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AuthorTitleSubjectDatePublication Type
1 Oldroyd, KristinaThe body represented2019dissertation
2 Cribbet, Matthew RIndependent and interactive effects of tonic respiratory sinus arrythmia and neuroticism on stress related presleep arousalTonic respiratory sinus arrhythmia; Presleep arousal2010thesis
3 Baron, Carolynne E.Relationship partner social behavior and patient cpap adherence: the role of autonomy support2018dissertation
4 Cribbet, Matthew R.Resting respiratory sinus arrhythmia is associated with affective responses to romantic partner interactions in daily lifeArrhythimia; Intimacy (Psychology); Interpersonal relations - Psychological aspects2013-12dissertation
5 Story, Trent NathanA comparison of fixation and fractal measures of eye movement when viewing pictures with affective valenceAffect; eye movement; fixations; fractals2016dissertation
6 Franchow, Emilie IreneAccounting for the deleterious effects of naturally occuring affect suppression in the assessment of executive functioning: a proof of concept studyCognitive control; Depletion; Emotion regulation; Neuropsychological testing; Self-regulation; Situational factors2013-08thesis
7 Turner, Sara L.Daily sleep quality and type 1 diabetes management in emerging adults: a dynamical systems examination2019dissertation
8 Adamo, ColinAnalysis of advanced methodology for the study of relationship conflict in naturalistic settingsRelationship conflict; interpersonal interactions; romantic partners; incompatible goals2019thesis
9 Mazur, DominikaStereotype threat and affirmation: the interactive effect of domain and gender identification, and different types of affirmation on women's math performanceGroup affirmation; Group identification; Performance; Self affirmation; Social identity threat; Stereotype threat2011-12thesis
10 Montour, Ty Lee HerbertEvent-related potential and oscillatory correlates of chronometric task performance: individual differences in anticipatory processes predict higher cognitive ability2018thesis
11 Medeiros-Ward, NathanHierarchical control and drivingAttention; Complex skill; Distracted driving; Hierarchical control; Multitasking2013-08dissertation
12 Bournce, Stacia V.More and less guilt-prone children's distress changes differently when they narrate harmdoings, according to some but not all indicators of distressDevelopmental psychology; Psychology; Personality psychology2018dissertation
13 Weeks, Trisha L. T."I'll always be that awkward one": How mothers and adolescents jointly construct adolescent selves in conversationadolescent development; conversation; Identity; maternal scaffolding; narrative construction2013-05dissertation
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