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1 Anatomy of the Orbits on CT and MRIMRI and CT imaging of the orbit.Valérie Biousse, MD
2 Ophthalmic Artery AneurysmSlideshow describing ophthalmic artery aneurysm with MRI imaging.Valérie Biousse, MD
3 Nonfunctiong Pituitary Adenoma with Chiasmal CompressionThis is a case of large non-functioning pituitary adenoma with mass effect on the optic chiasm inducing loss of optic nerve fibers and subsequent visual field. Figure 1: Fundus photographs demonstrating bilateral temporal optic nerve head pallor Figure 2: Humphrey visual fields demonstrating a bitem...William Pearce, MD; Valérie Biousse, MD
4 Geniculate Nucleus Metastasis with Homonymous SectoranopiaThis is a case of multiple brain metastases in the setting of bladder cancer complicated with right homonymous horizontal sectoranopia. Figure 1: Pet-scan showing liver (yellow arrows) and kidneys (red arrow) metastases Figure 2: Goldmann Visual Fields: Right homonymous horizontal sectoranopia Figu...Rabih Hage, MD; Valérie Biousse, MD
5 Colloid Cyst HydrocephalusThis is a case of colloid cyst of the third ventricle complicated by severe hydrocephalus, raised intracranial pressure and papilledema. Figure 1: Fundus photographs demonstrating bilateral optic nerve head edema Figure 2a and 2b: T1-weighted axial brain MRI without contrast: Dilation of both later...Rabih Hage, MD; Valérie Biousse, MD
6 Large Sellar and Suprasellar Mass (Pituitary Macroadenoma) With Left Third Nerve Palsy and Left Optic Tract CompressionA case of a large sellar and suprasellar pituitary macroadenoma with an associated left third nerve palsy and left optic tract compression. Images from an MRI of the brain with contrast illustrate the imaging characteristics and extent of the tumor. Figure 1 : Humphrey Visual Fields (24-2 SITA-Fast)...Devin D. Mackay, MD; Valérie Biousse, MD
7 Metastatic Ovarian Cancer to the Left Occipital Lobe With Complete Right Homonymous HemianopiaA case of metastatic ovarian cancer to the left occipital lobe with a complete right homonymous hemianopia. Humphrey visual fields as well as images from an MRI of the brain are included. Figure 1 : Humphrey visual fields showing a complete right homonymous hemianopia Figure 2 : MRI brain T1 axial...Devin D. Mackay, MD; Valérie Biousse, MD
8 Vertical Diplopia Secondary to Skew Deviation With Ocular Tilt Reaction With Multiple Posterior Fossa MetastasesThis is a case of multiple brain metastases in the posterior fossa resulting in a skew deviation. Figure 1 : Photograph of the patient demonstrating a spontaneous right head tilt. The patient's head is tilted toward his right shoulder to suppress his diplopia Figure 2 : Ocular movements : There is a...Rabih Hage, MD; Valérie Biousse, MD; Jason Peragallo, MD
9 Fourth Nerve SchwannomaThis is a case of IVth cranial nerve schwannoma, showing an enhancement in the subarachnoid space consistent with the clinical presentation. Figure 1a : T1-weighted axial brain MRI Figure 1b : T1-weighted axial brain MRI : magnification of the brainstem Figure 1c : T1-weighted axial brain MRI : cr...Rabih Hage, MD; Valérie Biousse, MD
10 Large Frontal Meningioma with Mass Effect and Increased Intracranial PressureThis is a case of frontal meningioma presenting with raised intracranial pressure and bilateral papilledema responsible for visual loss. Figure 1: Goldmann visual field of the left eye. In the right eye, there was no response to the V4e. The visual field is severely constricted in the left eye. Fig...Rabih Hage, MD; Valérie Biousse, MD
11 Central Retinal Artery Occlusion with Cilioretinal Artery SparingCentral retinal artery occlusion with sparing of the cilioretinal artery Figure 1 : Fundus photographs show retinal whitening in the right eye, with sparing of the perfused retina in the distribution of the cilioretinal artery (arrows); the left eye has a normal funduscopic appearance. Figure 2 : Mo...Supharat Jariyakosol, MD; Valérie Biousse, MD
12 Cerebral Venous Sinus Thrombosis with PapilledemaA case of superior sagittal sinus, right transverse sinus and right sigmoid sinus thrombosis, presenting with increased intracranial pressure (headaches, bilateral sixth palsy and papilledema). Figure 1 : Disc photos of the right and left eyes demonstrating bilateral disc edema. Figure 2 : Non-contr...Supharat Jariyakosol, MD; Valérie Biousse, MD
13 Posterior Cerebral Artery Infarction from Vertebral Artery DissectionRight posterior cerebral artery ischemic infarction due to post traumatic (martial arts) left vertebral artery dissection with resulting right PCA occlusion. Left homonymous hemianopia due to right occipital lobe infarction and left hemisensory loss due to right thalamic infarction. Imaging of the a...Kristen Hudson, MD; Valérie Biousse, MD
