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AuthorTitleSubjectDatePublication Type
1 Quirk, Brendon JamesLate pleistocene and early holocene glacier and climate change in the wasatch mountains of Utah2019dissertation
2 Ismaya, FitraThe application of differential interferometric synthetic aperture radar to identify, measure, and analyze subsidence above underground coal mines in UtahCrandall Canyon; dugout Canyon; West Ridge; Deer Creek; differential inSAR; InSAR; subsidence; underground coal mining; Utah coal2010-12thesis
3 Goral, JanDigital rock physics for multiscale characterization of heterogeneous petroleum geomaterialsCorrelative Microscopy; Digital Rock Physics; Multiscale Imaging; Pore Network Modeling; Shale; Transport Phenomena2017thesis
4 Rodriguez, Enrique LevyEconomic geology of the sulphur deposits at Sulphurdale, UtahGeology, Economic -- Utah -- Sulphurdale; Mines and mineral resources -- Utah -- Sulphurdale; Sulphur mines and mining -- Utah -- Sulphurdale; Thesis and dissertation georeferencing project1960-08thesis
5 Lin, WeiJoint inversion of geophysical data using multinary transformation and gramian constraints2018dissertation
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