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AuthorTitleSubjectDatePublication Type
1 Schwarz, Elisabeth LisawatyMeasurement of lysyl hydroxylase in fibroblasts by tandem mass spectrometryBiosynthesis2006-12thesis
2 Leslie, John GregoryStudies on the structure and metabolism of elastin and collagenBiology; Rats1980-12dissertation
3 Martins, Thomas BerndAnalysis of antibody responses to streptococcal and tissue antigens in patients with acute rheumatic feverAntigen-Antibody Reactions2007-05thesis
4 Sephel, Gregory CharlesElastin gene expression in human skin fibroblasts during development and in heritable diseasesGenetics; Physiology1986-08dissertation
5 Karnik, Satyajit KanchanRole of elastin in regulating vascular smooth muscle cell differentiation during development and diseasePhysiology; Proteins; Receptors2004-05dissertation
6 Dalley, Arthur FrederickThe morphology of the canine (Beagle) liverAnatomy; Histology1975-06dissertation
7 Smith, Don WilderIsolation of a soluble protein resembling elastin1968-08thesis
8 Davis, Chadwick ThelenEnhancement of vascular stability through ARF6 deactivation reduces inflammatory pathologies2014-08dissertation
9 Coleman, Dennis LynnThe foreign body reactionRabbits; Granuloma1973-06thesis
10 Coombs, Margaret VikoInterconversion of cortisol and cortisone in normal connective tissue of mice and in malignant (Sarcoma 37) cells in hamstersMucopolysaccharaides; Histology; Growth Hormone:1966-06thesis
11 Smith, Matthew C.Cytoskeleton modulation of platelets and megakaryocytes2011-12dissertation
12 Meola, Stacy D.Evaluation of antithrombogenic drug combination therapy utilizing an in vitro and ex vivo stent modelHeparin; Thrombus2001-08thesis
13 Snook, Valerie KimAntigenicity of tropoelastinTropoelastin; Antgens1972-06dissertation
14 Chan, Aubrey C.Mutations in two distinct genetic pathways result in cerebral cavernous malformations2011-08dissertation
15 Zukor, Katherine A.Newt limb and spinal cord regeneration2010-12dissertation
16 Krakowiak, Patrycja AnnaGenetic mapping and molecular characterization of genes involved in birth defects of the limbsAbnormalities; Genetics; Gene Mapping1999dissertation
17 Dahms, Kimberly Mae.Oncostatin M: origins of a pleiotropic cytokine.Oncostatin M; Pletropic; Cytokine2000-08dissertation
18 Pickett, Christopher LeeRegulation of cell migration and behavior in Caenorhabditis elegans2006-12dissertation
19 Welton, Jeffrey DaleAnalysis of T-cell receptor family prevalence in the chronically- activated T-cells of rheumatoid arthritis patientsEtiology; Phagocytic Cells1996-12thesis
20 Portereiko, Michael F.Cellular and genetic analysis of pharyngeal morphogenesis in Caenorhabditis elegansPharyngeal Cells; Cytokinesis Defects; Pharyngeal Morphogenesis2003-08dissertation
21 Biran, RoyControlling neural cell behavior at biomaterial interfacesAstrocytes; Nervous System2000-08dissertation
22 Lim, Amy H.Motor neurons are essential for vascular pathfinding2011-12dissertation
23 Morgan, Richard GarrettTelomere dysfunction: role in arterial aging and hypertension2013-12dissertation
24 Nagel, Timothy LeeIn vivo surface localized phosphorous nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy with a slotted crossover surface coiRats; Skin1989-03thesis
25 Salomoni, Martin A.Reproducing the Spanish Toxic Oil Syndrome in a murine model.Immunology; Hematology2006-08dissertation
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