14 Cerebral Arterial VascularizationArteries of the neck and brain as seen on a CT Angiogram. Figure 1 : Overview. Figure 1A. Anterior view. Figure 1B. Lateral view. Figure 2 : Internal carotid artery. Segmentation. Figure 3 : Internal carotid artery and vertebral arteries. Extracranial part. Posterolateral view. Figure 4 : Internal c...Samuel Bidot, MD; Valérie Biousse, MD
15 Cerebral Venous VascularizationMRV and CTV scan imaging of the brain veins. Figure 1 : Overview. MRV with contrast Figure 1A. Right postero-lateral view. Figure 1B. Sagittal view. Figure 2 : Dural sinuses. Superior endocranial view. CTV. Figure 3 : Dural sinuses. Sagittal endocranial view. CTV. Figure 4 : Dural sinuses. Right an...Samuel Bidot, MD; Amit M. Saindane, MD; Valérie Biousse, MD
16 Osseous Anatomy of the Optic CanalsAnatomic study of the optic canals using 3D reconstruction of CT scan images. Figure 1 : Orbital canal seen through the orbit Figure 2 : Optic canal seen from the intracranial side (1) Figure 3 : Optic canal seen from the intracranial side (2) Figure 4 : Optic canal : axial plane Figure 5 : Optic c...Samuel Bidot, MD; Amit M. Saindane, MD; Valérie Biousse, MD
17 Anatomy of the Trigeminal NerveMRI and CT scan imaging of the trigeminal nerve and its 3 divisions. Figure 1 : trigeminal nerve. Overview Figure 2 : trigeminal nuclei Figure 3 : trigeminal root. Cisternal segment. Figure 3A. FIESTA axial image through midpons. Figure 3B. T2 coronal image through prepontine cistern Figure 4 : trig...Samuel Bidot, MD; Amit M. Saindane, MD; Valérie Biousse, MD
18 Pulsatile Proptosis from Sphenoid Wing Hypoplasia in Neurofibromatosis Type 1Clinical and radiologic features of greater wing sphenoid hypoplasia in the setting of neurofibromatosis type 1. Figure 1 : slit lamp examination showing Lisch nodules; Figure 2 : orbit CT scan (1); Figure 3 : orbit CT scan (2) with annotations. For visual examples of this disorder, please see the...Samuel Bidot, MD; Amit M. Saindane, MD; Valérie Biousse, MD
19 Sturge-Weber SyndromeA case of Sturge-Weber syndrome (Encephalotrigeminal angiomatosis) with angiomas that involve the leptomeninges, and the skin of the ipsilateral hemiface, associated with congenital glaucoma in the same eye. Various illustrations are included to demonstrate the port wine stain, enlarged optic nerve ...Supharat Jariyakosol, MD; Valérie Biousse, MD
20 Ocular Hypoperfusion from Severe Internal Carotid Artery Stenosis68 year-old man complaining of mildly decreased vision OD with fluctuation of vision throughout the day. Fluorescein angiography shows delayed choroidal and retinal fillings, suggesting hypoperfusion of the right eye.Samuel Bidot, MD; Amit M. Saindane, MD; Valérie Biousse, MD
21 Occipital Infarction with Incomplete Congruent Homonymous HemianopiaCT appearance of a remote occipital infarction. Congruent homonymous hemianopia.Samuel Bidot, MD; Amit M. Saindane, MD; Valérie Biousse, MD
22 Terson Syndrome and Subarachnoid HemorrhageA case of Terson syndrome resulting with subarachnoid hemorrhage and right vitreous hemorrhage resulting from a left pericallosal artery aneurysm. Figure 1 : External photograph of right eye demonstrates blunted red reflex secondary to vitreous hemorrhage Figure 2 : External photograph of left eye d...Joshua Levinson, MD; Valérie Biousse, MD
23 Terson Syndrome With Cranial Nerve 3 Palsy Due to Subarachnoid Hemorrhage from Arteriovenous Malformation and Aneurysmal RuptureA case of Terson syndrome due to AVM and posteral cerebral aneurysm. The patient developed a left CN3 palsy due to hematoma involving the left midbrain. Figure 1 : External photograph of right eye demonstrates blunted red reflex secondary to vitreous hemorrhage Figure 2 : External photograph of lef...Joshua Levinson, MD; Valérie Biousse, MD
24 Sellar Aneurysm with Chiasmal CompressionThis is a case of aneurysm of the internal carotid artery, invading the sella and complicated by chiasmal compression and bitemporal hemianopia. Figure 1 : Humphrey visual fields (gray scale and pattern deviations) Figure 2a : T1-weighted axial brain MRI (1): well defined circular intracerebral mass...Rabih Hage, MD; Valérie Biousse, MD
25 Large Right Hypophyseal Aneurysm Causing a Junctional ScotomaRight, multi-lobulated superior hypophyseal artery aneurysm measuring 1.6 x 1.2 x 2.2 cm with 6 mm neck causing a right junctional scotoma . Images from a brain CT with contrast, a brain CT angiography with contrast, cerebral angiogram, Humphrey visual fields and ocular fundus photographs are includ...Laurel N. Vuong, MD; Valérie Biousse, MD
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