26 - 50 of 1,602
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26 Nonchalant Midterm-taker Develops Altered Mental Status (abstract)Shira Simon; Bruno Policeni; Matthew ThurtellA 19 year-old female presented in April 2016 with two weeks of worsening headaches, malaise, left-hand weakness, and confusion. Symptoms started during a trip to Cancun and one week after visiting a friend with mumps. Although she was becoming increasingly lethargic, she refused to seek medical atte...
27 Alcohol is Never the Answer, but it Does Make You Forget the Question (abstract)Ali Saber Tehrani; Diana Londono; Thomas Rashid; Manuel Doria; Julia Biernot; Jorge KattahA 63-year old male with a history of alcohol abuse presented with two weeks of confusion and imbalance. On exam, he had left beating nystagmus on left gaze, and right beating and torsional nystagmus on right gaze. Head impulse test was abnormal in all canals bilaterally with video head impulse test ...
28 Keep Your Eye On the Ball (abstract)Danielle Rudich; Eugenia Vining; Kenneth Allen; Joel Geffin; Mena Mansour; Robert LesserIn March 2014, an 82-year-old male developed left sided facial pain and numbness over his left temple and periorbital region. He was treated for a presumed dental infection with no response. MRI brain in July 2014; showed only microvascular white matter changes.
29 M.I.A. (abstract)Julie DeBacker; Janet Rucker; Josef Gutman; Heather Lau; Laura Balcer; Steven GalettaA 69-year-old man presented with a several year history of vertical double vision. At age 46, he presented with a two year history of imbalance, four year history of urinary urgency/frequency, and a six-month history of leg numbness and tingling.
30 The Sound of Hoofbeats (abstract)Lilangi Ediriwickrema; Neil Miller; Thomas BosleyA 42-year-old woman with a recurrent cerebral malignant glioma in the left frontal lobe on clinical trial presented with blurry vision in her right eye 6 days after undergoing sinus surgery for paranasal inflammatory changes. She presented approximately 1 month after the sixth cycle of systemic ster...
31 It Must Be Voodoo... and he was Far from Spineless (abstract)Norah Sydney Lincoff; Charles Chung; Lucia BalosA 35 yo legally blind gentleman was referred for evaluation because of neck and new lower back pain. His visual; loss began 4 years prior, following a trip to 'N'Orleans'. He had been on a 'Boys Trip' for 10 days, and had been cursed with Voodoo for not paying a cemetery tour guide as promised.
32 It Must Be Voodoo... and he was Far from Spineless (slideshow)Norah Sydney Lincoff; Charles Chung; Lucia BalosA 35 yo legally blind gentleman was referred for evaluation because of neck and new lower back pain. His visual; loss began 4 years prior, following a trip to 'N'Orleans'. He had been on a 'Boys Trip' for 10 days, and had been cursed with Voodoo for not paying a cemetery tour guide as promised.
33 Alcohol is Never the Answer, but it Does Make You Forget the Question (slideshow)Ali Saber Tehrani; Diana Londono; Thomas Rashid; Manuel Doria; Julia Biernot; Jorge KattahA 63-year old male with a history of alcohol abuse presented with two weeks of confusion and imbalance. On exam, he had left beating nystagmus on left gaze, and right beating and torsional nystagmus on right gaze. Head impulse test was abnormal in all canals bilaterally with video head impulse test ...
34 Nonchalant Midterm-taker Develops Altered Mental Status (slideshow)Shira Simon; Bruno Policeni; Matthew ThurtellA 19 year-old female presented in April 2016 with two weeks of worsening headaches, malaise, left-hand weakness, and confusion. Symptoms started during a trip to Cancun and one week after visiting a friend with mumps. Although she was becoming increasingly lethargic, she refused to seek medical atte...
35 M.I.A. (slideshow)Julie DeBacker; Janet Rucker; Josef Gutman; Heather Lau; Laura Balcer; Steven GalettaA 69-year-old man presented with a several year history of vertical double vision. At age 46, he presented with a two year history of imbalance, four year history of urinary urgency/frequency, and a six-month history of leg numbness and tingling.
36 Keep Your Eye On the Ball (slideshow)Danielle Rudich; Eugenia Vining; Kenneth Allen; Joel Geffin; Mena Mansour; Robert LesserIn March 2014, an 82-year-old male developed left sided facial pain and numbness over his left temple and periorbital region. He was treated for a presumed dental infection with no response. MRI brain in July 2014; showed only microvascular white matter changes.
37 The Sound of Hoofbeats (slideshow)Lilangi Ediriwickrema; Neil Miller; Thomas BosleyA 42-year-old woman with a recurrent cerebral malignant glioma in the left frontal lobe on clinical trial presented with blurry vision in her right eye 6 days after undergoing sinus surgery for paranasal inflammatory changes. She presented approximately 1 month after the sixth cycle of systemic ster...
38 It is, is it not? - AbstractIvana Vodopivec; Derek H. Oakley; Nagagopal Venna; John H. Stone; E. Tessa Hedley-Whyte; Sashank PrasadA 44-year-old man presented with visual loss, confusion, apraxia, and left-sided weakness. His medical history included retinal vasculopathy, chronic kidney disease, hypertension, and hypertensive cardiomyopathy that had presented over the preceding six years. The retinal vasculopathy had been terme...
