used specifically in a middle school class. The age range is one crucial aspect to this project, as it is different than that of only junior high school students or older. Researching the specif...2011-04
30 Gearing up for a career in science: Giving students the tools for success in a scientific careerThis paper explores a project designed to address the issues of young students (particularly high school age students) getting involved in a career in science. The issues the project was designed to address are lack of easy and accessible knowledge to career steps (particularly concerning University...2011-04-01
31 Guadalupe to the U DayGuadalupe to the U Day was designed to expose underrepresented 1st through 4th graders in the Glendale neighborhood to the idea that higher education is an attainable option for them. Guadalupe to the U day served many purposes, one being to draw the connection between current curriculum in the clas...2011-04
32 Health and lifestyles: The power of choiceRates of obesity, diabetes and other associate healthy problems are increasing throughout the United States as a result of the eating habits and physical activity levels of the majority of people. At the same time there has also been an increase in eating disorders and a decrease in physical activit...2012-03-29
33 Health economics: Improving the efficiency of the Hope ClinicThis paper is a detailed and comprehensive summary of my Integrative Service Project as a Service-Learning Scholar at the University of Utah. I utilized my education in health economics to address a community need at the Hope Clinic in Midvale, Utah. I investigated the use of electronic health recor...2013-04
34 Humanities house integrated service projectThis program thrives to integrate the humanities-centered campus community and mentor/alumni service-centered community through outreach and civic engagement. The program is structured around the Humanities House in Officer's Circle of Housing and Residential Education in partnership with the Colleg...2009
35 Implementing climate-change curriculum in elementary schoolsThis paper briefly introduces the problems associated with the lack of climate-change and scientific literacy in our community, and recounts the experiences that the author had while attempting to find a solution to this problem. Many articles agree that it is necessary to educate the general public...2011-04
36 Integrated Service Project Final PaperThe Summer Youth Program at the Indian Walk-In Center is program intended to help youth develop various skills to improve their lives. One such skill is to understand healthy lifestyles through physical fitness and nutrition education. For my Integrated Service Project I worked with this program dev...2014-04-01
37 Kindergarten to second grade biology curriculum of Title 1 elementary schoolsI have served as a tutor at a Title 1 elementary for four years, and my experiences served as my motivation for my integrated service project. My integrated service project centered on the deficiency of science, particularly biology, in Title 1 elementary schools. Because Title 1 schools receive fun...2012-04-01
38 The many faces of mathematicsChoosing a career is one of the most important decisions in a person's life. Yet, many students graduate from high school and from college and have no idea what they are going to do with their education. Those who do may have a very limited view of the opportunities that are available for them to ex...
39 Marginalized survivors' experiences accessing campus and community resources that address gender-based violenceMany academic institutions, both undergraduate and graduate, persist in neglecting the intersections of race, gender identity, immigrant status, disability status, LGBTQIA+ affiliation, first-generation and international student status and their impact on survivors' access to and utilization of camp...2024
40 Medication therapy managementMedication therapy management (MTM) is an extended pharmacy service that optimizes therapeutic outcomes and goals for patients by ensuring that their medications are appropriate, effective, safe, and able to be taken as intended. By collaborating with Service Learning Scholars and Partner for Promot...2014
41 New media and nonprofitsThere are new trends in media every single day. The ability to stay on top of these methods can aid in the success of many organizations. Often times, nonprofit organizations have minimal budgets and usually the first aspect to be cut is funding for public relations. However, the success of a nonpro...2013-04-08
42 Operation Health BabyAs an individual going into a career in the healthcare system, I have put a great deal of thought into the population that I would like to serve. I chose my center of focus to be on women and children. The purpose of my Integrative Service Learning Project was to educate women in the community about...2013-04-13
43 Operation smoke outIntroduction: The purpose of this ISP was to promote smoking cessation and prevention through education to both pharmacy professionals and the community in conjunction with the Utah Tobacco Prevention Task Force and the Utah Dept. of Health. Individual goals within the project included providing edu...2014-04-01
44 Oral health: The essential preventionIllnesses related to oral health are by far the most preventable illness in the United States, yet it is the leading cause of poor health in young children. Tooth decay is quietly affecting 3 out of every 5 children across the US, and those from low-income families or families who speak English as a...2011-04
45 Pete Suazo business center mentoringThe Pete Suazo Business Center (PSBC) is a non-profit organization that strives to develop minority entrepreneurs into successful businesspersons. This effort is only possible with the help of countless volunteer hours. The selfless service of diverse mentors and teachers help further the education ...2011-04
46 Preschool for the Road HomeIntroduction and Background: This Integrative Service Project (ISP) was the creation of more curriculum for The Road Home preschool, a donation drive was implemented to increase their funds and supplies, and a volunteer relationship was established in order to provide the needed assistance. Literatu...2014-03-27
