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1 Dental resources in the Salt Lake AreaBACKGROUND: There are populations in our communities that have limited access on dental care. The populations most likely to find themselves in the position of not being able to find access and connections to dental services are those of low socio-economic status. In the west part of Salt Lake City ...
2 Bullying stops hereBullying Stops Here is a curriculum that has been created for the Big Brothers Big Sisters of Utah organization to educate and train adults to handle bullying situations with their little brothers and sisters in the program. The research began with a survey that was given to over 200 members of the ...
3 Diversity InitiativeHigh school tends to be a homogeneous environment where everyone is trying to be the same and fit in. Diversity is not highly valued by most students and I was on a mission to change that. I wanted students to see how diversity makes you stronger not weaker. I worked with Alta High School to develop...
4 The many faces of mathematicsChoosing a career is one of the most important decisions in a person's life. Yet, many students graduate from high school and from college and have no idea what they are going to do with their education. Those who do may have a very limited view of the opportunities that are available for them to ex...
5 Affirming equity: Creating access to college careers among first generation students and students of color in elementary schoolStudents of color and first-generation students across the country encounter substantial barriers to higher education with regard to access and preparation. This project focused on increasing awareness of college professions and interest in pursuing a college degree among elementary school students ...2008-02
6 Humanities house integrated service projectThis program thrives to integrate the humanities-centered campus community and mentor/alumni service-centered community through outreach and civic engagement. The program is structured around the Humanities House in Officer's Circle of Housing and Residential Education in partnership with the Colleg...2009
7 Volunteer interpreter handbookThe University Hospital has an Interpreting Service Department that helps to coordinate and facilitate interpreting appointments in a variety of languages. These appointments take place in clinics throughout the hospital as well as Research Park. While Interpreting Services maintains the use of a hi...2009
8 The U BookThe U Book serves to address the ongoing issue with low campus involvement attributed to the University of Utah's reputation of being a commuter campus. Although over 29,000 students attend the University, an overwhelming majority of students do not join student groups, attend school sponsored event...2009-03
9 Community engagement co-requisiteIn the summer of 2008, we began discussing pathways to further engage students in the community through their academic disciplines. Our central aim was to provide more opportunities for students to apply what they are learning in the classroom to promote the public good. Experiential learning, espec...2009-04
10 Prevention, recognizing, and treating childhood obesity: A risk factor for developing Type 2 diabetes mellitusBACKGROUND - This integrated service project report summarizes my involvement in the Utah Pediatric Partnership to Improve Healthcare Quality (UPIQ) learning collaborative and Central City Community Health Center. The project focus is to recognize, prevent, and treat childhood obesity. The project i...2009-04
11 Creation of the G.E.A.R U.P. orientation manualThere is a great need for programs which assist students from low income and minority background in having the support and resources to attend and complete college. Gear Up is a program which seeks to meet this need by providing low-income students with scholarships as well as in school and after sc...2009-05
12 Backpack 2 SchoolHaving identified the inequities of the achievement gap that exist in Title 1 schools, the Backpack 2 School program's mission is to make a positive impact in the lives of youth, families and educators in uniting community support to (1) excite kids about starting the school year and their education...2009-09
13 Discovering the self within, self expression workshopsThe media plagues society and its citizens with negative stereotypes and views of individuals especially of lower-income, minority groups. The media plays a major role in creating and reinforcing images that are generalized to a broader group that affects the public's perception of crime and negativ...2011
14 Fitness hour with seniorsBACKGROUND: The senior population is often forgotten in today's society. This results in the creation of stereotypes and ultimately discrimination against senior citizens defined as ageism. As a result of ageism, seniors tend to be isolated from the rest of society and may only have a few interactio...2011
15 Establishing a development event for a free medical clinicBACKGROUND - Leadership and service and difficult to learn for some students seeking professional careers. At the University of Utah College of Pharmacy, the pharmacy gala has become a student-initiated and student-led opportunity for student pharmacists to practice both leadership and service-learn...2011-02
16 Creating a "Peer-to-Peer" data bank for the University of Utah's honors collegeWhile attending the University of Utah, I had the tremendous fortune of being heavily involved with the Honors College. This included involvement in 13 different activities within the college, enrollment of 15 honors classes (of which only 7 where required), and completion of an Honors Thesis. With ...2011-03
17 Discovering the self within: One piece at a timeGrowing up in the community of Rose Park as a child, the one thing that I always wished for was to learn different ways to positively express myself. I picked up on some from mentors that I had, but was never sat down and taught specific ways to positively express what was going on in my life. Knowi...2011-03-14
18 French curriculum for teaching middle school studentsThis paper will explore the journey that was taken to create a French Teaching Curriculum which was to be used specifically in a middle school class. The age range is one crucial aspect to this project, as it is different than that of only junior high school students or older. Researching the specif...2011-04
19 Guadalupe to the U DayGuadalupe to the U Day was designed to expose underrepresented 1st through 4th graders in the Glendale neighborhood to the idea that higher education is an attainable option for them. Guadalupe to the U day served many purposes, one being to draw the connection between current curriculum in the clas...2011-04
20 Utah 4-H TRY recharge fun, food and fitness programThrough the design of an Integrative Service Project in collaboration with Utah 4-H, I was able to design, implement, and evaluate a fitness and nutrition program for Utah 4-H entitled, Recharge Fun, Food and Fitness. The project is a part of Utah State University's Extension; 4-H Teens Reaching You...2011-04
21 Oral health: The essential preventionIllnesses related to oral health are by far the most preventable illness in the United States, yet it is the leading cause of poor health in young children. Tooth decay is quietly affecting 3 out of every 5 children across the US, and those from low-income families or families who speak English as a...2011-04
22 Economics and volunteeringOften when the term economics is discussed, the common definition that is presented is the Neo-Classical version. Neo-Classical economics is "an approach to economics that relates supply and demand to an individual's rationality and his or her ability to maximize utility or profit (Neoclassical Econ...2011-04
23 Pete Suazo business center mentoringThe Pete Suazo Business Center (PSBC) is a non-profit organization that strives to develop minority entrepreneurs into successful businesspersons. This effort is only possible with the help of countless volunteer hours. The selfless service of diverse mentors and teachers help further the education ...2011-04
24 Implementing climate-change curriculum in elementary schoolsThis paper briefly introduces the problems associated with the lack of climate-change and scientific literacy in our community, and recounts the experiences that the author had while attempting to find a solution to this problem. Many articles agree that it is necessary to educate the general public...2011-04
25 Community garden passive solar systemAs a culmination of activity in the Service Learning Scholars Program, the Integrated Service Project described herein blended my academic coursework at the University of Utah with service dedicated toward meeting a community need. Working with Wasatch Community Gardens, a local non-profit organizat...2011-04
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