76 - 100 of 1,602
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76 Heart of Darkness - Presentation PPTShira Simon; Shiraaz I. Rahman; John C. Heymann; Bahram Rahmani; Nicholas J. VolpeAn 18 year-old woman presented to the emergency department in October 2014 with three days of blurred vision in her left eye. Past medical history included a hypoplastic right heart status-post orthotopic heart transplant at 2 months of age, chronic kidney disease with BK viremia since 12 years of a...
77 Not Right in the Head' - Path PPTMelinda Y. Chang; Janet Lee; Robert A. Goldberg; Stacy L. PinelesA 55 year old man presented with eight months of progressive left orbital swelling. His past ocular history was significant for LASIK of the right eye with monovision. His past medical history was significant for melanoma of the left arm, treated by surgical excision, with two negative lymph nodes, ...
78 Masquerade - Presentation PPTAmanda D. Henderson; Jacques J. Morcos; Oliver G. Fischer; Joshua PasolA 68 year-old man from Nicaragua, with a past medical history of diabetes and hypertension, presented with a one-year history of right-sided headaches, diplopia, and a four-month history of sudden vision loss in his right eye. In Nicaragua, a head CT and an angiogram had revealed a sphenoid wing and...
79 Eyes and Bowels Bottled Up - Path PPTKristopher Kowal; Jonathan D. Trobe; Theodore T. BrownA 56 year-old man presented with diplopia and ptosis. Actually he was more concerned about severe constipation that had started about the same time. Abdominal x-rays had shown stool loading; laxatives had been ineffective. Our exam showed bilateral ptosis with complete ophthalmoplegia in both eyes. ...
80 The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly - Presentation PPTNathan H. Kung; Robert C. Bucelli; Gregory P. Van StavernA 37-year-old man with a history of hearing loss presented to the Neuro-Ophthalmology clinic in 2014 with 1 month of decreased vision in the left visual field. He also reported a period of binocular horizontal diplopia, similar in all directions of gaze, which had since resolved. Past medical histor...
81 A Night at the Met - Presentation PPTClotilde Hainline; Janet C. Rucker; David Zagzag; Yvonne W. Liu; Floyd A. Warren; Laura J. Balcer; Steven L. GalettaA 73-year old woman with no headache history presented to the emergency department with several days of right-sided, retro-ocular, and vertex headaches and inability to see the left side of the TV screen-- all beginning 1 week after cataract surgery. Evaluation by her ophthalmologist was unrevealing...
82 A Night at the Met - Path PPTClotilde Hainline; Janet C. Rucker; David Zagzag; Yvonne W. Liu; Floyd A. Warren; Laura J. Balcer; Steven L. GalettaA 73-year old woman with no headache history presented to the emergency department with several days of right-sided, retro-ocular, and vertex headaches and inability to see the left side of the TV screen-- all beginning 1 week after cataract surgery. Evaluation by her ophthalmologist was unrevealing...
83 A Case of Progressive Orbital Cellulitis in an Immunocompetent Patient - Presentation PPTCinthi Pillai; Ivana Vodopivec; Daniel Lefebvre; Frederick Jakobiec; Joseph RizzoA 74 year-old woman presented 2/7/2015 with left orbital swelling/discomfort. Imaging revealed paranasal sinus and orbital soft tissue abnormalities suggestive of inflammatory/infectious disease. She received intravenous vancomycin/meropenam but worsened. Medical history was notable for paroxysmal a...
84 Diplopic Uveitis - Presentation PPTKinda Najem; Edward Margolin; Pradeep Krishnan33 year-old man presented with 3 days of binocular diplopia. Visual acuity was 20/30 OU and pupillary exam was normal. Motility testing demonstrated right partial 3rd nerve palsy (no adduction and limited supraduction with complete ptosis). There were +1/2 anterior chamber cells and few vitreous cel...
85 Growing Up Too Fast - Presentation PPTCourtney E. Francis; Thomas T. Chia; Gordana Juric-Sekhar; Manuel FerreiraA 7 ½ year old boy presented in 2000 with precocious puberty (development of pubic hair, acne and rapid linear growth). Work-up included a brain MRI revealing a suprasellar mass, consistent with a visual pathway glioma. On ophthalmologic evaluation, he was noted to be 20/25 OU with a normal fundusc...
86 Growing Up Too Fast - Path PPTCourtney E. Francis; Thomas T. Chia; Gordana Juric-Sekhar; Manuel FerreiraA 7 ½ year old boy presented in 2000 with precocious puberty (development of pubic hair, acne and rapid linear growth). Work-up included a brain MRI revealing a suprasellar mass, consistent with a visual pathway glioma. On ophthalmologic evaluation, he was noted to be 20/25 OU with a normal fundusc...
87 Leopard Can't Change Its Spots - Presentation PPTTerry S. Kang; Veeral S. ShahAn 8 year-old Caucasian female presented with bilateral conjunctivitis, photophobia, and blurred vision. Visual acuity was 20/50 OD and 20/60 OS. She had 2-3+ anterior chamber cell and flare OU, 1+ vitreous cells OU, 2+ optic disc edema OU, and macular edema OU. She was diagnosed with anterior uveit...