47 Prescription drug abuse awareness through Generation RxPrescription drug abuse is on the rise in Utah. In 2010 there were more deaths caused by prescription overdoses than car accidents (Johnson, 2010). To combat this growing problem I implemented an outreach program called Operation Generation Rx into the American Pharmacist Association Academy of Stud...2012-03-30
48 Prevention, recognizing, and treating childhood obesity: A risk factor for developing Type 2 diabetes mellitusBACKGROUND - This integrated service project report summarizes my involvement in the Utah Pediatric Partnership to Improve Healthcare Quality (UPIQ) learning collaborative and Central City Community Health Center. The project focus is to recognize, prevent, and treat childhood obesity. The project i...2009-04
49 Project for integrative refugee writing programsThis paper entails the summation of research, development and procedures of community partnerships, workshop facilitation, and sustainability procedures of three refugee writing programs in Salt Lake City, Utah. It introduces reasons for taking on the project, which includes partnering with SLCC Com...2013-04-01
50 Quality improvement: Personal responsibility and education programThe Teen Mother and Child Program's Personal Responsibility and Education Program, a comprehensive sexuality education program, was in need of several improvements including: HPV education, goal-setting education, revision of pre and post-tests, and increasing the number of participants. Research wa...2013-03-11
51 Raising autism awareness by providing information in a Spanish alternativeAfter the diagnosis of my nephews with autism, I became interested in the underlying factors behind this disease. Studies show that early preventive programs can help curb the negative effects of autism and in some cases, cure it. My integrated service project was centered on raising autism awarenes...2012-04-01
52 Recycle Rice-EcclesRecycle Rice-Eccles was founded in 2010 to meet the need for recycling at the Rice-Eccles Football Stadium. What started out as a few students with garbage bags is now a 300 strong volunteer effort recycling over 12 tons per season. Through effective marketing, strong leadership, and a dedicated vol...2014-02-22
53 The Red Butte Garden Plant Database: For Organization and Community UseBotanical gardens have certain features that distinguish them from pleasure gardens and public parks. In the latter part of the 20th century, the environmental and sustainability movement changed botanic garden missions to increase the serious tones of research, education, and conservation (p. 185-2...2014-08-01
54 Reusable sanitary padsThe struggles and needs of the teenage girls attending Kwa Watoto School in Nairobi, Kenya was determined by the needs assessment completed in December 2011. Most teenage girls miss out on education and are isolated from activities while they are on their period. The reason why they miss school is b...2013-04-01
55 RevolutionaryThis is a summary of an Integrative Service Project (ISP) in partnership with the University of Utah Bennion Center and Rise, Inc. In this project, I created and administered a healthy living program for a group of teens with special needs who participated in an after-school program at Rise, Inc., c...2011-10-05
56 Sexual assault and dating violence curriculumThe unusually high number of sexual assault and dating violence cases in Utah is appalling and so is the fact that we have such a passionate population on ensuring that our youth remain protected, yet remain steadfast in ensuring we do not discuss sex in a school setting. The majority of victims kne...2012-03-30
57 The shakedown: The implementation and implications of natural disaster response protocols on a local levelThere are critical transition moments in public health: when epidemics become pandemics, when storms become hurricanes, when incidents become disasters. This paper will explore the national preparedness and response standards developed by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (!!HS) and h...2016
58 Slow food's in schoolThis program was designed to teach and engage elementary students, as well as parents, in a better understanding of nutrition, cooking, and physical fitness by teaching and involving the student's in proper cooking skills, awareness of nutrition, and how we can better ourselves by what we eat and do...2013-04-01
59 Special Olympics NotebookThis paper discusses the culmination of a Special Olympics procedure and instruction notebook, an Integrative Service Project completed as part of the Service-Learning Scholars' Program. The notebook allows for sustainability of the University of Utah Special Olympics Team by providing a resource fo...2012
60 Students achieving in science and academia (SAAE)The integrative service project (ISP) completed is an after school engineering program, Students Achieving in Academia and Engineering (SAAE), that is implemented at Monroe Elementary a Title 1 school located in West Valley. The program is for 4th - 6th graders over 8 weeks its purpose is to cultiva...2014-04-01
61 Teen sexual assault & dating violence curriculumThe primary purpose of this paper is to examine research on teen sexual assault, a huge social issue in the United States. Utah's incidence of rape is higher than the national average. Adolescents are particularly vulnerable in 2006, 8% of female high school students and 6% of male high school stude...2011-12
62 The U BookThe U Book serves to address the ongoing issue with low campus involvement attributed to the University of Utah's reputation of being a commuter campus. Although over 29,000 students attend the University, an overwhelming majority of students do not join student groups, attend school sponsored event...2009-03
63 Utah 4-H TRY recharge fun, food and fitness programThrough the design of an Integrative Service Project in collaboration with Utah 4-H, I was able to design, implement, and evaluate a fitness and nutrition program for Utah 4-H entitled, Recharge Fun, Food and Fitness. The project is a part of Utah State University's Extension; 4-H Teens Reaching You...2011-04
64 Volunteer interpreter handbookThe University Hospital has an Interpreting Service Department that helps to coordinate and facilitate interpreting appointments in a variety of languages. These appointments take place in clinics throughout the hospital as well as Research Park. While Interpreting Services maintains the use of a hi...2009
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