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AuthorTitleSubjectDatePublication Type
1 Pedersen, LouiseSpatial Injustice2022dissertation
2 Aoki, Vincent WayneCharacterization of human sperm protamine deficiency and the implications for human male infertilityEtiology2005-12dissertation
3 Gomez, Marcella HurtadoCurriculum-based family intervention programs: meeting the needs of the Latinos in the U.S.Family intervention; Intervention programs; Latino families2011-12dissertation
4 Matthews, Lucas JohnOn mechanistic reasoning in evolutionary biologyevolution; explanation; mechanism; natural selection; phylogenetics; population genetics2016dissertation
5 Ye, ZhizhouThioredoxin-interacting protein acts as a metabolic checkpoint for coordinated cell growthMolecular biology; Oncology2018dissertation
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