88 Not a Meatball - Path PPTSteven Newman; James Mandell; Colleen Druzgal; John Jane Jr.; Spencer Payne; Sugoto Mukherjee; Beatriz LopesIn April 2015, a 10 year old girl was referred for a four day history of ptosis and double vision. On examination, visual acuity was 20/20-OU; near vision was 3pt OU. Visual fields showed subtle arcuate visual field changes. External examination revealed palpebral fissures of 6.5 and 9 with an upper...
89 In The Thick of It - Path PPTKannan Narayana; Ritesh Ramdhani; Bradford Tannen; Laura Balcer; Steven Galetta; Janet RuckerA 38 year-old woman with a history of premature birth with significant developmental delay was sent for neuroophthalmic evaluation for excessive head movements with gaze shifting. As an adult, she was verbal and able to take the bus alone to a day program. Over the past two years, language and cogni...
90 Looking for a Drop of Porcelain - Path PPTShannon J. Beres; Grant T. LiuA 4 year old healthy boy presented with severe headache. A right subdural hygroma was seen on brain MRI and CSF evaluation showed a leukocytosis with elevated protein. A week later he developed left leg weakness and a repeat brain MRI showed progressive leptomeningeal enhancement and new punctate in...
91 Eyes and Bowels Bottled Up - Presentation PPTKristopher Kowal; Jonathan D. Trobe; Theodore T. BrownA 56 year-old man presented with diplopia and ptosis. Actually he was more concerned about severe constipation that had started about the same time. Abdominal x-rays had shown stool loading; laxatives had been ineffective. Our exam showed bilateral ptosis with complete ophthalmoplegia in both eyes. ...
92 Some Like it HotAhmara G. Ross; Islam Zaydan; Gabrielle Bonhomme; Ellen Mitchell; Tarek Shazly; Deborah ParrishA 71 year old Caucasian man with a past medical history of hypertension, hyperlipidemia, Type 2 DM, ESRD status post renal transplant, facial melanoma, currently on ASA for a stable left sided putaminal hemorrhage presented with new right sided ptosis and lower extremity weakness. Brain MRI obtained...
93 Three Weeks in FloridaAndrew R. Carey; J. Antonio Bermudez-Magner; Sander R. Dubovy; Norman J. Schatz; Linda L. Sternau; Byron L. LamA 36 year-old man presented with severe headaches, bilateral leg numbness, and bilateral decreasedvision. He was born in Ecuador where he received BCG vaccination and immigrated to US at age 19. In2005 he enrolled in nursing school and volunteered in homeless shelters. PPD was positive with anegativ...
94 Under PressureNathan H. Kung; Collin M. McClelland; Gregory P. Van StavernA 29-year-old woman was referred to neuro-ophthalmology clinic for 1 year of headaches andpapilledema discovered 2 months earlier. She complained of recently blurred vision but no positionalheadache, pulsatile tinnitus, transient visual obscurations, or other neurologic issues. She used nomedication...
95 Shady Double CrosserFrancine WeinA 62-year-old woman presented with a one-month history of severe light sensitivity and headache, and atwo week history of diplopia. Her photophobia was severe enough for her to wear sunglasses indoors.Her past medical history was significant for a cholecystectomy and Crohns disease, for which she ha...
96 A Shot in the DarkJoshua Pasol; Ricardo Komotar; Feisal YamaniA 74 year-old man with a chief complaint of difficulty with night time driving for several years as wellas difficulty going from a lighted room to a dark room. PMH of high cholesterol, BPH, hypothyroidism,GERD, glottic squamous cell cancer without recurrence, and a prior history of alcoholism. POHx:...
97 It's Not Just a FAD, (EHR Fatigue Syndrome)Jacqueline A. Leavitt; John J. Chen; Diva R. SalomaoA 29 year-old female nurse, nine months postpartum, presented with an inability to see her computerwell for the past two months. She denied eye pain, diplopia, numbness, tingling or weakness. Therewere no changes in vision in bright vs. dim lighting. She also had a headache at the back of her head f...
98 A Weak PresentationReuben M. Valenzuela; Bradley Katz; Alison Crum; Kathleen B. Digre; Nick Mamalis; Hans C. Davidson; Judith WarnerAn 82-year-old right-handed man with myasthenia gravis presented in May 2014 with double vision andright facial numbness and weakness. He was first seen in 1998 with horizontal diplopia. He had anabduction deficit of the right eye, and right nasolabial fold flattening. He was diagnosed withmyastheni...
99 Using MuscleNagham Al-Zubidi; John E. Carter; Bundhit Tantawongski; Patricia Chevez-Barrios; Lyndon Tyler; Constance L. FryA 30- year-old Saudi female student with no past medical history presented an eight month history ofprogressive blurred vision primarily at near, anisocoria OS, and periocular discomfort with eyemovements. Neuro-Ophthalmologic examination revealed best corrected visual acuity of OD 20/20 andOS 20/30...
100 Some Like it HotAhmara G. Ross; Islam Zaydan; Gabrielle Bonhomme; Ellen Mitchell; Tarek Shazly; Deborah ParrishA 71 year old Caucasian man with a past medical history of hypertension, hyperlipidemia, Type 2 DM,ESRD status post renal transplant, facial melanoma, currently on ASA for a stable left sided putaminalhemorrhage presented with new right sided ptosis and lower extremity weakness. Brain MRI obtainedon...
76 - 100 of 1,602