26 - 50 of 145
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TitleCreatorRelation Is Part Of
26 Layer-Specific Differences of Normal and Hyperthyroid Exuaocular Muscles in C57BL/6 MiceSwaraj Bose; Chyong Nien; James JesterNANOS 2008: Poster Presentations
27 Platform Presentation: Dynamic MRl Encodes Differential Contraction of Extraocular Muscle Segments in Healthy SubjectsOliver Bergamin; Marco Piccirelli; Roger Luechinger; Michaela Soellinger; Andrea Rutz; Peter BoesigerNANOS 2007: Interventional Neuroradiology and Radiation Oncology
28 Extraocular Muscle Mitochondrial Abnormalities in Experimental Hyperthyroid MiceSwaraj Bose, MD; Kristen Rarey; Audrey Chen-Mok, MD; Douglas Wallace, PhD
29 New Concepts in CFEOM and Congenital Dysinnervation SyndromesElizabeth Engle, MDNANOS 2009: Pediatric Eye Movement Disorders Symposium
30 Acquired Comitant Esotropia following Botulinum Toxin Injection: A Brief Case SeriesLisa Bennett, Sangeeta Khanna, Onur Melen, Mitchell Strominger, Michael RosenbergNANOS 2018: Poster Presentations
31 Synovial Sarcoma of the Left Arm Affecting Bilateral Extraocular Muscles: A Paraneoplastic Syndrome?Toru Kurokawa; Toshinori Murata; Yasuo Yoshimura; Ken-ich Isobe; Tomoki Kaneko; Kenji Sano; Atsushi KazamaNANOS 2010: Poster Presentations
32 Resection of Extraocular Muscles in Patients with Thyroid Eye DiseaseGeorge Saitakis; Yael Redler; Suzanne Freitag; Jin Ma; Dean CestariNANOS Annual Meeting 2020: Poster Session I: Clinical Highlights
33 Functional Anatomy of the Extraocular Muscle PulleysJoseph L. Demer, MD, PhDNANOS 2004: Motility Symposium
34 Aberrant Regeneration of the Abducens Nerve to the Medial Rectus MuscleW. Jordan Piluek; Abdullah M. Alaraj; Timothy J. McCulley NANOS 2014: Poster Presentations
35 Congenital Entropion and Hypotropia Secondary to Duplication of the Inferior Rectus Muscle! (.pdf)Tarek A. Shazly; S. Tonya StefkoNANOS Annual Meeting 2016: Poster Presentations
36 Adult with Acquired Oblique Diplopia: Do I Image? Do I Operate? (PDF)Hilda Capó, MDNANOS Annual Meeting 2020: Strabismus: Image? Operate?
37 Checkpoint inhibitor associated orbital inflammation masquerading as ocular myasthenia gravis and thyroid eye diseaseMarisa Tieger; Eric Gaier; Sashank Prasad; Michael YoonNAM 2019: Poster Session I: Clinical Highlights in Neuro-Ophthalmology
38 Congenital Cranial Dysinnervation DisordersMary C. WhitmanNANOS Annual Meeting 2023: Insight Into Neuroanatomy: Learning From Pediatric Neuro-Ophthalmic Disorders
39 Baby with Tonic Downgaze: Do I Image? Do I Operate? (PDF)Ellen B. Mitchell, MDNANOS Annual Meeting 2020: Strabismus: Image? Operate?
40 Ultrastructural Changes in Extraocular Muscles of Hyperthyroid Adenosine Nucleotide Translocator-1 (ANT1) Deficient MiceS. Bose; K. Rarey; C. Kenney; K. Waymire; D. WallaceNANOS 2006: Scientific Platform Presentations (Session II)
41 Thyroid-Associated Ophthalmopathy Presenting as Superior Rectus and Levator Palpebrae EnlargementAngeline Nguyen; Timothy McCulley; Amanda HendersonNANOS 2018: Poster Presentations
42 Ultrasonic Diagnosis of Graves' OphthalmopathyRobert H. SpectorNANOS 1990: Orbit Symposium
43 Compressive Optic Neuropathy? - A Case of Thyroid-associated Optic Neuropathy without Crowding Orbital ApexKo-Jo LinNANOS 2018: Poster Presentations
44 Congenital Extraocular Muscle Fibrosis Type 1: MRI and Clinical FindingsThomas J. Carlow, MD; B. L. Hart, MD; E. C. Engle, MDNANOS 2000: Poster Presentations
45 Clinical Manifestations of Extraocular Muscle Paresis in Patients with Miller Fisher Syndrome (.pdf)Won Yeol Ryu; Jong Kuk Kim; Byeol-A Yoon; Hwan HeoNANOS Annual Meeting 2016: Poster Presentations
46 Extraocular Muscle Cine-Mode Turbo-flash MR Imaging in the Normal and Pathological StateThomas J. Carlow, MDNANOS 1993: Platform Presentations (Session 1)
47 Orbital Ultrasonographic Findings in Tumors to the Extraocular MusclesGiovanni Greaves; Kym Livingston; Grant Liu; Nicholas Volpe; Sonul Mehta; Madhura TamhankarNANOS 2014: Poster Presentations
48 Two Cases of Extraocular Muscle Enlargement Caused by Metastatic CancerJaeho Jung; Hee-Young ChoiNANOS 2017: Poster Presentations
49 A Case of Adult T-Cell Leukemia/ Lymphoma with Extraocular Muscle Infiltration (.pdf)Takako Sugimoto; Hideki Chuman; Nobuhisa NaoiNANOS Annual Meeting 2016: Poster Presentations
50 Congenital Cranial Dysinnervation DisordersMary C. Whitman, MDNANOS Annual Meeting 2023: Insight Into Neuroanatomy: Learning From Pediatric Neuro-Ophthalmic Disorders: https://novel.utah.edu/collection/NAM/toc/
26 - 50 of 145