39 Avengers Assemble! - AbstractRadha Ram; Carrie A. Mohila; Jeremy Y. Jones; Veeral S. ShahA five-year-old otherwise healthy boy presented with a two-week history of behavioral changes, nausea, vomiting, headache, and subacute vision loss bilaterally. Six weeks prior to presentation to our hospital, he had presented to an outside hospital with esotropia and blurred vision in both eyes. At...
40 A Night at the Met - AbstractClotilde Hainline; Janet C. Rucker; David Zagzag; Yvonne W. Liu; Floyd A. Warren; Laura J. Balcer; Steven L. GalettaA 73-year old woman with no headache history presented to the emergency department with several days of right-sided, retro-ocular, and vertex headaches and inability to see the left side of the TV screen-- all beginning 1 week after cataract surgery. Evaluation by her ophthalmologist was unrevealing...
41 Diplopic Uveitis - AbstractKinda Najem; Edward Margolin; Pradeep Krishnan33 year-old man presented with 3 days of binocular diplopia. Visual acuity was 20/30 OU and pupillary exam was normal. Motility testing demonstrated right partial 3rd nerve palsy (no adduction and limited supraduction with complete ptosis). There were +1/2 anterior chamber cells and few vitreous cel...
42 Heart of Darkness - AbstractShira Simon; Shiraaz I. Rahman; John C. Heymann; Bahram Rahmani; Nicholas J. VolpeAn 18 year-old woman presented to the emergency department in October 2014 with three days of blurred vision in her left eye. Past medical history included a hypoplastic right heart status-post orthotopic heart transplant at 2 months of age, chronic kidney disease with BK viremia since 12 years of a...
43 Is It or Isn't It? - AbstractPeter W. MacIntosh; Scott Jones; Milena Stocic; Amy Lin; Heather MossA 58-year-old woman with recurrent left idiopathic orbital inflammation (IOI) presented with one day of rapidly progressive bilateral proptosis, edema, right eye redness, photophobia, and blurry vision. Her right eye had previously been asymptomatic. Her left eye had macular scarring with reduced vi...
44 Many Small Lesions, One Big Problem - AbstractHarsh V. Gupta; Tuhin Virmani; Rohan Samant; Murat Gokden; Joseph G. Chacko; Sarkis M. NazarianA 73-year old hypertensive and hyperlipidemic man presented with 18 months of horizontal diplopia, worse at distance and gaze right, oscillopsia on left head turn, and unsteady gait. Six months prior to consult, he developed dysphagia, worse with liquids, and recurrent falls forced him to use a walk...
45 In The Thick of It - AbstractKannan Narayana; Ritesh Ramdhani; Bradford Tannen; Laura Balcer; Steven Galetta; Janet RuckerA 38 year-old woman with a history of premature birth with significant developmental delay was sent for neuroophthalmic evaluation for excessive head movements with gaze shifting. As an adult, she was verbal and able to take the bus alone to a day program. Over the past two years, language and cogni...
46 Masquerade - AbstractAmanda D. Henderson; Jacques J. Morcos; Oliver G. Fischer; Joshua PasolA 68 year-old man from Nicaragua, with a past medical history of diabetes and hypertension, presented with a one-year history of right-sided headaches, diplopia, and a four-month history of sudden vision loss in his right eye. In Nicaragua, a head CT and an angiogram had revealed a sphenoid wing and...
47 When a WEINO Goes Blind - AbstractRustum Karanjia; Chiara La Morgia; Christina Liang; Carolyn Sue; Valerio Carelli; Peter A. Quiros; Alfredo A. SadunA 16 year old male presented to an outside center with binocular horizontal diplopia. His symptoms began approximately six months prior when he noticed difficulty reading. He was seen by an optometrist and prescribed reading glasses. His vision was 20/66 in the right eye and 20/25 in the left eye. H...
48 Not Right in the Head' - AbstractMelinda Y. Chang; Janet Lee; Robert A. Goldberg; Stacy L. PinelesA 55 year old man presented with eight months of progressive left orbital swelling. His past ocular history was significant for LASIK of the right eye with monovision. His past medical history was significant for melanoma of the left arm, treated by surgical excision, with two negative lymph nodes, ...
49 Leopard Can't Change Its Spots - AbstractTerry S. Kang; Veeral S. ShahAn 8 year-old Caucasian female presented with bilateral conjunctivitis, photophobia, and blurred vision. Visual acuity was 20/50 OD and 20/60 OS. She had 2-3+ anterior chamber cell and flare OU, 1+ vitreous cells OU, 2+ optic disc edema OU, and macular edema OU. She was diagnosed with anterior uveit...
50 Growing Up Too Fast - AbstractCourtney E. Francis; Thomas T. Chia; Gordana Juric-Sekhar; Manuel FerreiraA 7 ½ year old boy presented in 2000 with precocious puberty (development of pubic hair, acne and rapid linear growth). Work-up included a brain MRI revealing a suprasellar mass, consistent with a visual pathway glioma. On ophthalmologic evaluation, he was noted to be 20/25 OU with a normal fundusc...
26 - 50 of 1,602