26 - 50 of 200
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26 Optic Disc Edema in an Astronaut After Repeat Long-Duration Space FlightMader, Thomas H; Gibson, C Robert; Pass, Anastas F; Lee, Andrew G; Killer, Hanspeter E; Hansen, Hans-Christian; Dervay, Joseph P; Barratt, Michael R; Tarver, William J; Sargsyan, Ashot E; Kramer, Larry A; Riascos, Roy; Bedi, Deepak G; Pettit, Donald R
27 Optical Coherence Tomography in Papilledema: What Am I Missing?Randy H. Kardon, MD, PhD, Director of Neuro-Ophthalmology Services, Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, University of Iowa
28 Peripapillary Hyperreflective Ovoid Mass-Like Structures: Is It Optic Disc Drusen or Not?Kyoung Min Lee, MD; Se Joon Woo, MD, PhD; Jeong-Min Hwang, MD, PhD2018-12
29 Peripapillary Hyperreflective Ovoid Mass-Like Structures: Is It Optic Disc Drusen or Not?: ResponseLasse Malmqvist, MD; Lulu Bursztyn, MSc, MD; Fiona Costello, MD, PhD; Kathleen Digre, MD; J. Alexander Fraser, MD; Clare Fraser, MMed; Bradley Katz, MD, PhD; Mitchell Lawlor, FRANZCO, PhD; Axel Petzold, MD, PhD; Patrick Sibony, MD; Judith Warner, MD; Marianne Wegener, MD; Sui Wong, MD; Steffen Haman...2018-12
30 Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Choroidal Inflammation in Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada DiseaseVaphiades, MS; Read, RW
31 Asymptomatic Optic Disc EdemaGordon, RN; Burde, RM; Slamovits, T
32 Anomalous Optic Disc Elevation Associated with Ultrasonographic Evidence of Increased Subarachnoid FluidSadda, SR; DiBernardo, C; Miller, NR
33 Bilateral Visual Loss Complicating Liposuction in a Patient with Idiopathic Intracranial HypertensionRibeiro Monteiro, ML; Moura, FC; Cunha, LP
34 Pseudotumor Cerebri Syndrome With COVID-19: A Case SeriesLoulwah Mukharesh; Marc A. Bouffard; Elizabeth Fortin; David H. Brann; Sandeep Robert Datta; Sashank Prasad; Bart K. Chwalisz2022-09
35 Idiopathic unilateral disc edema. The big blind spot syndrome.Rosenberg, Michael L.; O'Connor, Patrick; Carter, Jack
36 Papilledema: The Vexing IssuesJonathan Daniel Trobe MD, Michigan University
37 Therapy resistant papilledema in achondroplasia.Klara Landau, MD, FEBO, University of Zurich; BP Gloor, MD
38 Therapy resistant papilledema in achondroplasia.Klara Landau, MD, FEBO; B. P. Gloor, MD1994-03
39 Therapy resistant papilledema in achondroplasia.Klara Landau, MD, FEBO; B. P. Gloor, MD1994-03
40 Therapy-resistant papilledema in achondroplasia.Klara Landau, MD, FEBO; B. P. Gloor, MD1994-03
41 Therapy-resistant papilledema in achondroplasia.Klara Landau, MD, FEBO; B. P. Gloor, MD1994-03
42 Vision Preservation in COVID-Related Cerebral Sinovenous Thrombosis With Optic Nerve Sheath FenestrationAndrew B. Johnston; Asim F. Choudhri; Violiza Inoa; Lauren C. Ditta2022-06
43 Dermatomyositls-Related NonIschemic Central Retinal Vein OcclusionYvonne Wang; Michael L. Morgan; Angelina Espino Barros Palau; Andrew G. Lee; Rod Foroozan
44 Papilledema in paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria.Aktan, S.; Kansu, T.; Kansu, E.; Zileli, T.
45 Peripapillary Choroidal Neovascular Membrane in a Teenage Boy: Presenting Feature of Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension and Resolution With Intravitreal BevacizumabBelliveau, Michel J; Xing, Lin; Almeida, David RP; Gale, Jeffrey S; ten Hove, Martin W
46 Swelling of the Optic Nerve Head: A Backstage View of a Staging SchemeLars Frisén2017-03
47 Vitreous Hemorrhage Secondary to Optociliary Shunt Vessels From PapilledemaFraser, Clare L; Ridha, Maysa A; Biousse, Valerie; Newman, Nancy J
48 Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension Without Papilledema With Improvement in Visual Field Defect Following Optic Nerve Sheath Fenestration: CommentEdward Margolin2021-03
49 Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension Without Papilledema With Improvement in Visual Field Defect Following Optic Nerve Sheath Fenestration: ResponseStacy M. Scofield-Kaplan; Kishan G. Patel; Freddie Ray Jones Jr; Robert Nick Hogan2021-03
50 Cryptococcal meningitis. An atypical presentation.Custer, P.; Breen, L.A.; Burde, R.M.
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