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AuthorTitleSubjectDatePublication Type
1 Matthews, Lucas JohnOn mechanistic reasoning in evolutionary biologyevolution; explanation; mechanism; natural selection; phylogenetics; population genetics2016dissertation
2 Tyndale, Elsie HonnA study of the philosophical proofs of the existence of GodGod; Proof1911thesis
3 Pedersen, LouiseBreaking the "armored ceiling": women in combat positions and the ontology of gendercombat; gender; masculinity; military; ontology; women2016thesis
4 Piotrowska, Monika WiktoriaPart-humans: how human are they and does it matter?Bioengineering; Biotechnology; Chimera; Human-nonhuman; Identity; Part-human2011-08dissertation
5 Pedersen, LouiseSpatial Injustice2022dissertation
6 Molter, Daniel JamesBiological individuality in fungi2019dissertation
7 Greetis, Edward AndrewGlobal Justice: An defense of institutional cosmopolitanism2019dissertation
8 Hermon, Michael WayneTruth is expendable: foundations for an empirically informed philosophy of testimonyEpistemology; Signaling theory; Social epistemology; Social psychology; Testimony2011-08dissertation
9 Madsen, Truman GrantThe ethics of William JamesEthics; William James philosophy; Literature1951thesis
10 Wilson, Michael B.The psychological construction of racePhilosophy of Science; Social psychology; Cognitive psychology2017dissertation
11 Booher, Troy L.Theory's limits: philosophy and the lawConstitution; Free will; Interpretation; Originalism; Religion; Speech2010-08dissertation
12 Nelson, Ryan HummelUnderstanding autism: disorder, disability, and diversity2019dissertation
13 Vaughn, AnnaMaking sense of the molyneux problem: a defense of lockeCommon Sensibles; Judgment; Locke; Molyneux Problem; Perception; Resemblance2016dissertation
14 Stoehr, Tyler StevenDo you have reasons for your reasons? An attempt to make nihilism an attractive alternative to theories of practical reasonPractical reason; Nihilism2009-05-06thesis
15 Lewis, Colin JosephRitual and moral education: a confucian contributionCognitive Science; Comparative Philosophy; Confucianism; Education; Ethics; Moral Psychology2017dissertation
16 Warriner, Jennifer AnneDifficult choices: autonomy and the liberal stateAutonomy; Liberalism; Socio-relational autonomy; Will kymlicka2014-05dissertation
17 Askren, Russell WayneLiberalism and borders: finding moral consensus in the open borders debateBorders; Global justice; Immigration; Liberalism2012-08dissertation
18 Liu, YangXunzi and trust in moral testimonyMoral expertise; Moral testimony; Social institutions; Trust; Xunzi2013-12thesis
19 Cross, Gary PaulThe effects of belief systems and the amount of debate experience on the acquisition of critical thinking.Debates and debating; Thought and thinking1971dissertation
20 Germane, Kimball RichardDemand Environment analysis of higher-order languages2018dissertation
21 Figueroa, RichardThe causal efficacy of conservation actions for preserving the short-term evolvability of wild popluationsPhilosophy of Science; Conservation biology; Evolution and Development2017thesis
22 Gomez, Marcella HurtadoCurriculum-based family intervention programs: meeting the needs of the Latinos in the U.S.Family intervention; Intervention programs; Latino families2011-12dissertation
23 Anderson, JackPractical reason and the economic account of choice: an examination and defense of the possibility of choosing via trimodal comparisonsPhilosophy, religion and theology; Constitutive objection to comparability; Thesis of comparability; Utility theory2016dissertation
24 Hudgins, Charles GordonA relational approach to the moral value of privacyAutonomy; Internet; Privacy; Relational autonomy2013-08dissertation
25 Ray, Keisha ShantelJustice in health care: beyond the treatment/enhancement distinctionEquality - Health aspects; Medical policy - Social aspects2013-08dissertation
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