51 - 75 of 91
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AuthorTitleSubjectDatePublication Type
51 Thoma, Brian C.Health consequences of racist and antigay discrimination for multiple minority adolescentsAdolescents; African American; Discrimination; Lesbian; Gay; Bisexual; LGB; Suicide2012-08thesis
52 Komolova, MariyaBut we still loved each other: preadolescents' and adolescents' individuation and connectedness in the narratives about conflicts with parents and friendsAdolescents; Children; Conflicts; Connectedness; Individuation; Relationships2011-08dissertation
53 Mcgarrity, Larissa A.Minority stress, self-regulation, and executive function: an experimental investigation of gay and lesbian adultsexecutive function; gay and lesbian; minority stress; self-regulation2016dissertation
54 Mazur, DominikaI am a woman but not this kind of woman: bifurcation in gender identity in response to stereotype threatBifurcation; Integrity: Math performance; Stereotype threat; Women; Working memory2014-05dissertation
55 Hart, Isaac AlfredAfter the rain: using paleoclimatic and paleoecological methods to inform archaeological investigation in Baja California and Range Creek Canyon, UtahArchaeology; Paleoecology2017dissertation
56 Gagnon, Kyle TimothyNot all those who wander are lost: characterizing sex differences in spatial exploration and their relationship to navigation abilityExploration; Human Mobility; Navigation; Sex Differences2015-08dissertation
57 Amon, Richard P. Jr.The proposition of improving government: investigating shared services in the State of Utah2019dissertation
58 Warren, Nicholas JamesCross-cultural perceptions of autism strengths: professionals in the U.S. and Japan2019thesis
59 Robson, Shannen LorraineHuman life histories in an evolutionary and comparative contextDentition; Encephalization; Heterogeneity; Life history; Marital fertility; Twinning2011-08dissertation
60 Gold, BrittanyObservations of diurnal melt-freeze events using time domain reflectometry (TDR) in sesonal snowpackMelt-freeze; Snow; TDR2014-08thesis
61 Groves, MariangelicaSeasonal moisture and fire variability in the Northern Colorado Plateau: a case study in Rage Creek Canyon, UT2019dissertation
62 Arismendi, Jacquel LynnAncient MtDNA sequences from prehistoric north american arctic populationsAncient DNA; mitochondrial DNA; molecular anthropology; North American arctic; population prehistory2015dissertation
63 D'Astous, Valerie A.Grandparents and their grandchildren with autism spectrum disorder: building bridges through technologyAutism spectrum disorder; Communication; Grandparents; Intergenerational relationships; Technology2011-12thesis
64 Skidmore, Chloe RebeccaSelf-inflicted injury in community adolescents: a pilot study of interpersonal needs and disclosureAdolescents; Disclosure; Interpersonal theory; Non-suicidal self-injury2013-08thesis
65 Kakizaki, MasakiContentious politics in Turkey: The changing patterns of political participation in protest, 1945-2007Political participation; Social movement; Turkey2015dissertation
66 Yang, YiqingParental dissatisfaction, offspring's filial discrepancy, and health and wellbeing among older Chinese adultsdepression; filial piety; mediation analysis; mixed-methods; parent-adult child relationships; self-esteem2016dissertation
67 Odencrantz, Joana CatherineThe university depoliticized: research and knowledge in an authoritarian stateEducation; Egypt; Knowledge society; Social capital2012-05dissertation
68 Durham, Leslie FayePerceptions of children's lives: child welfare and policy in the wake of methamphetamineFamily preservation; Foster care; Substance abuse2014-12thesis
69 Li, DapengModeling wildfire evacuation as a coupled human-environmental system using triggersfire spread modeling; GIS; reverse geocoding; traffic simulation; triggers; wildfire evacuation2016dissertation
70 Li, DapengModeling wildfire evacuation as a coupled human-environmental system using triggersfire spread modeling; GIS; reverse geocoding; traffic simulation; triggers; wildfire evacuation2016dissertation
71 Myers, JasmineExternal and internal factors that influence entrepreneurial intention in human resource development consultants2013dissertation
72 Gallimore, Jonathan MarkCommunity design variations in students' environmental walking supportsSchool children; Pedestrian areas2009-05-17thesis
73 Yamamoto, YumikoInternational trade, techonogy, and inequalities in Japan's labor market: a gender perspective2018dissertation
74 Lloyd, Brent JosephEvaluating health and farming methods in burkina faso2019dissertation
75 Skinner, Michelle AIndividual and dyadic appraisals of pain severity and control and patient and spouse adjustment to chronic pain across the lifespanAging; Pain; Spouses2010dissertation
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